Chapter 32

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"Try and I will set your studio on fire."

"You wouldn't dare! It is also Luna's studio!"

"Fine! I will shave your eyebrows off!"

"Do that and I will shave your head!"

"Luna happens to like my hair!"


"So you can't do that!"

"You're shouting... again." Luna sighs, as she sees yet another pair of Mikaelsons screaming into each other's faces. "What happened this time?" Luna turns to face Finn, who had been silently watching his siblings squabble.

"Nothing of great importance, my love. Come, I made you breakfast." Finn coaxes, pressing a kiss to Luna's jaw before steering Luna towards the new dining table where an extensive breakfast was waiting on her.

"Thank you, Finn." Luna smiles.

Finn strokes Luna's cheek affectionately as a reply.

"Goodmorning Elskan." Elijah greets, smiling up at his mate. He had been seated at the table, making his way through the newspaper while ignoring the shouting from his other siblings.

"Goodmorning, 'Lijah." Luna replies, kissing him before taking the seat next to him.

"Any plans for today?" Elijah asks after folding the newspaper closed.

"Not much, but tomorrow we're going on a little road trip to Whitmore college." Luna mentions lightly while cutting her pancake into bite-sized pieces.

"Whitmore? There must be better colleges, your education is very importa-" Elijah starts before getting cut off.

"You want to apply? We can move there, there's no way we would allow you to sleep in a dorm of course, and we will have to do a background check on... well, everyone." Niklaus rambles, joining his mate and brothers in the dining room, soon followed by Kol and Rebekah. Niklaus glares briefly at Elijah, if his mate wanted to go to Whitmore she would go to Whitmore. Elijah could be such a snob sometimes.

Luna tilts her head expectantly and receives a kiss on both cheeks from Niklaus and Kol. All the siblings now look exceptionally calm and well behaved, which made Luna wonder what the fight had been about exactly.

"No, college isn't my thing anymore." Luna begins as the last three Mikaelsons also take a seat. She remembers the horrors from the art school she had attended in her own universe. She felt no need for a repeat of that. She was sure that Niklaus could teach her more about art than an entire facility. "There is a vampire friend from Damon-" Luna reveals before getting cut off by multiple Mikaelson siblings.

"Damon? No, absolutely not."

"Damon has friends?"

"You're not going near another vampire, Elskan. The Salvatores and Miss. Forbes are more than enough."

"Damon went to college?"

"If it makes you feel better he hates Damon right now." Luna comments timidly, a little taken aback by the outburst from the Mikaelsons

"Yes, that does make me feel better."

"He? It's a man? No. Not happening."

"I agree with Kol."

"That's a first."

"Shut your face!"

"I still think you're lying about Damon having a friend."

"As I was saying, there is a vampire friend at Whitmore college. He is being used for experiments by some sicko doctor, I suggest we save him." Luna says while waving her arms a little, trying to get the conversation back on the rails.

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