Chapter 69

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Sexual content warning (I had to, chapter 69... get it?)

"I was thinking," Luna prompts, breaking the silence. "When you are all off taking care of those bad vampires and protecting Mystic Falls in a few weeks... I should be able to protect myself and the cats."

After much grumbling and some light protesting, Luna managed to convince her mates to let the Salvatores and Alaric join in on the festive preparations. Niklaus had swiftly assigned the three adult men various time-consuming tasks he did not fancy doing himself.

She and Jeremy were threading chains with peanuts. They would hang these in the big Christmas tree in front of the mansion so that the birds could eat it empty.

The other residents were lounging around, taking a well-deserved break after finally cleaning up all the glitter that had been wasted by Kol.

Kol halts his nosing, having successfully claimed Luna as a cuddle buddy for the afternoon. "From what exactly will you be protecting yourself?"

"You will remain inside the mansion, right?" Elijah inquires as well, eyes narrowing a little in suspicion. He was all too familiar with his mate's innocently widened gaze.

Luna carefully puts down the needle she had been using, having already stabbed herself in her finger twice. "Yeah- but I think I would be a lot safer if I could have, like, a cool crossbow or a gun-"

"No." Rebekah replies before any of her brothers could. She could handle Luna with a bat, and could at best tolerate the concept of her friend handling the knife in a fight, but a crossbow was simply too much. Her friend had the tendency to break things in her enthusiasm, and the idea of being accidentally shot didn't seem particularly pleasant to the blonde.

"But, I have several reasons why this would be a great idea." Luna objects after shooting her friend a glare, best friends were supposed to back each other up.

Rebekah rolls her eyes.

"One, I would look very badass. Two, every woman should learn how to handle a crossbow in her lifetime, if only for bragging rights. Three-"

"Luna, dear, you are the love of my life, but you are not getting a gun." Niklaus decides. He, too, feared being on the receiving end of accidental abuse from his mate.

"You didn't let me finish my list. I had it written down and everything." Luna pushes a little at Kol's arm and fabricates a piece of paper from behind a couch cushion, unfolding it.

Elijah patiently takes the list from Luna's hands and reads it over, shaking his head in amusement. There were about ten more reasons listed, most of them concerning the coolness of having either a gun or crossbow. At the bottom of the list, she had scribbled something about managing her own safety, as if it were a last-minute thought. "You have a knife and a bat, Elskan. You are already a menace, let us not add to that."

"Besides that, the Salvatores, Alaric, and Jeremy will be here to protect you as well." Finn adds, kindly petting his mate's knee upon seeing her disappointed expression.

"But Jeremy isn't a hunter yet, he's weak." Luna protests, leaning into Finn's side whilst pouting at Jeremy as if this was somehow his fault.

"Yes-Wait what? I'm not weak!" Jeremy scowls.

"Look at this, how is this going to protect me?" Luna whines, pinching Jeremy's arm in the process to prove her point.

Jeremy grumbles, slapping Luna's hand away. "I lifted that dresser to your bedroom the other day."

"Sure, and you did so well." Luna didn't remind the boy that he had lifted it together with Stefan, who had carried it mostly. "So... no gun?"

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