Seven- Nightmares.

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"Phil" Ruby called, her voice sang, "Phiiiiiiil" she continued to sing, her voice seemed to dance like a flame, she laughed, not her scornful sarcastic laugh but her sweet, genuine laugh, the one where her nose crinkled ever so slightly and sometimes she snorted causing him to fall in love with her just that much more, "Philip Jack Brooks!" She called her again, her voice filled with tenderness yet it somehow managed to be stern, "I love you," she laughed, "Phil" she repeated, "Phil!" She sounded closer, he could feel her hands on his shoulders "Phil!" She repeated her voice sounding different, urgent, "Phil help me! Help me Phil!" He felt start to beat faster in his chest "Phil!" She called he could feel her hands gripping on his shoulders harder as she shook him, "Phil!" He felt his body go cold, before he jerked up, his eyes hazel green eyes opening, they quickly instinctively began to take in his surroundings, he found himself soaked in the dark of his bed on his bus,

"Finally he's awake" sighed Jeff who was standing over him with a bucket, Punk looked at him incredulous, he quickly hid the bucket,

"You alright man?" Asked PJ who he realized was sitting on his bed, his hair was sticking up in all angles, he looked sleepy, it was clear he was the one who had tried to shake him awake.

"No, I'm not! My wife is gone! She's missing! AND She's possibly my dead ex with some sort of personality disorder, I have to share my bus with two guys I hate! And to top things off I'm soaking fucking wet! So no Paul, I'm NOT fucking alright!" They stared at him blankly,

"You had a nightmare about her didn't you?" Asked Jeff quietly, Punk sighed before burying his head in his hands


"Figures." Jeff muttered, sitting at the edge of the bed, "so did I" he sighed, they looked to PJ,

"Me too" he sighed, taking a hand through his hair. They sat in silence for a moment,

"What was yours about?" Asked PJ quietly, Punk sat up, he took a deep breath,

"She was...fine, laughing, smiling, then all the sudden she, she was scared, she was in danger." He took a deep breath "what if something happened to her? What if this a sign?" Jeff and PJ nodded, "Why'd you wake me?"

"You were tossing and turning, freaking out. We could hear you from the front of the bus..." Jeff explained,

"Did I wake you guys up?" He asked quietly, slightly embarrassed

"No, wolf boy here woke me up with his snore-growling, whimpering about Ruby" Jeff muttered,

"Liar" PJ blushed, "you were already awake! Plus you woke me up earlier with your talking in your sleep, practically sobbing and begging Ruby for forgiveness"

"Whatever" scoffed Jeff, "it's clear that we all miss her"

"Yeah" PJ and Punk muttered,

"And if she's really in danger..." He sighed, knowing that it was going to be difficult to say it,

"We're going to have to get along..." Punk muttered for him, he looked up at them,

"For her, it's what she would've wanted" PJ finished sighing.

"Can we stop talking about her like she's dead?!" Groaned Punk,

"We're gonna find her" Jeff assured, "We have to" PJ agreed,

"So we're in this together?" asked Punk, the other 2 agreed,

"For her? Yeah" nodded PJ, Jeff agreed,

"Anything for her,"

"Good" nodded Punk, "but let me make one thing crystal clear." He switched on the lights so they could see his face, it was all serious "she's MY wife, I get you love her too, but she's MINE, this isn't a competition anymore. Any of you try anything with her...I may kill you"






It was about 3 am, and Audrey Richards found herself with Camilla and Iris still full of energy

"When's mommy coming home?" the small doe eyed light brown haired girl asked her very pregnant babysitter, the slightly older girl beside her looked up at her

"Yeah Audy, when's new mommy coming home?" She asked her blue eyes wide in curiosity, Audrey looked down at her,

"Soon...I hope" she sighed, it's not that the girls were any trouble, it was just that the further along she got the more easily exhausted she was. They were sitting in the small kitchen of the apartment. It was a nice one that a friend of Danny's was paying for, they heard the front door open and close,

"Is that new mommy?!" Asked Iris, her eyes glittering excitedly, it had surprised even Danny that she has taken so well to her new mother.

"May-" before she could even finish Iris and Camilla were running to the door,

"Mamí!" Squealed Camilla as she was lifted in the air by her very tired looking new mother, her long red hair tied into a bun, her baggy hoodies sleeves pushes up showing her tattoos.

"Hi my little garden" she smiled exhausted,

"Te extrañamos!" (We missed you) Muttered Iris into her leg as she hugged it, her new mom was teaching her Spanish.

"Oui, mere" (yeah mom) agreed Camilla burying her head in her moms neck, she was picking up better on the French, they had grown attached to her since their fathers arrest, crying whenever she was out of their sight,

"I missed you too..." She sighed, Audrey stared at her in pity, Iris looked up at her through big wide ocean blue eyes

"Mamí when's daddy coming home? I miss him" she asked softly, the question broke her heart, she fought the urge to cry, she was too young for this. She took a deep breath her voice breaking as she spoke

"I don't know Cariño" she whispered as she kneeled beside her, smoothing the dark hair out of her face, as Camilla continued to cling on to her, "but I miss him too"





Ohhhh a bit of a sad one! But here we go! Yay! Comment fan and vote! I loved the amount of votes but the comments are killing me! Only 4?! C'mon!!!!



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