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It was a quiet funeral, it was an unusual cloudy grey day on the island. Lani was going to be buried in her family plot, her mother could barely stand as they left the cemetery. Her sobs haunting everyone as Jon and Josh helped to her car, Trinity and Kecia following behind them somberly. Ruby felt out of place but felt the need to pay her respects, she stood off to the side, she felt bad about not having Kayden with her. But her mother had agreed to watch him for the week. Vince McMahon had agreed to give her and Punk the time off, however that meant a lot of shit had to go down on their last week to explain theit absence. She hated leaving him with her mother, she trusted her mother with all her heart but she knew that she should be the wone watching Kayden not her mother. But she eased her guilt slightly by reminding herself that it was only a week. After the funerl she had to fly back almost immediately and do podcast and interview not to mention Raw. Dean and Dahlia beside her, the only one missing was Seth. Even Punk stood further away. Ruby had barely spoken a word to him since they had left Corazon at rehab, but still he had insisted on accompanying her. Lía stood beside Roman, her husband, clutching Bella's hand and carrying baby Leati in her other arm. Roman said nothing, he had barely said anything since they had arrived. He hadn't looked at the three of them in what felt like forever. He seemed scared Lía to see him like that. She knew that they had promised their parents that they would come back and visit them on the Island. Just never like this, never this way. Jimmy Sr. And Junior stood by Tamina, Sika and Aunt Patricia across from them. Aunt Patricia had reached out to Lani's mom, they had always been good friends. They had been as close as Lani and Lia, they both would've loved if Roman had married Lani...Lia couldnt help but wonder if they knew the paternity of her kids. Would they be happy? Would they be angry? She was scared to find out.b for now Patricia clutched Annie, short for something Lia couldnt even begin to pronouce as she sobbed.

"Why?! Why my Lani? Why did God have to take my Lani? and her child her poor poor daughter! Left motherless! Fatherless!' she sobbed into Patricia's chest.

"She is not alone sister" Patricia soothed stroking her hair, "She has their grandmother, you have us."

"Auntie Annie..." Lia approached her, "You know Lani was like a sister to me...I will glady take care of them. I love Bella and little Joey as if they were my own" she assured. Annie's eyes widened at her.

"Them? Little Joey?" she gapped as she stared at him, "As if they were your own? Isn't he yours-" she peeked at the baby in Lia's arms. He was the spitting image of her daughter, fine feautures of Lani, the cat green eyes. "this is my daughters son? My grandon?!" she looked over to Roman who was still standing over the fresh grave. He seeemed to be in deep thought as he stared at the ground, as if contemplating digging it up with his bare if he wanted to join her. He was completely oblivious to the chaos that was unfolding around him. She looked at Patricia accusingly, "Your son is the cause of all of this!"

"What? Lia what are you talking about?!" Patricia furrowed her brow at her confused, Sika looked alarmed, Jimmy Senior came over, "I thought you...and Roman...when he called a few months ago...he was so excited! He said he had a son on the way."

"Whats's happening-" Jimmy began to ask only to be cut off by Patricia,

"Rosalia Reiher what are you talking about?!" she demanded her voice breaking, "This is your son! This is my grandson...isn't it?"

"Yes! But he's's not my place to say!' she stuttered looking over at Roman helplessly as he continued to stare at the grave.

"He's the babies father isnt he? He had a child with Lani, didn't he?!" Patricia gasped, she looked at Bella as if realizing something "Those eyes...I should've known! Those are Joe's eyes. How could I have been so blind?! Annie I am so-" she turned to her best friend but she was gone, she was charging toward Roman. she began to slap him.

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