Twenty-One- Healing.

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Ruby blinked at her bother confused,

"Zafira? That's a feminized version of Zafiro which is Sapphire in Spanish? Why did you call her that?!" Ruby asked panicking as she stared at Corazon, who also looked confused.

"Mom answer me! Blue black hair, caramel eyes, that's standard Feú features! Why does she look like you? Like ME?!" Her mother continued to stare at Corazon in almost a trance light state, tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

"I don't know." Her mom stood and circled her,

" ARE YOU?" She asked confused, Corazon cocked her head,

"What do you mean?" She asked

"Who are your parents? Where are they from?! Where are you from? When is your birthday?!" Esmeralda shot off questions.

"Uh...I don't know" she muttered

"They gave me up to foster care when I was 6...I don't remember much about them..." She sighed,

"Uh my birthday is March, 11th." She shrugged, Ruby's eyes widened as well as Esmeralda's.

"The year?" She asked softly as she sat back down as if she couldn't stand,

"1990" Corazon said carefully, Ruby and Esmeralda were quiet

"Mom I think we need an explanation" Ruby muttered, as her hand ran softly over her still numb chest were she had at least a dozen little stitches and staples holding together her chest.

"Yeah I think our daughters deserve an explanation, Esmeralda" a male voice said from the door, both Corazon and Ruby looked to the door, shocked to see Vince McMahon standing there.









Seth wandered the hallways, he had two things on his mind: Finding Lía and the mysterious dark haired woman who looked just like Ruby. He spotted PJ walking off in a direction and noticed him pull back a girl with mahogany hair, he saw as they kissed. PJ knew he had feelings for Corazon, very strong ones but seeing Lía made everything from the previous year come flooding back. He didn't know what he was saying the things that he was, he simply knew that he was saying them.

"Lía?!" Seth called more shocked than angry, she turned, the look in Seth's eyes broke her heart as Pj pulled away.

"PJ?!" He called confused, he walked toward them as if unsure of what he was seeing. He pushed him away from her, PJ looked between them confused before pushing back as he pieced together everything.

"Really Lía?! Seth Rollins?! You chose Seth Rollins, your husbands BEST FRIEND over me?!" He growled,

"What the hell is going on here?!" A 4th voice boomed. Everyone froze as they recognized Romans voice, he looked from PJ to Lía suspiciously, completely ignoring Seth.

"Lía. What's going on?!" He asked,

"Nothing" she muttered,

"Wolf boy I thought I made it very clear to you that you were to leave Lía alone!" He growled as he took a menacing steps toward him

"She can choose for herself" PJ replied defiantly,

"Choose Lía," he dared her knowing she had more than 2 choices, Seth looked at her pleading,

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