Chapter 76

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"Ta-da!" Kol dramatically pulls the tea towel away, nearly knocking the chimney off the gingerbread house in his enthusiasm. Once the tea towel is on the floor, he continues making dramatic hand gestures, as if presenting the outcome of a magic trick.

"It's... umm." Alaric narrows his eyes a little, in search of fitting feedback that wouldn't result in him getting his head ripped off. "Isn't it a bit small?"

"It is perfectly average!" Kol snaps at once.

"Size doesn't matter." Rebekah argues at once before sending Damon a sardonic look. "As long as you know what to do with it, right?"

"What are you looking at me for?!" Damon asks, looking thoroughly offended at the blonde's implication.

"I disagree. Go big or go home." Bonnie shrugs, dusting the last of the edible glitter off her apron.

"Please do the latter. Go home." Niklaus grits out, side-eyeing the witch.

"No, can't do. You need me." Bonnie argues.

"Hello?! Attention, please!" Damon complains before dramatically snapping his head in the direction of the judges. "Luna, despite us all knowing of your bias for the beanstalk-"

"Hold on!" Luna argues, hands raising and eyes darting across the room to the displeased faces of three of her mates. "I do not have bias, well not anymore. I mean, in the show Finn was severely mistreated, and in this life also, mostly... My point is, I do not have a bias anymore!" Luna glances between her mates once more, hoping she had avoided another argument between her mates.

"Whatever you say." Damon shrugs, not at all convinced. "What is your opinion on the presented gingerbread house?"

"It sure looks colorful." Luna supplies, her smile faltering a little upon taking a closer look at the baked dough. She seemed to recognize certain structures and colors that should probably not have been baked within the dough.

"Alright then, time for the taste test." Damon cheers.

"I'm not putting that in my mouth." Rebekah protests at once, firmly shoving her seat back to distance herself from the dessert.

"That's what she said." Luna mutters whilst reaching to break a small piece off the house. This results in the front of the house collapsing in on itself. She winces upon hearing Kol's disappointed moan.

"Oh look, it broke down, just like the Mikaelsons when Luna went missing for a few seconds." Enzo mumbles.

"If you must know, it was more than a few seconds! It was hours!" Niklaus snaps, glaring at the side of Enzo's head, daring him to ridicule him further. He was not above tossing the vampire into the nearest wall for bringing up the delicate subject that was Luna's kidnapping.

"That is... an interesting sensation." Alaric chokes out after managing to swallow his overenthusiastic bite. "How is it both crunchy and underbaked?"

"That must be the apple bits." Kol grins proudly. He eagerly looks at Luna, waiting for her praise.

"It takes a lot of skill to mess up gingerbread the way you did... but you managed it." Damon mutters.

"You're not supposed to influence the judges with your faulty opinion." Kol snaps, whacking Damon on the back of his head.

Damon grumbles something incoherent, rubbing the back of his head.

"Is it too late to switch teams?" Stefan groans, dragging a hand over his face in exasperation.

"Yes." Niklaus replies.

• • •

"Alright, the judges have refreshed themselves and are ready for the judgment of the second and final gingerbread house." Damon calls loudly. He wasn't going to mention how Matt had been throwing up for the past five minutes. Alaric still looked a little green around the nose, but perhaps that was the result of witnessing Matt's spell of vomiting.

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