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Short update






Punk sat nervously in the locker room. It was Night of Champions and he hadn't seen nor heard from Ruby or the Shield all week. He began to worry that they too had been taken. Or that this was all some sort of bigger plan to hurt him somehow. Either way he had something to worry about. If they had been taken it meant who ever was taking people had grown bolder, and that it wasn't them. That the trail had gone ice cold. If they were planning something against him well then he was fucked. The numbers weren't pretty, it was 5 against 1. Either way it didn't look good. But for now all he wanted to focus on was his match. He would be a Champion again soon he was sure of it. But still he felt unfamiliar jitters in his stomach. He was rarely ever nervous before a match, but this was one of those rare times. He stood and began to walk around the arena in hopes that it would distract him. He walked aimlessly as he realized how sparse of talent the roster was. The only good thing that had come from the disappearances was that a lot of mid-card and lower card wrestlers where getting their time in the limelight. Pj being the largest example, he had become a champion because of all the disappearances. But if the Shield didn't turn up Night of Champions would be completely ruined. They held 5 of the 7 championships that were to be defended. Only PJ and Alberto held the other two. With those 5 they practically controlled the whole company it was scary to think what they would do if they held all of them or even one more.

"Hey" someone called to him, he turned PJ was peeking his head out of a locker room. Punk stopped, he hadn't spoken to him since the outburst at the hospital.

"Hey" Punk muttered,

"Look about what I said at the hospital..." PJ sighed

"No look you were right" Punk sighed

"I'm sorry, I was being really inconsiderate about yours and Corazon's feelings..."

"Yeah well it's understandable" PJ sighed,

"But I really do love her..." He told Punk

"I'm sorry I know that makes me a horrible friend but it's the truth. I realize now that the only reason i was interested in Ruby was because she looked so much like Corazon. When Ruby came into my life I took it like some kind of sign. Like my past coming around to give me another shot to do this different, better. She loves me too...I think"

"I don't see why she wouldn't." Punk shrugged

"You are the better of us two" he offered with a smile, PJ smiled too

"Thanks. But if she chooses you, I promise I'll respect it and leave her alone" PJ told him, Punk nodded

"I promise too, good luck out there, whoever your opponent is doesn't stand a chance" he told him,

"Thanks you too. Berto doesn't stand a chance" he laughed, they shared a brief hug,

"When this is all said and done and we both have gold around our waists lets celebrate!" Punk told him,

"Yeah of course" he told him but something seemed off, Punk remembered how he had reacted when The Shield had come to get the girls at the hospital...

"You'll be alright out there? If your opponent turns out to be someone from the Shield will you be ok?" Punk asked, PJ nodded but his mind seemed to be somewhere else.

"Peej, it's alright to be afraid..." Punk told him

"Fear can be a great motivator" Punk assured, "they can't do anything not safe"

"They almost killed me...they have no concern for safety."PJ muttered.

"That just means you'll have to fight that much harder. You can do this. This is why you're a champion."

"They let me win. They have to have something up their sleeves I know it...Ruby thought I would join them...she wasn't happy when I told her I wasn't going to. She got even more pissed when I told her I loved Corazon more than I feared her...that's why she attacked me. She said I should've feared her more, and now she got what she wanted, she always gets what she wants" he shuddered.

"The Shield will not interfere in your match, I can assure you that" said a voice from the door, they both turned surprised to find Brad Maddox standing in the doorway.

"What?" Punk and PJ both asked confused.

"I doubt they can interfere when they haven't even bothered to show up" he sighed.

"My show is ruined!"

"They haven't? Then who's gonna be my opponent?" Asked PJ confused,

"Oh don't worry about that, that's been set in stone for weeks" Brad smirked,

"Ruthless helped me handpick your opponent, she always was my right hand in decisions like this, it's sure to be a crowd pleaser." PJ felt his heart begin to beat faster, he tried to remain composed.

"Ok" he nodded absentmindedly. Brad checked his watch,

"I'd head over to the curtain now Paul, your match is first and if the Shield doesn't show, Punk your match will be after this one" he checked his watch again

"I'll accompany you two to the curtain since I'm more than sure you'd like to watch each others matches" they walked together to the curtain as Punk have PJ a reassuring pat on the shoulder, PJ's music cut on and he made his way to the ring. It seemed the moment he reached the top of the ramp all of his fear had subsided. He stood in the middle of the ring stretching as he usually did, Punk began to wonder who in the hell PJ's surprise opponent would be. Punk stood watching from behind the curtain waiting for PJ's opponent when he heard the familiar sound of static come from the titantron

"Look in my eyes,

What do you see?

The cult of personality

I know your anger

I know your dreams

I've been everything you want to beee

I'm the cult of personality"

The crowd went wild. He felt a hand clap down on his shoulder, he turned around to see a very pleased Brad,

"You're up Phil" he told him smiling before shoving him out onto the ramp.






Predictions? Where's the Shield? Do you think anymore disappearances going to happen? Who do you think the Shields opponents should be for their titles? Remember Vince, Stephanie, Triple H, Mark Henry, Dolph, the Uso's, Big Show, Sheamus, Randy, Natalya, Cena, and DB are gone! It's up to you!



PS I hate repeating myself but COMMENT!

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