Chapter 63

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"I thought supermarkets were supposed to be everywhere in this day and age." Kol huffs whilst stomping behind Elijah, annoyed he had been assigned the task to gather breakfast this morning.

Luna had been willing to try the expired cans of ravioli in the cupboard, but none of her mates were thrilled with possibly poisoning her.

"Stop whining, Kol." Elijah scolds, determined not to let Kol return to their tent simply because he was annoyed.

Kol makes a face at Elijah's back before grinning, an idea forming in his head. "Elijah! Look it's Hayley!"

"I highly doubt it." Elijah replies dryly. He was determined not to let Kol's boredom slow them down any longer.

"I'm not joking, seriously! Look!"

Elijah halts in his step, lets his shoulders slump, and reluctantly turns around.

"Ha! I'm going to tell Luna that you looked!" Kol cheers aloud, mood improved immensely by Elijah's irritated expression.


Kol laughs loudly at Elijah's expanse and walks ahead, beyond pleased with himself. In his efforts to dodge Elijah, who flashed in front of him, he runs into a tree.

"Watch out for that tree, Kol." Elijah suggests mildly, a pleased smirk on his face at his little brother's misfortune.

"Thanks for the heads-up." Kol grumbles while rubbing his face.

• • •

"You need to be gentle." Finn mumbles, concentrating on the task at hand.

"I was gentle." Niklaus protests in a harsh whisper tone. He looks up from his lap to glare at his older brother.

"Clearly not." Finn sighs, noticing Luna's increased heartbeat, indicating she was about to wake.

"What are you doing?" Luna mumbles, half asleep. She peels an eye open, seeing Niklaus seated next to her on the air mattress. Luna had suggested that two of them could sleep on the bed in the cabin and another could sleep on the couch, but Elijah had given a long and dreary lecture about the dangers of sleeping in unfamiliar houses, thus making all of them sleep outside in the cold instead of the heated cabin.

"Braiding your hair." Finn hums, finishing up the left side of Luna's head, a pleased smile gracing his features.

"Oh, that's not unusual." Luna yawns before patting the left side of her head, not making much sense of what she was feeling. Although she hadn't expected any of the Mikaelson men to know how to braid, she appreciated their efforts, finding it endearing really.

"Just wait until you see the braid Niklaus has done."

Niklaus rolls his eyes at Finn's remark and calmly completes his side. "Some people don't appreciate creativity." Niklaus shrugs before bending over to press a kiss to Luna's nose. "Good morning, little love."

"Good morning, Nik, Finn." Luna replies, burying herself further into the sleeping bag. She enjoyed camping, but the cold wasn't as fun. "Where are Kol and 'Lijah?"

"Searching for breakfast."

"Another duck?" Luna groans at the prospect.

"I promise you, when we are home, I will cook you a feast, and you will never have to eat duck for breakfast again." Finn assures whilst shooting Luna an apologetic smile.

"It's alright, but next time I will be the one packing food for the trip." Luna grins.

"Next time? Oh no, we are never doing this again. Next time it will be a deluxe hotel suite with 24-hour room service." Niklaus sniffs haughtily.

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