Chapter 50

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Sexual content warning

"Finn! Stop that!" Rebekah whispers harshly at her brother as she sees him walking past her and Enzo for the third time with yet another plate stacked with food.

Finn halts and turns to look at his sisters and Enzo, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. His gaze goes to the plate he was holding and he carefully readjusts a piece of toast. "Stop what?" He finally asks as he looks back up.

"Stop stealing away unnecessary large amounts of food from the buffet." Rebekah sighs, walking up to Finn and taking the plate from his hands.

Finn frowns at his sister, not understanding why she minded. The food was there for a reason, to be eaten. "Luna wanted food."

"That's great, but I don't think she meant three plates of it." Rebekah deadpans. Before meeting her mate, she had feared she too would become a love-sick puppy like her brothers, but she had now realized that her brothers' idiocy has nothing to do with the soulmate bond but more with the fact they already were complete morons it is just that it is now amplified by their love infested brains.

Finn narrows his eyes at Enzo, who grabs a grape from the plate Rebekah was now holding. He was almost inclined to slap the vampire's hand away. "She likes variety."

"There is no way Luna will want three plates of food, Finn." Rebekah takes a step back as Finn tries to take the plate back from her grip.

Finn lets out an annoyed huff at his sister, she made his duty of taking care of Luna unnecessarily difficult. With a last scowl he storms off to find Luna, empty-handed.

• • •

"Definitely Damon!" Bonnie mutters, rolling her eyes.

"No way, my money is on Kol." Caroline laughs while looking at the men who had been bickering outside. Wild hand gestures and angry looks were being thrown around like confetti. It had started out as a nice relaxing stroll outside, allowing the women and Jeremy to chat a little, but it had soon turned into a chaotic mess, which was usually what happened when you put the Salvatores and Mikaelsons together.

"I should be slightly insulted that you think so low of my mate, but you are probably right." Luna shrugs, not at all offended by the blonde. She knew her childish and temperamental mates long enough to know they were not above disturbing a funeral. She lets out a chuckle as she sees both Stefan and Alaric shaking their head in exasperation. "What about Stefan?"

"No way, he is basically your mental support animal by now." Rebekah snickers. "He would do anything to avoid you having an aneurysm."

"That's nice to know." Luna chirps.

"We were wrong." Bonnie scowls. She really shouldn't have expected better from the hybrid.

"They do know it's a funeral right?" Jeremy groans, shaking his head in disbelief.

Luna winces as she sees Niklaus shoving Damon harshly to the floor. The vampire retaliates by tripping the hybrid, making him fall flat on his face. "I think those Original reflexes are malfunctioning."

"They have been malfunctioning for a while now, along with their brains." Rebekah groans. Luna was the greatest thing that could have happened to their family but her appearance had turned her brothers into even bigger idiots than before.

"Ten dollars say it was another inappropriate dog joke." Caroline deadpans, watching amusedly as Kol starts to encourage with big arm gestures, she can't decipher who exactly he is cheering on, the hybrid or the vampire.

"Ten dollars say it was a pregnancy comment." Rebekah adds, gulping down the contents of her glass. She rolls her eyes as she sees her mate getting dragged into the fight, it was inevitable.

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