Chapter 6

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Luna's shift seemed to last forever, the customers were obnoxious, she got harassed by drunks, and was constantly worried about the Mikaelsons. Until now, she could keep an eye on them and bring them back into line when necessary. Now that she was gone, Elijah would have to return to his parental role.

She was especially anxious about the youngest three. They were known for their short tempers and weren't above starting a fight, just for the heck of it. Finn and Elijah were more mature, but they could also give in to their childish sides, especially when provoked by the others. After all, it was not difficult to piss them off.

She marvels at how quickly she got used to the bizarre situation. She didn't even know the Mikaelsons 24 hours ago, and now she couldn't even go a few hours without missing them.

She was somewhat concerned about the physical contact with the brothers. She couldn't remember the Mikaelsons being this touchy and clingy in the tv show. She didn't find their touches annoying or irritating, but 24 hours ago she would have been severely uncomfortable with a man even touching her hand, and now she sat comfortably on one of the brothers' lap and willingly allowed them to scent her neck. It felt so natural and it seemed to make them happy, which in turn made her happy.

Besides the touching, they were also strangely possessive. She frowns as she remembers the clothing incident. It irritates her that the Mikaelsons think they have a say in things like the way she dresses. Although Kol had not entered the discussion, she was almost certain that he had agreed with his siblings. Otherwise, he would have taken her side.

Yes, she was a little more exposed than usual and her motive for this wasn't exactly innocent, but it was still her choice. But she could also understand that they were interfering out of concern.

Should she be angry at the interference, or happy that they worried about her? And why were they so worried for her? These questions and others raced through her mind.

• • •

With tired legs, Luna stumbles to her front door, she had convinced her boss that she wasn't feeling well and was allowed to go home early. She normally didn't lie but she really wanted to return home.

Before she could put her key in the lock, the door was thrown wide open.

"You are back!" Kol cries happily and he barrels into his mate, squeezing her into a tight hug.

Luna was almost thrown to the ground by Kol and the air was forced out of her lungs. She quickly grabs onto the torso to keep from falling over.

"I was so bored, my siblings are just awful!" He puts his face in the crook of her neck, complaining while nosing at her jugular.

Luna giggles at this remark and pats his back clumsily. She squirms slightly, trying to get free from his tight grip because the air shortage became quite acute.

After Kol had been able to sniff her neck extensively, he lets his grip around her torso slacken and rests his arms around her waist, nose still pressed against her jugular.

Luna gratefully takes in a big breath. "It's like having a puppy." she mumbles and smiles gently while instinctively brushing her hand through his hair. Kol purrs imperceptibly at her comment and gently nips at her throat in retaliation and pulls back.

Luna was about to make a comment about the minor throat assault but stops when she sees Kol's mouth. It was covered in a red substance and she hoped it was strawberry jam. "Is-is that blood?"

"No?" Kol raises his eyebrows in an attempt to look innocent. He mentally curses himself for not cleaning his face before greeting her. Horror dawned on him, Luna was in for an unpleasant surprise. He and his siblings didn't expect her back home this early and were probably still participating in their recreational activities.

Lovely • Mikaelsons mate (Currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now