Chapter 15

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"I don't think so." Elijah rumbles when he feels Luna moving in his arms, trying to get out of his hold. After his mate's various nighttime adventures, Elijah wanted to make sure Luna would rest tonight. So, except for bathroom breaks, she would just have to stay put until morning.

"But-'Lijah!" Luna whispers, voice slightly whiny as she tries to lift his arm off her torso. She had lain awake for the past half an hour, worrying about the next day's activities.

The Mikaelsons seemed to trust the witches, but Luna had her doubts. In the show, there were plenty of examples of how witches liked to work against vampires. She had no idea if everything would work out. And if it worked, where and when would they land? Mystic Falls or New Orleans? Ten years back in time? She also worried that she would somehow end up left behind. That possible scenario disheartened her deeply.

"No, Elskan." Elijah replies firmly, his voice halting Luna's brooding. Elijah places a kiss on Luna's shoulderblade, trying to calm her.

"I only wanted to check-" Luna tries.

"It can wait till morning, my dearest." Elijah cuts her off and turns her around in his arms, to look at her. Quietly he studies her face, somewhat alarmed by the sadness that was noticeable in her eyes.

Luna gazes into Elijah's eyes and ceases her movements. "Please" Luna begs, voice smaller than she would have liked. "If something goes wrong tomorrow- I can't lose you." Fear and desperation shone in her voice, the idea of losing them was heartwrenching.

"You won't lose us, Luna." Elijah coaxes, brushing his fingers across Luna's cheek. "Please, rest. All will be well."

"Are you sure?"

"You have my word, we shall never forsake you." Elijah hums, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Remember? Always and forever."

Luna gives him a warm smile, grateful for his reassuring words and his promise. Without giving it much thought, she pushes herself a little closer to Elijah and presses her lips to his. It was a short yet sweet kiss.

Blushing at her own impulsiveness, Luna hides her face into Elijah's chest, her body curling into his.

"G'night" she murmurs before closing her eyes and letting sleep take over.

While Luna dozed off Elijah stares into the dark, bewildered and delighted. Luna's kiss had been enrapturing, he had felt like being set on fire, in the best possible way.

His inner vampire was feeling incredibly smug that his mate had kissed him first. He'd wanted to kiss her from day one, but he knew it would be wiser if she were to set the pace. Now that she had kissed him, he was eager for the next. He rumbles softly, tightening his grip on Luna, basking in this newfound blissful feeling.

• • •

"Good morning Angel!" Kol exclaims, cheerily as he bursts into the room.

Kol is in an excellent mood. At last, they would go home, with their mate, who has enough knowledge of their universe to save them from future dangers. He would finally be able to walk the streets again without having to worry about being recognized as an actor.

Luna stirs and reluctantly blinks her eyes open.

"Kol?" Luna mumbles sleepily before setting her eyes on the youngest Mikaelson brother. Kol was already dressed, looking ready for the day.

Luna shifts her gaze, glancing at the vampires in her bed to see if they were still asleep.

She affectionately takes in Finn's sleeping form. His hair is tousled and his face completely relaxed, he appears younger. Luna wishes he could always be this carefree.

Lovely • Mikaelsons mate (Currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now