Chapter 31

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"Do you have to keep talking in that stupid accent," Rebekah complains, looking annoyedly at Kol.

The Mikaelsons and Luna had been trick or treating for about an hour and were now making their way over to the Lockwood mansion.

"I do not know what you are talking about, Count Drakola does not have an accent." Kol replies haughtily in a thick accent, before slapping Rebekah with the end of his cape. "Especially not a stupid one!"

"You put vampires to shame!" Rebekah deadpans before shoving Kol in retribution, making him almost trip over his cape.

"This is so much fun!" Luna cheers, she had been happily munching on candy all evening. Elijah had eyed her concernedly, he was sure his mate was going to be nauseous soon, but Luna kept at it, claiming that getting sick was part of the experience.

Niklaus only grumbles a little, still not happy with the number of times he had been called a dog that night. The only reason he hadn't snapped and murdered a bunch of old ladies was that he had been able to hold Luna's hand all night.

Finn had self-righteously claimed Luna's other side after pushing Elijah away, under the guise that there were no lawyers in Little Red Riding Hood. He had been happily carrying Luna's basket in one hand while holding onto her waist with the other. He rather enjoyed seeing his mate in her costume, that didn't mean other males also got to enjoy it.

"How long do we have to stay at that dreadful party?" Niklaus asks before pressing a kiss to Luna's hand, hoping for her to be merciful on his soul. Perhaps he could persuade her to forget about the party altogether with the promise of another love-making session.

Niklaus looks longingly at Luna's neck, she had made him heal her. She didn't want to go into public with her neck resembling a crime scene, which he found a bit insulting, but he had complied. Only the mark he had left while bonding to her had remained, now white-colored, like an aged scar. Niklaus was sure he could reconstruct his masterpiece from this morning later on.

"A few hours. Who knows you might end up having a good time." Luna teases, smiling fondly at the hybrid.

"Let me guess, no killing?" Kol asks, turning around to face his mate.

"What do you think?" Luna deadpans.

• • •

"Thank you for inviting us Tyler." Luna offers, smiling gently at the boy.

"I didn't-" Tyler grumbles before getting elbowed in the ribs by Caroline. "Of course, my pleasure." Tyler comments, sniffing haughtily. Tyler freezes momentarily and his eyes flash gold. His eyes narrow as he sniffs the air again before promptly taking a step towards Luna.

Luna is immediately pulled back by Elijah, who growls in warning at the Lockwood boy.

Niklaus steps in front of Luna, shielding her from Tyler while baring his fangs at the boy. There was no concern for weird looks seeing as almost everyone at the party was wearing fangs. Kol promptly joins Niklaus's side, snarling at both Tyler and Caroline.

Tyler shifts his gaze to Niklaus, suddenly understanding. Caroline looks questioningly at Tyler before also noticing it. Veins appear under Caroline's eyes and her eyes darken, whatever was happening, it made her instincts flare up.

Rebekah steps forward, ready to pounce the blonde if she dared to take a step towards Luna. Sure, it would be a pity to have to kill all the partygoers, but it would be nothing compared to the murder sprees the Mikaelsons had undertaken in the past.

"What's going on 'Lijah?" Luna asks apprehensively, snuggling herself closer to Elijah's chest. She wasn't sure why the two teenagers were acting the way they were, but Tyler's sudden approach made her feel wary.

Lovely • Mikaelsons mate (Currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now