Four- Parting.

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She sat her legs spilling over the arm of the chair as she stared at the three men tied up in front of her. She tapped her chin pensively. What could she do? How could she settle the score? They were gagged and tied, facing her, eyeing her almost terrified as she stared right back smirking. She had been surprised at how easy it was.

As soon as she walked in she found herself pressed against the wall. Dean pinning her hands beside her head. She mentally tried to calm herself to keep from mauling his face off, he smirked
"You angry darling? You don't like this?" He asked, she said nothing as she began to count in her head,
"You said you'd convince me, how exactly do you plan to do it?" He asked raising an eyebrow,
"How about you let me get between those pretty little thighs and I'll see if I let you into our group, that's all the convincing I'll need.", she prayed for strength, as she leaned in acting as if she were going to kiss him before she smirked and began twisting and contorting and soon Dean found himself the one against the wall, his arms pinned tightly behind his back, her knee placed dangerously between his legs.

"You're not the only one who can pin people to walls Darling" she cooed into his ear. He laughed,

"Alright, alright" he tried to get free but she was holding on to him too tightly, she jerked up her knee threateningly
"What more proof do you need? You're 6'4, 200 something pounds. I'm 5'6 maybe 140, I can take you and anyone else down with the slightest of ease, because all you see is a pretty face and a nice pair of tits" she hissed into his ear. He was impressed, amused, but he sensed something almost familiar about her. She heard foot steps coming

"Dean?" They called,
"Who was at the door?" Their footsteps stopped. She could tell it was Seth,
"Deaaaaan! Was it the pizza guy?! You better not be eating it all!" He whined,

"Don't you dare say a thing" Ruby ordered purring into his ear as rubbed her cheek against his. He was still, he was quiet. She had a hand over his mouth, she could feel his mouth moving beneath it as if somehow trying to seduce her by kiss her hand. She tried to fight her disgust as she placed the folded up bandana on in his mouth tying it right as he realized to late that she had zip tied his hands together, he elbowed her. She sucked in her breath before hitching up her knee, catching him in the groin before he fell as she zip tied his feet together. She moved quickly to hide behind the book case as he wriggled trying to her free. Seth's footsteps grew closer, finally he stepped into the room,
"Dean?" He called confused when he saw no one. She tripped him and the moment he fell he was tied up and gagged. She rubbed her ribs where Dean had elbowed her so viciously. She only needed Roman, but there was no sign of him coming. She stared at the stair case wondering if she should go get him. She looked at the two she already had,

"Where's Roman?" She asked,
"Sleeping?" She cooed, their eyes widened,
"Not for looooong" she smiled before making her way up the stairs. She had tied him up easily and half dragged, half carried him down the stairs to show case her strength. Now she had them exactly where she wanted as she decided what to do. She rolled out her bag, with various scalpels and needles,she had planned this. She wanted them afraid, this was about so much more than wrestling, they had made it personal. She planned to make them regret every second of it. They looked at her like she was the devil.
"I've got you exactly where I want. I could torture you" she cooed as she picked up a scalpel
"Or fuck you" she trailed it lightly up the zipper of each of their pants
"I bet you'd like the latter, but I like like option one." She sat back
"You know what they say, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" she laughed,
"You boys wouldn't be stupid enough to do that to me right?" She asked,
"So what exactly should I do?" She asked placing both feet on the ground as she stared at them intently.
"I could kill you if I wanted."






Opal Rojo sat in her mothers dining room sorting through the mail. They all had their mail sent to their mothers house since they were all almost always there. She was making 5 piles, one for her, one for Sterling, one for Amber, one for Pearl, and finally one for Ruby. She cocked her eyebrow at how unusually large Ruby's seemed to be, larger than usual, almost as if she hadn't been by in a while. She picked up her phone and hit Ruby's contact, anxiously tugging at the opal pendant necklace that Ruby had given her for her birthday. Ruby didn't answer and of course she had no voicemail. She twirled her necklace on her fingers as she called Pearl. Pearl answer within the 3rd ring,

"Pearl, has Ruby called you? Or talked to you at all?" She asked nervously, Pearl thought back and realized that she hadn't as she also started to pull on her own pearl pendant necklace that Ruby had also given to her,

"No...she hasn't...Opal...I just saw the news..." Pearl trailed off nervously,

"What is it? Pearl tell me!" She demanded, rolling the pendant in her fingers, Pearl did the same with hers.

