Twenty-Eight- Sacrifice.

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Ruby sat in the plastic chair of the waiting room, she felt so numb. Amanda sat beside her trying to soothe her, she was saying something that Ruby could only assume was comforting but she couldn't hear it. She couldn't hear anything, she felt as if she were in a bubble. A bubble filled with her own sorrows. She had just gotten her sister back...gotten her in the first place and now she was losing her. It was an unbearable thought. The guilt alone was killing her inside, eating her alive. She should've been there, she should've fucking been there. There it was again that aching pain her chest that made her afraid that her heart would burst. She didn't want to cry, that was the last thing she needed. She had to be the strong one, she felt a squeeze on her hand. Her mom softly ran her thumb on the back of her hand as she sniffled, Kayden was sleeping in her arms. The sight of him made her heart ache even more, he could lose his mother and he didn't even know it. He didn't even know what was happening, but he missed her. He wanted to see her so badly, her mothers grip on her hand tightened and she gasped slightly. Ruby's head shot up, the doctor had come out and was looking at his clipboard as he wiped the sweat from his forehead. She stood, her leg buckled beneath her and she almost fell but she was caught by Seth.

"Thanks" she whispered, he nodded and helped her over to the doctor. Roman stood off to the side, he looked uncomfortable. He knew he didn't belong and he knew that Esmeralda couldn't stand the sight of him. She knew every bit of his and Lía's history and if looks could kill. Plus he been giving the silent treatment since she kept refusing to sleep with him. Dean was waiting at the apartment, something about hospitals being like a bad flashback. He didn't seem to like them very much. Ruby cleared her throat, her voice came out in a tone that she didn't recognize. It was small, almost like a little girls,

"Excuse me" she said softly as she tapped the doctor on the shoulder. He turned around, he was young, not a day over 30, his grey eyes widened slightly.

"Are you the family of Corazon Isoleé?" He asked, she nodddd

"Rojo...actually but yes" she nodded,

"Please we've been waiting for she ok? Is she going to you know.."

"Live?" The doctor finished softly, he took a deep breath, that didn't sound good. Ruby's heart started beating fast in her chest.

"Yes...we got to her in the nick of time. Thankfully your friend there gave her CPR until we arrived, that did her well. Uh we might have to do minor heart surgery to correct a congenital heart defect although it doesn't seem like it will be necessary."

"The family flaw..." She muttered softly

"Yes, but she's going to be ok, you have nothing to worry about. " he nodded smiling slightly,

"Uh I don't believe we've introduced ourselves, I'm Dr. Alexander Andrews, and you are?"

"Oh I'm sorry. Uh I'm Ruby Rojo. Corazon's sister"

"Fraternal twins I'm guessing?" He asked, she nodded.

"I guess so. Uh so...she's going to be ok?"

"Yes, we pumped her stomach and rid her of all the pain killers, I was looking through her medical history and uh...." He scratched his chin,

" seems she has a slight..." He cleared his throat uncomfortably.

"Well she has..." He looked around to see everyone staring,

"I think it's better if we do this in private will you please step into my office?" He asked, she nodded

"Yeah of course" she pushed off of Seth and followed him into his office.

"What is it?" She asked nervously

"She's not dying is she?"

"No no...your sister is ok."

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