Forty-Six- Disunion

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Disunion- English/noun-
a severance of union; separation; disjunction


"Bella open the door." Roman pleaded outside of the white door adorned with pink and purple glitter butterflies. He could hear shuffling in the room,
"Elisabella Joelle Anoa'i open this door young lady." He ordered in a firmer louder voice.

"Joey, just leave it. She's right. I'm not their mother." Lia muttered from where she was sitting on the floor against the wall.

"Keike." He sighed, "You're their mother as much as I am their father."

"I'm not." Lia wiped her nose, "You're their father, biologically. Fuck I mean I knew this would happen but I didn't expect it to happen this soon.", he squatted down beside her with a small smile,

"Lee you are more their mother than I am their father. You have been there for Bella and Jojo since day one, you're the better parent-"

"Yeah you're forgetting one very important detail! Blood!" She glared before standing up and heading for the front door so fast she caused Roman to fall on his. He threw his head back in frustration as Jojo crawled over and cocked his head at him,

"Christ Jojo, my girls are gonna be the death of me." He groaned,





She looked up at him, he knew she didn't want to say no. That was a good sign but he didn't want to pressure her,

"Austin I-" she began, he shook his head. He adjusted his bag on her shoulder.

"No no. You don't have to answer that. I'm sorry. I'm doing exactly what he used to do. I'm pressuring you into making a decision when you clearly need time. I'm sorry." He sighed,
"But I must say," a small smirk played across face, "you not saying no is a very good sign."

"Who could say no to you Mister Carlile?" She teased,
"I mean no one says no to a cute sick boy." She stuck out her tongue, he pouted,

"Well in that case, you're my dying wish kitten."

"Wow what happened to no pressure?" She laughed.

"No pressure of course." He smiled as he leaned in, his lips dangerously close to hers. She could feel the color flood to her cheeks again as she shut her eyes expecting him to steal another kiss.
"Now how about we head for a hotel I'm exhausted." He kissed her forehead before picking up her bag and walking toward the cabs leaving her both impressed and embarrassed.



There was something about him. She couldn't help but steal glances at him as they sat on the couch and watched tv.

"What do you want to watch Kitten?" Austin cocked his head as he looked at the channel guide.

"Anythings good." She sighed, struggling to kick off her shoes. He raised a brow at her,

"Need some help?" He asked softly, she looked at him offended. He shrugged,
"Just asking, nothing wrong with needing help." he mused, she took a deep breath.

"Ok." She muttered,

"Ok what?" He looked surprised,

"Help." She said quietly,

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