Chapter 33

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Sexual content warning

"Elena, seriously what is your problem? Our feud with the Mikaelsons is over, we can all live in peace and even Jeremy can come back home, yet here you are making problems where there aren't any!" Bonnie snaps impatiently, turning away from the dresser to shoot Elena an annoyed look. The doppelganger had been complaining to her and Caroline for the past half hours.

At lunch, Elena had tried her best to stay civil, only to not get mauled by Rebekah, but now she was able to ramble away and she expected full support from her friends. Elena couldn't grasp the idea that the Mikaelsons could find love or even deserved it at all.

"Is it really over? How long until they change their mind and just kill us?" Elena asks in an indignant tone, getting up from the bed to pace in front of it. This subject made her fidgety. The idea that the Mikaelsons could burst through the door (not literally seeing as they haven't been invited in) at any given moment was terrifying. "What if Luna decides we're not worth keeping alive anymore? You do realize she could have us all killed, right? They are all doing her bidding, it's ridiculous!" Elena exclaims, crossing her arms. In her eyes, Luna was the entire problem in this situation. Elena shifts her gaze to Caroline, who had been silently painting her nails.

During the last few days, they often argued, especially Bonnie and Elena. This was usually due to something Elena said that Bonnie disagreed with. Caroline had often agreed with Bonnie, but she didn't want to hurt Elena by taking sides.

"Elena, stop talking about her like that! And 'worth keeping alive' they don't want anything from us, besides us notattacking them." Carolin comments, while shooting Elena a semi apologetic look. She didn't want to hurt Elena, but she also wanted to make clear that she needed to drop the subject.

"And you really believe that, Care? You're forgetting about the part where Klaus still needs my blood for his hybrids." Elena points out, looking expectantly at her friend.

"He does need your blood, which is all the more reason for him to not kill you. You agreed to make a blood donation once a month and in exchange he lets you live in peace and doesn't kill any of your loved ones. That sounds like a fair deal." Bonnie shrugs. Her demeanor was a lot calmer than she was feeling. She didn't see the problem, Niklaus could have done far worse to Elena, like what had happened to Katherine. Elena had done far worse than Katherine, she had plotted, betrayed, and deceived the Mikaelsons, yet she is offered her freedom.

"So I get to be a blood bag for the rest of my life and rely on Luna's charitable mood?" Elena hisses, this had not been the support she had hoped for.

"Yes, you do. That's the food chain, we can't change it, Elena. You get to live, be grateful." Bonnie retorts, not understanding Elena's inability to accept the cards she had been dealt. Bonnie had endured plenty of crappy events these past few years, most of it at the hands of her friends.

Bonnie thinks back to the conversation she had with Luna and Stefan during the dinner party. She had admitted that although she hated to see her friends suffer, she sometimes went too far to aid them. How she had hurt herself in favor of them, how she had let them use her magic for purposes that didn't even benefit herself. These facts only fuel Bonnie's anger and without another word, she storms out, leaving the other girls in stunned silence.

• • •

"Did you have to invite them for supper?" Niklaus grumbles in Luna's neck while hugging her from behind. He had announced his arrival this time, preferring not to get a knife between his ribs or another red-hot frying pan in his face. As soon as Luna had greeted him, he'd put his arms around her, unwilling to let go of her no matter how much she complained she couldn't cook like that. He had grunted slightly and said she was perfectly able to stir a pan while he hugged her. With a sigh, Luna had given in.

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