Chapter 52

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Finn gets pulled out of his dreamless sleep by soft noises. Blinking awake he listens intently, frowning a little when he hears the sound of soft sniffling. Worriedly Finn turns on the small lamp on his nightstand and turns back to his mate, whose shoulders were shaking slightly.

"Luna?" Finn asks softly, fingers brushing over her shoulder to get her attention without startling her.

Luna swallows before answering. "Yes?"

"What's wrong, my love?" Finn asks worriedly, gently turning Luna over so he could see her face. He almost profanes as he sees her tear-stained face, wondering how long his mate had been crying while he was sleeping soundly.

"Bad dream." Luna sniffles before hiding her face in Finn's chest, not wanting to show him her trouble and worrying him further. She should be used to the dreams by now, she'd seen the show and knew what her mates were capable of, but nothing could be further from the truth. The dreams kept plaguing her, keeping her awake and jumpy from time to time.

As if aware of this, her mates had kept their less appealing hobbies such as torturing and maiming people on the down low, which Luna was appreciative of, but it did not affect her dreams, which were still as gruesome as ever.

Finn smoothes his fingers through Luna's hair, hoping to comfort her while tucking her closer to his chest. "Would you like to tell me about it, little one?" Finn whispers.

Luna shakes her head slightly while wiggling closer to Finn as if hoping to disappear in his embrace. "No thank you." Her voice comes out muffled.

"Will you tell me tomorrow?" Finn asks softly, not wanting to push the subject but also wanting to be included in what was haunting his mate.

Luna nods after a moment's hesitation. She had told them once before of the contents of her nightmare but it hadn't exactly eased her mind. The last thing she wanted was for the Mikaelsons to feel bad for something they had no influence on.

"Alright, my love. You can close your eyes, I am here." Finn presses a kiss to the crown of his mate's head before softly humming a comforting tune that he had heard often enough as a child. It was strange to think back so fondly to something of his youth, but his mate seemed to enjoy it seeing as her heartbeat slowed down.

Finn smiles sadly to himself in the dimly lit room when he notices his mate had drifted back to sleep. "I love you." Finn whispers before closing his own eyes again, not bothering to turn the light off.

• • •

"Why do I even try?" Niklaus sighs as he walks towards the kitchen counter where Luna was seated, kicking her legs lightly while poking the contents of her bowl with her spoon. Niklaus wraps his arms around her waist before pressing a kiss to her cheek in greeting.

Luna had been working her way through the ridiculously healthy breakfast Finn had prepared for her. He claimed she needed nutritious and vitamin-rich food seeing as she did not get enough rest last night.

She had scowled at the green substance Finn claimed to be a 'smoothie bowl' and had reluctantly taken a few bites. Luna could practically taste the kale and broccoli and it did little good for her mood, which had been excellent until Finn had presented her this breakfast.

"Stefan wanted to do inventory for the lasagna he is making tonight." Finn comments, explaining Stefan's presence. Finn was standing near Luna, keeping a close eye on his mate's consumption of her breakfast and the vampire who was flashing through the kitchen again, this time with a note in his hand.

"He's staying?" Niklaus asks, already dreading the answer.

"Get used to it, Klaus. Luna likes me so you are pretty much stuck with us." Stefan shouts before ducking into the pantry. He wasn't certain if he wanted to make the bechamel sauce from scratch but he did know he would make fresh lasagna sheets, the ready-made ones he had seen in the cupboard were a plain insult to him.

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