Chapter 68

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The Mikaelson men, Luna, and the Salvatores had taken a small break from bickering and Christmas preparations and were all busying themselves with activities of their choosing, waiting for the arrival of the remainder of the Mystic Falls gang.

A knock interrupted the pleasant atmosphere, making multiple heads pop up curiously, seeing as no one knocked when visiting the Mikaelsons or Luna.

"My cat hats!" Luna cheers, believing the polite person behind the closed door to be mailman Tim. She and Kol had rediscovered the expensive hobby that was online shopping for miscellaneous items, which resulted in a steady stream of packages being delivered to the mansion and regular visits from the local mailman.

Last week, Luna had found Christmas hats for her cats and decided that her life and those of her cats would be incomplete if she didn't possess those.

"I'll get it." Finn offers, making a calming gesture to his mate, who was about to get up from the couch and would most likely trip in her enthusiasm. He drops a kiss on her temple before rising to his feet.

"Oh, you're not my cat hats." Luna comments when seeing Finn reenter the living room, followed by Hayley.

Hayley awkwardly lifts her hand, giving a small wave, and remains at the entrance of the living room. She was hesitant at approaching the human, especially when her eyes roamed the room and landed on the hybrid standing behind Luna, his eyes tinting gold for a second.

Damon turns his head to see what Hayley was looking at. "Don't worry, he's very friendly. All bark and no bite." The vampire seems to contemplate something for a moment before grinning triumphantly, happy with his own cleverness. "Unless your name is Luna, of course."

Niklaus speedily grabs the nearest book from the shelf and flings it at Damon's head. With a little more force, he could have beheaded the vampire. Damon owed his survival to Niklaus's reluctance to clean the mess the execution would leave behind.

"Never mind." Damon mutters from his position on the floor, rubbing his head.

Hayley simply gapes at the casual display of violence, eyes darting between the two supernatural beings and Luna, who didn't seem surprised by any of this.

Damon sits up and grabs the book, glaring at the cloth bound cover. "What is it with you guys and throwing bibles? Why do you even possess a bible, aren't you guys the last people to seek redemption?"

"For a bit of light reading." Elijah offers when stepping over Damon's sprawled out legs to reach Luna. Although his mate's concerns about Hayley had somewhat been eased, he still wanted to emphasize how he was only interested in her.

Luna puts her book aside and happily crawls onto Elijah's lap, into his awaiting arms. She rearranges her blanket to cover both their legs and lets out a content sigh.

Niklaus rolls his eyes at his brother's insistence, and takes a seat beside the couple, eyes carefully trained on the intruder in his home.

"Take a seat, Hayley." Luna offers, taking pity on the girl, who still seemed unsure of approaching the living area further. "Would you like anything to drink? Or eat perhaps?"

"Water is fine."

"Damon, why don't you fetch some water for our guest." Niklaus calls, lip curled slightly in irritation.

"Why me?" Damon huffs indignantly while jumping back to his feet.

"You insist on pretending this is your home, might as well see to our guest's needs."

"Fine." Damon grumbles before speeding off.

Luna cringes a little upon hearing the unnecessarily loud slamming of cupboard doors.

Lovely • Mikaelsons mate (Currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now