Forty-Two- Choices.

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"So then Kaitlyn suggested we wear some of her merch and tweet about it. I don't mind but I told her you wouldn't want to wear space pants! I mean just because PJ does-" April explained as she cut into her grilled chicken, they were at some place that was free range or some shit. It was filled with the usual LA crowd of hipsters with their iWatches, combat boots, and flannels shirts. Ruby would've blended right in-
"By the way they want to do dinner later this week. I told her I don't know since they're always doing something. I mean they're always at some convention or another and you and I have Raw and sometimes I do Smackdown and then you're in Florida most of the time to run NXT." She reminded as she chewed, Punk nodded absentmindedly. He usually listened he wasn't that much of an asshole. But after his conversation with H he was having trouble focusing. What was the sudden interest in Ruby? He didn't give a damn about her before...what was the sudden attraction?
"Speaking of, how's that going? I mean you never really talk about it but I know you're doing great. Everyone says it's the number one show to watch. I'm proud of you."

"Thanks Ape." He smiled, he couldn't help but compare. Ruby would've never stepped foot in this place. She would've wrinkled her nose at it. IF he were with her they'd probably be at some hole in the wall pizzeria eating pizza so greasy that it could probably clog his arteries. They'd probably be arguing about whether she could've beat Eddie Guerrero in his prime. Instead he found himself at some free range vegan place eating fake chicken and talking about space pants.

"Don't call me that." Her eyebrows knitted together, he smirked,
"Anyway you didn't answer the question, how's it going?"

"Like you said it's going great, Ape." He smirked taking a sip of his water.
"But I'm a little more focused on getting back to the main roster so I can keep an eye on you."

"Me or her?" She rolled her eyes,

"Let's not do this right now. Cmon seriously we're actually having a decent conversation." He groaned, she rearranged her silverware,

"She's in the works of getting resigned." April muttered, he nodded,

"Yeah I uh...heard that around...but..." He cleared his throat,
"Let's not waste our breaths on her. Cmon tell me more about Kaitlyn and the space pants." He sighed, she smiled before looking down at her plate again. Her grilled asparagus was beginning to get soggy.

"Actually..." She took a deep breath before looking up at him her eyes meeting his for the first time all night. He raised an eyebrow as he took a sip from his water.
"I was hoping you and I could finally's just...we've been married for a year and some months now and it's been pretty decent? But in that time we haven't sat down and properly talked about well...our future." She was cut off but him choking on his water.

"What?" He sputtered, she smacked his back as he gasped for air. Finally he caught his breath and took another sip of water.
"I'm sorry that was a bit dramatic. But what do you mean?"

"I mean like...what's our five year plan? What about kids and all that...stuff." She muttered,

"Five year plan?! Kids?!" He repeated a little too loudly causing a few people to turn around.

"Well yeah I mean not anytime soon because we're both doing really well in our careers but I mean eventually..."

"Ape-" he began, she glared, "April. Kids aren't...I uh...I don't want kids...anymore. Not after what I went through."

"What?! That's not fair! I'm not her Punk! I know how to take care of myself! I'm not an idiot!"


"I'm not gonna be fricking jumping out of windows and-" She was cut off again this time by Punks phone going off.

"Oh shit that's the alert from the security system!" His eyes widened. This was his chance he had been waiting for this since the last time.
"Let's go we have to go!" He announced standing. He slapped some money and pulled AJ by the arm.

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