Chapter 45

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"Matt." Elena frowns a little as she opens the door.

"Elena." Matt greets, sending Elena an awkward half-smile. "How are you?" He felt like hitting himself for his tactlessness but there was no use now the words had already left his mouth.

"What do you think?" Elena snaps, folding her arms in front of her chest. She couldn't believe the nerve of Matt to ask her how she was doing, she was being used as a blood bag with her expiration date already determined. Unless any of her former friends came with an escape plan they were of little use to her.

Bonnie hadn't exchanged a single word with Elena when sealing her inside her home. Elena had tried to coax Bonnie into helping her instead of Niklaus by rambling about their past friendship but the witch had been indifferent, which amused Niklaus thoroughly.

Elena had hoped on a visit from one of the Salvatores but neither of them had shown their faces so far. It was pretty clear to Elena that they too had abandoned her.

"I'm sorry." Matt mutters. Recollecting himself he holds out the basket with various care items Caroline had composed. Despite choosing not to aid Elena, the blonde had wanted to make Elena's last days a bit more comfortable by treating her to her favorite bath and skin products. Unlike Matt, Caroline didn't want to visit Elena, not wanting to make things more difficult for herself. "Caroline got you this-"

"And where is Caroline? Not here. Just like Bonnie, Stefan, Damon! And you know why? Because of the Mikaelsons! The enemy you've all decided to side with! Just leave me alone!" Elena rambles heatedly before slamming the front door shut. It was time for yet another blood-draining session and she didn't want to talk to anyone unless they were trying to get her out of the hell that was her own home.

Matt blinks at the door that was just slammed in his face, not sure if he should try again. After a minute of contemplating he decides to take his loss and return the basket to Caroline, perhaps she knew what to do with it.

• • •

"Elskan." Elijah strides up to his mate who looked ready to head out.

"Oh hi, 'Lijah." Luna turns around to face him, smiling up at him while fumbling a little with her keys. She might have protested Niklaus's offer to buy her another car during the dinner party, but she did love the vehicle he got her, especially the seat warmers were appreciated during these colder months.

"Where were you going?" Elijah asks as calmly as he could, not wanting to make his concern audible. It had been less than 24 hours since his mate had been taken from him and he'd rather keep a close eye on her.

"I wanted to go to the grill Check in how everyone's doing after-" Luna replies before getting cut off by Elijah who started to gently tug at her arm to guide her away from the door.

"No need for that dearest." Elijah replies smoothly, taking Luna's keys from her hand as well as her shoulder bag. "They can come here, doesn't that sound better, hmm?" Elijah coaxes.

"I guess... but I think it's unnecessary to let everyone drive here." Luna replies while halting her walking, growing a little annoyed that Elijah already seemed to have decided for her instead of discussing it like two adults.

"I am certain they are more than willing to take the journey." Elijah promises, a slight tilt of impatience in his voice. If Luna kept throwing glances at the door he might have to throw her over his shoulder. He was confident he could persuade the teenagers to come over per Luna's request, if not, there was always the option of disembowelment.

"Alright." Luna agrees reluctantly.

"Come now, Elskan. Finn notified me that he would like to try that new recipe with you." Elijah hums, hoping to avoid further discussion. If his attempt to persuade Luna with the prospect of baking didn't work he could try the sex route, as Niklaus had done in the past.

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