"Punk had an accident or something and he was dead for like 5 minutes...the way dad died...what if Ruby..." She trailed off covering her mouth to keep from finishing her sentence.

"What if she what?!" Opal panicked, Pearl knew her the best.

"She tried to go after the guys who hurt him?! Or killed herself?! Opal I'm scared. You know how reckless she gets when she's angry..." Pearls voice broke. Opal tried to keep from having an anxiety attack.

"No, no. She can't. She's fine. She's Ruby she's always fine" Opal told Pearl assuringly, at that moment she heard he front door open and close and prayed it was Ruby, or anyone but their mother who she was sure she wouldn't be able to face at such a moment. She heard the click of heels, and soft music of keys and realized it was Amber.
"Amber's home" she told Pearl,
"I'll ask her if she's seen her, I'll call you back." She hung up and looked up a Amber who was absentmindedly scrolling through her phone, one hand on the amber pendant on the silver chain around her neck.

"Hey Opal, what're you doing here?" She asked not bothering to look up from her phone,

"Where's Ruby?" Opal asked firmly,

"What?" Asked Amber confused finally looking up.

"Have you seen her?! We need to know where she is!" Opal got up her chair screeching as she did. Amber looked at her confused

"She came by a couple of days ago and told me to say bye to mom, she said she'd be gone for a while." She shrugged and began to sort through the mail, refusing to look Opal in the eye. Opal walked toward her and snatched the mail from her,

"What did you do?" She asked fiercely.

"I didn't do anything" Amber muttered still not meeting her gaze,

"Amber Esmeralda Rojo what did you say?!" Opal took her by the wrists forcing her to look at her. This wasn't just her sister that had been messed with, it was her baby. Opal was 11 years older than Ruby and had taken care of her whole life. When their mom worked late Opal was the one who bathed and fed her, since before she could walk. Ruby was practically her own daughter.
"You tell me right now or so help me God I will strangle you with my bare hands" she threatened. Amber looked at her afraid by the venomous look in her usually docile sisters eyes.
"Tell me", Amber sighed

"I didn't say anything! I just...I was having a bad day and she was acting all woe is me! I went off about how she's always been on that dream cloud about how much mom loved dad. That we're incapable of loving. I told her she she needs to wake up and come down to reality. You know it wasn't like that with-" she was cut off by an audible smack and a stinging sensation on her cheek, she reached up and touched her face.

"How fucking dare you?! How dare you say that to her?! bitch!" Opal yelled fiercely as Amber registered that Opal had slapped her
"Do you know what you did?! Do you?!" She yelled

"Opal! What's going on here?!" They turned to find their mother standing there confused

"What's going on is that your daughter is an unscrupulous little-" Opal stopped, she looked at her sister,
"Do you know what Ruby is probably doing right now? She could be killing herself doing something really reckless!"

"Opal! Why are you saying that?!" Her mom gasped, Opal took a deep breath.

"Her husband...he had an accident a few days ago and he...he was dead for a full 5 minutes...his heart dads. They haven't seen her since! I don't know what happened maybe it triggered I'm scared" Opal shuddered, Ambers face dropped.
"And Amber here saw her last before she left and told her that you never loved" Opal sobbed hugging her mother, Amber backed away

"I...I didn't know..." She stutters in disbelief, her mom looked at both her daughters in disbelief, she looked up at Amber,

"Who do you think you are telling your sister that? Who?! How could you shatter her idealisms like that?!" Esmeralda told her quietly, they were interrupted by Opals phone ringing, she gasped,

"Mom it's Ruby." She announced as her hands trembled as she swiped to answer
"Ruby?! Chiquita, where are you?" She asked, Ruby smirked at the boys from where she was sitting across from them,

"I'm a little tied up"

"What do you mean?! Ruby! Don't do anything brash! Come home Ruby we can help, Phil is going to be ok." She assured her as her mom tried to get the phone,
"Please whatever you're doing Ruby it's not worth it. Please there has to be another way. Don't do anything you'll regret..." Ruby thought for a moment before drawing a deep breath,

"Sorry, I won't be home for a while" she sighed before she hung up




What do you think she's gonna do? Did everyone get their satisfaction of Amber being slapped? Lol ok it's a filler sorry!! I feel like this is going really slow I'm sorry! Btw I updated Dead Girl, comments! Thanks Emi_Orton you're like my top commenter assize from SDAmbrose! Much love to you two!

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