Forty-Three-NOC pt. 1

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PJ looked at him shocked, confused, he looked almost as if he felt betrayed. Punk tried to turn back, but Brad stood,
"You're really going to give up the opportunity at gold for a friend?" Brad mocked,
"You aren't the man Ruby and I thought you were" he mocked, Punk glared at him

"I have my title shot. Give this one to someone who deserve it" Punk growled,

"It's two title shots or none Punk, anyone back there would kill to be in your shoes right now. Don't be ungrateful" Brad taunted

"I won't" Punk growled,

"What Punk? You think that little of your friend Paul that you don't want to face him? You're that sure you're going to beat him?" He mocked, Punk said nothing, Brad smirked,
"Then I suggest you get in the ring, and give him a match" he ordered before pushing him down the ramp. Punk halfheartedly walked down the rest of the ramp and got into the ring.

"I'm sorry" he mouthed to PJ who continued to look at him accusingly
"I didn't know" Punk told him. He had out his hand for PJ to shake
"I didn't know Peej I swear" PJ looked at him unsure but finally struck out his hand and shook Punk's causing a little relief.

"You better not go easy on me" PJ told his as he pulled his close before the bell rang, Punk laughed

"Wouldn't dream of it", the bell rang and they locked up, they pushed against each other before Punk managed to throw PJ against the ropes, he went for the clothesline but PJ hit him with a cross body. He felt as PJ rolled him up for a pin
"1" the referee managed to tap before Punk kicked out, PJ laughed

"Figured it wouldn't be that easy" he chucked, as he got up and ran for the ropes he went for a moonsault but Punk out his knees up, PJ crumpled to the side, Punk went for the cover but PJ managed to roll out of the ring clutching his ribs. Punk hopped out of the ring and began to stomp on PJ before he went to drag him back into the ring. He got him in the ring and hooked his leg, the referee had barely his the canvas for the 1 count when PJ shoved Punk off.

"Ain't gonna be that easy huh?" Punk smirked, he helped PJ to his feet before the locked up again, PJ came with a right hand to Punk catching right in the jaw breaking the lock up. Punk came back with a right hand of his own as they began to exchange blows, out of no where PJ came with the roundhouse before Punk came back with one of his own. They both fell back, they each crawled for the ropes but PJ was bigger, the kick had done less damage to him, he managed to get up and start with his series of kicks and strikes before sweeping his leg beneath Punks legs causing him to fall. He began to climb the turn buckle but Punk used a burst of energy to knock PJ off and back into the ring.

"Don't use all your energy Punk" teased PJ
"You've got another match" he reminded as he groaned in pain, Punk shook his head smiling before going to the top rope for a high elbow but PJ managed to move causing Punk to splat, PJ scooped him up and went for a drop but Punk managed to wriggle out, he went for the ropes bouncing off for a clothesline but PJ caught him and managed to DDT him. Punk groaned, why hadnt he seen thy coming he thought? When he felt PJ finally land the moonsault on him, he felt paralyzed yet PJ wasn't pinning him yet, he looked around groggy and confused when he felt him drop on to him and he registered that PJ had 450 splashed him, he heard the distant tapping, what number was the ref on?! Could he still kick out?! He went to kick out but heard the bell as soon as he did
"And your winner and STILL the Cruiserweight Champion Justin Gabriel" the referee held up his hand in congratulations but PJ picked up Punk and dusted him off raising their arms together but it was soon interrupted by Alberto Del Rio's music. This was horrible for Two reasons, one Punk was exhausted, his chances of winning were slim, and two that meant the Shield has still not shown up, which was very tantalizing. PJ's celebration was short lived,

"You've got this Phil, show him who the real champ is" he smirked as he gave him a good luck hug, before he rolled out of the ring, he looked back one last time before heading up the ramp. Punk got up with renewed energy. He had to do this and as much as he hated short squash matches that's exactly what he planned to do right now. He was going to prove to everybody that HE was the Best in the World. He watch as Alberto smiled arrogantly as if had already won, the title resting on his shoulder. He kissed it before handing it to the referee who held it up before he handed it to another official. There was no time for introductions, they went right to business as Punk tackled him the bell immediately ringing afterward, Punk was pummeling him, punch after punk before he stood and started stomping on him. Alberto could barely get his hands up, Punk kicked him into the corner where he drop kicked him. He stood him up before running to the opposite corner and getting him with the high knee. It seemed almost as of Alberto couldn't fight back as if he wasn't even trying, but finally he pushed back weakly. Punk shoved him back him the corner and ran his shoulder into his chest before takings a few steps away letting him stagger toward him before swooping him into the fireman a carry, he raised him over his head and dropped him into his knee, the go to sleep. He hooked his leg and pressed all his weight on to him in case he decided to kick out the count seemed slow

"1" tap
"2" tap, just one more but he kicked out, Punk had a miniature heart attack. He got up and began go kick and stomp him before hoisting him up again, he would go for the GTS again, Alberto tried to struggle out of his but soon his skull met his knee again and he dropped to the canvas as Punk rolled him up tightly again
"1", tap
"2", tap and then finally
"3" the bell sounded

"And your new World Heavyweight Champion CM PUNK!" His music filled the arena, he fell to his knees in joy of being champion once again, he clutched his new title to his chest before hopping up to the turnbuckle raising it in the air but then he heard the last thing he wanted to hear

The Shield"
He looked to the ramp but they weren't there. He looked around confused as their music continued to play before he was shocked to see them emerge from beneath the ring, all 4 male members. Ruby stood with a smirk at the top of the ramp as she sat at the top of her ramp and crossed her legs. She watched amused, she raised her hand and snapped and immediately all 4 were I the ring, Punk wasn't going down without a fight, there was nothing they could do o take his title, he didn't care he could take a beating. He held his title tightly as he went for Corey who was closest as Punk hit him with the title in the face, but immediately the other 3 were on him as they shoved him to the canvas and began stomping on him, he was too tired. Two matches had tired him out, but he continued to try to fight back, but too soon he felt his body be lifted and Roman yell as they went for the triple powerbomb. His body felt as of it shattered to a million pieces as it hit the canvas. They stood over him, all 4 of them

"Believe in the Shield! Believe in the Queen!" They yelled as they held their fists up, then Punks heart stopped. He had been wrong, the Shields music wasn't the worst thing he could've heard. He heard something much worse than the Shields music, something so much worse

Hallelujah! Halleeeeeelujaaaah!"





Oh shit! What do you thinks gonna happen?! Let me know and thank you commenting has gotten better I love to see the effort!

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