Chapter 67

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A/N:A bit of a shorter chapter with some Mikaelsons family time. Next chapter will be the big brainstorm thing and a lot of things will be discussed, so it will be a bit of an info-dump :).I did wonder what the overall opinions are on the Trinity (Tristan, Lucien, Aurora). I am now half-way through season three of The Originals and I do not like them very much, but they do have nice workable personalities. Please do let me know what you guys think :)I hope you guys have a nice week ahead of you.Lots of love,

"Where's Finn?" Luna asks, looking around the living room whilst rubbing one of her eyes with her fist. She had just woken up and was surprised to see most of the inhabitants of the mansion already dressed and gathered in the living room.

"Losing his marbles over the state of the kitchen." Niklaus mumbles, nuzzling Luna's neck contently. She was still on his lap, a fact Niklaus had rubbed vigorously in Kol's face. They had all heard the eldest Mikaelson bustling around the kitchen, grumbling under his breath about bad-mannered vampires.

Luna lets out a startled sound, not expecting the comfortable lump beneath her to move and talk. She relaxes once more and nods a little, she had seen only a glimpse of the kitchen last night and didn't want to imagine what the inside of the pantry must look like. "Oh, and where's Jeremy?"

"Elena's stupid memorial thing." Kol huffs, arms crossed and still glaring at Elijah. The older vampire had been reprimanding him for the past half an hour before Luna awoke about being too noisily in the morning. Kol resented Elijah's accusations, seeing as Finn had been slamming kitchen cupboards all morning.

With all the excitement that was going on with Christmas around the corner and the whole camping fiasco, they had almost forgotten that the town was organizing a memorial service for Elena, just like they had done so for Tyler.

The Mikaelson men weren't sure if Luna had wanted to attend, but all believed it to be best to let her sleep in. There was no need for their mate to be surrounded by grieving people, seeing as it would surely make her sense of guilt flare up once more.

"Oh." Luna furrows her brow. "Should I bake another cake?"

"No need, I think he's aware of your grievances towards his sister's passing." Elijah offers kindly.

Rebekah clears her throat, noticing her friend's discomfort, she decides it is best to change the subject. "So you went on a camping trip to find werewolves, only to have killed them all instead of turned?"

She wasn't surprised to hear things hadn't gone according to plan, seeing as this was rarely the case when it involved her moronic brothers, but she still had some level of expectation. In her opinion, it would have been just as productive if her family had stayed home, it would have also prevented the multiple headaches she had suffered.

"Yes pretty much." Luna replies, she bends over to pluck one of her cats from the floor and places it on her lap, lovingly stroking it.

"That sounds rather unproductive." Enzo concludes, looking up from the book he had been reading. He had spent the morning trying to drown out the bickering of the supposedly adult Mikaelsons.

"No need to rub it in, Crumpet." Kol grumbles and rolls his eyes when he sees Rebekah's exasperated expression. He stomps over to the couch to plop himself down onto the ground in front of Luna. From this position he was closer to his mate while still able to glare at Elijah.

"Are you quite finished?" Enzo deadpans. He had seen Kol's explosive mood this morning during Elijah's lecture and thought it best not to push Kol too much, but that didn't mean he would let Kol continue his belittlement.

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