Twenty-Seven- Proposition.

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"You heard her" AJ sang,
"Get the referee out here" she waved forward as Ruby lunged at her. Punk held her back.

"Don't do this. Don't be stupid. You're going to hurt yourself" he warned in a low voice. She glared at him before shoving him off of her as she unzipped her hoodie revealing her plain white tank top and throwing it aside.

"I'm only defending myself and our baby" she hissed,
"Something that apparently you won't do" she accused as she quickly braided her hair. She kneeled to adjust her boots. She stood in time to see the referee running down the ramp,

"This isn't the time Ruby. Just go backstage, we'll resolve this later" Punk pleaded,
"You're going to get hurt! Are you fucking insan-" she ignored him as she slammed her elbow into his rib cage, he doubled over in pain,
"You're acting like a goddamn child!" He whispered as he got up, she lunged at AJ again only to get pulled back by the waist by Punk again,
"Don't stoop to her level! This is just want she wants! You can settle this like adults later. C'mon Ruby you can barely fucking walk!" he rationalized, he was cut off by Ruby's fist connected with his jaw causing him to stumble back a few steps. He looked at her shocked as he wiped the blood from his now bleeding lip.
"You know what? Fine! Do Whatever the hell you want!" He growled as he climbed out of the ring.

"I can do more than walk" she smirked as she yelled after him, AJ rolled her eyes amused

"Nice right" she scoffed, Ruby glared
"But it's gonna take more than that to beat me" she smiled smugly. Ruby picked up her mic again, AJ had spat her venom it was time for Ruby to spew hers

"How's it feel AJ? To know you're second best, to know you were second choice." Ruby smirked, AJ glared

"At least I was a choice,", Ruby laughed smoothing her hair back as she rolled her eyes

"Ha. Of course right. I mean you were a choice, the only one really. Because obviously the stripper couldn't have him, she's married with a kid on the way, the detective is just crazy as hell, Amy's probably moved on, Beth is with Adam, Nat has her growing business, so what did that leave him with?" She asked circling her
"I'll tell you what that left him with, with pathetic, desperate, hopeless, flat chested little April Mendez. You're right, you were a choice" she looked down at her amused. AJ looked at her, then at Punk as if expecting him go step in to defend her. Ruby laughed
"What is it AJ? You think your little boyfriend is going to step in and defend you? Like you did for him at Tribute to the Troops?" She laughed again
"Or was it really even about that? Or did you throw that little tantrum with Michelle because the guilt of stealing him from me is eating you up? You think someone else is gonna come from behind and do the same to you?"

"I didn't steal him from you! You drove him away!" She hissed but Ruby could tell that she was beginning to get to her.

"What is it then? Not woman enough to handle your jealously? Didn't put on your big girl panties on that day?"

"She insulted him! I was just defending MY man" she smirked rubbing it in her face, Ruby chuckled looking down before bending down to her level,

"Phil's a big boy. A very outspoken grown ass man, if he needed defending you should've let him handle it himself instead of making a fool of not only yourself but of him and this company. Just face it AJ you're nothing but a crazy little fan girl that got lucky. I mean you fucked Jay Lethal to get here, learned to wrestle the 'hard' way. You kissed your way to title and then lost it to greatness." she taunted as she pinched her cheek.
"I think it's time you just faced the fact that you'll never be me. To Vince, to the company, to the fans, they all prefer me! Oh and most of all you'll never be me to Punk. I mean that's what he said at the hospital right Punk? Oh what was it he said exactly? Hm something along the lines of 'no matter how much I try she'll never be you, you're the one since the moment I laid eyes on you you've been the one'" She smirked looking to Punk as AJ did the same he looked away embarrassed,
"Now THATS awkward." She chuckled taking a step forward with each word as she poked Aj's chest.
"You're nothing but a waste of space little psycho not fit to lick my boots" Before she could react AJ had pounced on her, she barely managed to her hands up as she heard the bell ring.
"Fuck" she muttered, she could hear Aj's shrieks as she clawed at her, finally she felt the weight lift and she realized that the referee had removed her from on top of her. She groggily got to her knees. She wiped her hair back, laughing, she felt like the joker.
"Cheap shot?" She taunted
"Can't say I expected you to be better than that, just hoped." She got to her feet slowly, AJ went for a clothesline, Ruby ducked instinctively. Even though her body and movements were rusted her mind and instincts were sharper than ever. Ruby stumbled over to the turnbuckle where she leaned to rest, she was out of breath...just slightly.

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