Chapter 25

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A/N:Hello, my lovely readers,I want to thank you all so much for taking the time to read my little work. Also thank you for sharing your thoughts with me and letting me know you enjoy it, it is a great motivation for me.I hope you enjoyed this chapter.Lots of love,Feel free to check out any of my other stories if you enjoy this one :).

"Was everything alright?" The waitress asks as she grabs the empty plates.

"Vivian, you were so right. The extra bacon was perfect. And your service was splendid!" Luna compliments, beaming up at the waitress. "Damon, be sure to leave the nice lady a generous tip." Luna urges.

"You're such a sweetheart. Let me get you some pie, on the house." The waitress winks at Luna before returning to the kitchen.

"Sweetheart? You slammed my face against the steering wheel." Damon hisses, glaring at Luna.

"Did you just flirt yourself a piece of pie?" Stefan asks simultaneously.

Luna merely shrugs, not knowing if they really wanted an answer.

"Why am I here?" Damon groans.

"You're the one who kidnapped me... remember?" Luna asks, not sure if Damon could really be this dense.

"Yes, and I regret it immensely..."

"Aww, look at you showing remorse. That's what I call character growth." Luna deadpans.

"Alright, you've had your coffee and you've been fed." Damons starts, lifting himself out of his seat and taking a seat in the booth beside Luna, blocking her only exit. "Tell me, why are you so important to a bunch of immortals?"

Luna shuffles towards the wall, trying to create some distance between her and Damon.

"I could, but I'm more interested in hearing your theories." Luna replies.

"I think you're some sort of girlfriend. I've seen the way they treat you, like they actually care." Damon replies, sounding a little accusing. The time he had spent with the Mikaelsons they were anything but sustainable towards human lives, especially Niklaus.

"You noticed that? How impressive." Luna retorts, rolling her eyes. With all the snuffling and cuddling of the Mikaelsons men, she didn't think it was strange if half of Mystic Falls realized they were dating by now. Except at the party, the Mikaelsons hadn't exactly held back with their displays of affection.

"Well? Don't keep me waiting." Damon says, leaning forward, making Luna press herself against the wall, looking uncomfortable with being this close to the vampire.

"Please go and brush your fangs." Luna snaps as she slaps her hand onto Damon's face, pushing him back with her palm. Luna was perfectly fine with her mates being up in her face or even Rebekah, but Damon hadn't exactly earned that privilege.

"You're interrogation skills are a bit rusty, Damon." Stefan remarks looking amused at his brother's displeased face.

"Here you go, dearie." The waitress places a big slice of pie in front of Luna, while suspiciously eyeing Damon.

Damon gave the waitress a friendly smile, but she seemed as impressed as Luna had been.

"Thank you so much." Luna smiles at the woman, immediately digging in. Dealing with two Salvatores made her hungry.

"Okay, if you're not going to tell me, we'll just wait for the vervain to be out of your system." Damon shrugs. "Ooh, I've come up with another theory in the meantime. You're not dating any of them, no you are the booty call. The hybrids chew toy for when he gets bored." Damon snaps his fingers, this movement contributed to his act. He knew this woman was anything but a booty call, but angering her might prompt some useful information out of her.

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