Chapter 24

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"This is my bed! Why am I the one getting pushed out of it?!" Finn looks indignantly up at Elijah's smug face, which was pressed in the crook of Luna's neck.

"Shut up, you'll wake Luna!" Kol replies, glaring at his older brother, not at all worrying about the volume of his voice.

"You shut up, Kol!" Finn retorts, glaring at his youngest brother. This was supposed to be his night with his mate, but of course, his little brothers had to come in and ruin their alone time.

"Both of you shut up!" Niklaus grumbles, throwing a stray pillow in Kol's face.

In response to this, Kol kicks Niklaus off the bed. Niklaus lands with a thud on the floor, ungracefully faceplanting the rug.

Elijah snickers at Niklaus's sputtering while pushing his nose further against Luna's throat. His arms tightened a little around his mate, a gesture of pure possessiveness.

"What did I do to deserve that?" Niklaus groans, rubbing his nose.

"I don't know, Nikkie. Maybe locking us in boxes has something to do with it?" Kol replies, grinning at his brother.

"Honestly, how long are you going to use that against me?" Niklaus rolls his eyes, propping himself up on his elbows.

"As long as you have kept me daggered, so another 300 years or so." Kol fires back.

"Try 900." Finn deadpans, scrambling back to his feet.

Luna blinks her eyes open. She stares at the ceiling for a moment before lifting her head to see the source of the commotion.

"Nik? What are you doing on the floor?" Luna asks, looking confusedly at the hybrid.

"Ask Elijah and Kol." Niklaus grumbles, looking thoroughly annoyed.

Luna turns to face Elijah, lifting one eyebrow in question.

Elijah in return gives Luna an innocent grin. "Goodmorning, Elskan." Elijah places a kiss on Luna's temple, nuzzling lazily.

"Morning, Angel." Kol chirps, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"Goodmorning" Luna replies simply. She relaxes in Elijah's hold, willingly enduring his nosing.

"Tonight someone else can sleep at the foot of the bed." Niklaus decides, getting up from the floor and stretching his back with a groan.

"I still can't you believe you did that, but you were drunk... so I guess that-wait what?" Luna looks at Niklaus, hoping she misheard him. "No, no people sleeping on bed ends. This was a one-time thing." Luna says, waving her hand around to emphasize the bizarreness of the situation. The bed was way too small. If they insisted on having a sleepover, they would do so in the living room, like normal teenage girls.

"What-why?" Kol asks, looking a little put out at this mate's objection.

"Wow, those abandonment issues are really shining through." Luna mutters while shaking her head. "You're big boys, you can sleep in your own beds."

"I forgot how mean you can be before your coffee." Kol pouts.

• • •

"Morning, Bekah." Luna greets cheerfully upon seeing the blonde almost inhaling the stack of pancakes before her.

All of the Mikaelsons were seated at the dinner table. After Luna had kicked all of the Mikaelson men out of Finn's room, even Finn, she had taken her sweet time to get ready. Luna had bathed extensively and used several bath oils, presumably left behind by Finn. After half an hour of digging through her closet for something casual to wear, she finally made her way down, feeling energized and ready to tackle the day.

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