Chapter 39

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"Where has our little mate run off to?" Niklaus asks looking interestedly at his siblings who have all gathered on the benches, away from the blaring music. Rebekah and Kol were bickering as usual and Finn and Elijah were discussing date ideas for Luna. They had discovered that none of them had taken Luna on a date yet unless you counted the Mikaelsons ball which would have been a terrible date seeing as their mother had tried to kill them.

Elijah simply tilts his head towards the dancefloor, where Luna was dancing exuberantly with Enzo and the Salvatores. Enzo and Luna seemed to do some sort of octopus imitation, Damon was doing a disco move that was totally misplaced at this party, and Stefan was stomping around while waving his limbs around like one of those inflatable tube men. All four of them were being incredibly silly but they seemed to have a good time.

"Hmm, perhaps we should offer them a dance class." Elijah hums while smiling fondly at his mate. Oddly enough Elijah wasn't feeling as jealous or possessive as he had thought. His mate was having a good time, which was all that he had wanted for her. He would of course still severely harm the vampires if they did something inappropriate or immoral, but he was alright with it for now.

Niklaus takes a seat beside Rebekah, who was looking adoringly at Enzo. "Are you happy?"

Rebekah tears her gaze away from her mate to look at Niklaus

"I am. Like I said earlier to Luna, which you surely heard, I am perfectly happy." Rebekah replies, smiling warmly at her brother, who seemed surprisingly concerned for her. In the past, he had often ridiculed her for her quest for love. She knew his remarks had come from a place of love, but they had hurt nonetheless.

"Good." Niklaus nods curtly. "Enzo can live with us." He offers reluctantly, knowing he couldn't really stop Rebekah, not while Luna was on Rebekah's side. Besides that, he rather enjoyed his rather rude sister in the same house as him, how could he possibly enjoy his morning tea without his sister's rambling and ranting. "But if he were to mistreat you, I will gladly tear his hamstrings out and make him eat them." Niklaus adds as an afterthought in his most casual tone which earns him an eye-roll from his sister.

"If he tries to hurt me, I will do it myself." Rebekah assures, hoping dearly it wouldn't come to that.

• • •

"It sounds a bit lame, but I could use your advice on something. Would you mind?" Luna starts unsurely. Besides with Rebekah, she wasn't very comfortable with girl talk, but she decided to push through anyway. Luna had walked up to Caroline after dancing with Elijah.

"Of course I don't mind, Luna. Come!" Caroline replies promptly, already grabbing onto Luna's hand to drag her away from the crowded room. She was glad to have found someone to talk to. Bonnie had been hanging out with Jeremy for most of the night and Elena wasn't here, not that she would have been interested in talking with her anyway.

"Alright, what's on your mind." Caroline asks as the girls have settled themselves in Alaric's classroom. The girls had taken a seat on Alaric's desk and Caroline had managed to snatch a bowl of crisps away from the snack table, which was now on Caroline's lap, already half empty.

Luna looks around the classroom, smiling softly at the familiarity of the room after having it seen so often on the TV show. "I accidentally slipped up earlier to my mates... I was joking around about me aging and being an elderly lady in seventy years and you can say it caused some tension."

"How come?" Caroline asks out of politeness, she could only imagine why this could cause tension. As a baby vampire, she did not yet suffer from a change in perception of time, but she suspected that for the Mikaelsons seventy years was hardly anything.

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