Chapter 13

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Luna blinks her eyes open, confused to feel something move beneath her. Glancing around the room she sees how the Mikaelson men were sprawled out on the mattresses on the floor, Rebekah had remained on the couch.

The Mikaelsons and Luna had kept chatting downstairs. Eventually, Luna fell asleep around five in the morning. The Mikaelsons continued to chat softly about all that was to come in the upcoming days. They were excited to go home, although these enemy-free days had been nice, they were tired of hiding away. In addition, they wanted to get rid of their mother as soon as possible. Even Finn, the favorite, didn't want his mother near his mate, afraid she would try to harm Luna.

Turning her head she sees Kol, Luna giggles when she discovers some pink icing smudged on his cheek.

In need of her morning coffee, Luna wriggles herself free from his arms. While crawling over the unconscious bodies she accidentally kicks Elijah in his stomach. Distracted by his groan she stumbles over one of Niklaus' limbs and suddenly finds herself pulled on top of him, straddling him.

"Whoops," Luna smiles sheepishly down at the hybrid, who was smiling amusedly at her clumsiness.

"Good morning my little darling" Niklaus rumbles softly, gently clasping her hands in his. His inner animal was more than pleased to have a moment alone with her.

"Good morning Nik" Luna murmurs, blushing slightly while wiggling her fingers in his hold

"Have you slept well?" Niklaus gazes adoringly at her sleepy eyes and tousled hair.

"I have, thank you. I enjoyed our nighttime picnic." Luna smiles, gazing around at the other Mikaelsons. "Have you slept alright?"

Concern fills Luna's eyes, the Mikaelson men are pretty much piled on top of each other, which made her feel guilty seeing as she had slept perfectly comfortably on Kol's lap.

"It was alright. No need to be worried, love. As the Original hybrid, I can survive a few nights of discomfort." Niklaus teases, pressing a kiss to one of Luna's wrists.

Luna looks at Niklaus with a pained expression.

Niklaus seems to guess what her inner conflict is about. In an abrupt movement, he speeds them to the kitchen, Luna with her legs around his waist. He carefully places her on the counter and turns on the coffee machine.

He walks back to Luna, who is still sitting on the counter. He steps between her legs with a smirk, hands coming to rest on her thighs. He is about to lean in when he hears footsteps approaching. Retreating slightly he turns to see Rebekah.

"Ugh, I know your hormones are more severe than a pregnant lady, Nik. But please don't harass her where we prepare our food." Rebekah groans, while leaning against the doorframe. She glances with an almost bored expression at her friend and brother. She has found her brothers in more disgraceful positions in the past, but that didn't mean she wanted to see this first thing in the morning.

"I would never-" Luna stammers, cheeks turning pink. She tries to push Niklaus away, the last thing she wanted was for the rest of the Mikaelsons to find her in this compromising position.

"I would." Niklaus rumbles, leaning forward to nose at her neck.

• • •

Luna, now freshly showered and dressed, looks intrigued at the sight before her. Kol and Finn are flashing around in the kitchen, speeding towards different cupboards, now and then bumping into each other, which led to an exchange of grunts between the brothers.

Finn was a bit annoyed with Kol for entering his domain, but couldn't exactly scold him for trying to assist either. He had always been bothered with his youngest brother's reckless and childish behavior, but the last few days showed him that he himself could be less serious as well.

Lovely • Mikaelsons mate (Currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now