Chapter 7

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"Good morning, Elskan ."

Elijah had noticed the increasing heartbeat from his mate and knew she would wake shortly. He had been silently watching Luna sleep for about an hour.

Elijah and Luna's legs were slightly intertwined. She had subconsciously grabbed onto one of his forearms to replace the stuffed animal from earlier, which now laid abandoned on the foot of the bed.

Elijah studies Finn's face for a moment.

He laid curled around Luna with one of his arms wrapped around her waist, holding her close. He seems happy. Surely, this was due to his close proximity to Luna. Seeing Finn's relaxed demeanor filled Elijah with a sense of joy. After so many years of conflict amongst his siblings, they're finally able to live in harmony with each other. Something he had always longed for.

Elijah was amazed that he had not been kicked once that night. Judging by Rebekah her many protests yesterday, he had expected the worst.

But his mate was strangely calm in her unconscious state.

His mate. The mate he would have to share with his brothers. He still did not like this scenario. He has waited on her for ages and finding out he would have to share her seemed like a cruel joke to him. However, this unexpected twist would not stop him from giving her everything she wanted. He would give her the moon if that was what she desired.

Elijah frowns as he thinks about the downside of their situation.

Being a partner of an Original was a great danger in itself, let alone four of them. They were the most powerful and feared family in the supernatural world, but they also have a lot of enemies.

He wonders if they should even go back, he did not want to expose Luna to unnecessary danger and suffering. But he also knew that they, the Originals, did not belong in this world. He and his siblings still wore the same faces as a bunch of actors. What if they left Luna here? Would she not be safer here? He quickly shook the ominous thoughts away. He and his brothers were far too selfish to actually do that.

Luna opens her eyes and looks straight into Elijah's eyes. Just like the previous morning, Luna is startled to see yet another Mikaelson in her bed.

She had forgotten that she had invited the Original into her bed.

She quickly shuffles her body back.

"Goodmorning, my love." Finn's deep voice came from behind her.

She froze in shock as she felt his arm curl even tighter around her waist.

Both men chuckle at her shocked reaction.

Luna feels the familiar flush creep across her cheeks. She squirms lightly in Finn's grasp, trying to create an appropriate distance between them, but in vain, Finn's hold is adamant.

"You might want to stop squirming, my love." Finn purrs softly, already nosing and nipping at her neck.

Finn's words caused her cheeks to burn even more. Luna finally realizes the situation she was in. This was bad, very bad. She was in bed with two Originals, back pressed against one, being stared at by the other, with no escape route. She quickly casts her eyes down in embarrassment, Elijah's gaze way too intimidating this early.

"Luna! Whatever you're doing, stop it!" Rebekah's shouting disrupted the tense silence. "Finn, keep it in your pants! I do not need to hear this at 7 in the morning, or hear this at all!" She continues while loudly groaning in disgust and irritation.

On hearing his sister, Finn let out an exasperated growl and Luna sees Elijah roll his eyes.

"Be-bekah?" Luna mumbles as she turns in Finn's arms, gazing bleary-eyed at the bedroom door, which was closed. She hopes dearly that the screams were part of her vivid imagination.

Lovely • Mikaelsons mate (Currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now