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Cull- to choose; select; pick
"No way band boy finally got the balls to kiss you?" Angelico seemed to think this was funny as he took a swig of his beer.

"Yo hide that shit. We're on the street, you're gonna get arrested, we ain't in Mexico anymore toto." Ruby rolled her eyes as she hid it in her backpack.

"No no no no, don't try to change the topic here! I want the full details now, did you fuck?!" He nudged her, she punched his arm

"Shut up!"

"Oh my god you did!"

"I didn't you fuck face."

"Just a finger fuck then? Maybe a little over the shirt action?" He wiggled his eyebrows at her.

"I slapped him." She groaned embarrassed into her hands. She heard a squish and uncovered her eyes to see his half bitten taco on the ground. His mouth was open in surprise before he started laughing
"Adam shut up!"

"Oh man that's hilarious! You slapped him?"

"Yes." She groaned,

"Wait hold on hold on, let me get more tacos since I just dropped my last one. Want another?" He stood from where they were sitting by the taco stand on the sidewalk.

"Do I look like I need another one?"

"You're right I'll get you 3." He smirked,

"You know I'm starting to think it's your fault I'm fat!" She called after him, he flipped her off as he walked over to the line. It was a typical night in LA, Angelico and her had spent one too many nights in this exact spot eating like the broke people they were. It was kind of her last hurrah before her check cleared and she was living the "high life". She had to be in Wisconsin by tomorrow evening yet she hadn't packed a thing. She didn't even want to check her phone...

"Hola Felipe," she could hear Angelico greeting their taco guy,
"Como te va?" Even when speaking Spanish he still had a slight South African accent.

"You were here literally 2 minutes ago." Felipe laughed in his accented English
"Ya acabaste?! You're supposed to chew! Take your time, Enjoy it, probably why Ruby and you didn't work out." He winked causing Ruby to break out in laughter. Angelico's face flushed red,

"I dropped them!" He yelled defensively,
"And Ruby slapped the guy she likes after he kissed her and confessed his undying love!"

"Que? Ruby nunnnnnca." Felipe replied sarcastically
"Que quieres güero?" (What do you want white boy?)

"Haber dame 3 de asada, 3 de al pastor, y...2 lengua."

"Okee, $5 mijo."

"Come te algo guey." (Eat something) Ruby teased, Angelico flipped her off again as he paid, within a minute he was sitting next to her with more foil wrapped tacos. He tossed her two before unwrapping and tearing into one.

"Alright so he professes his undying love and then lays one on you and then what?"

"I slapped him." She muttered, he laughed for a third time,

"And then?"

"He didn't exactly look surprised, he almost looked like he was expecting it. He kissed me again."

"Guys got balls, I'll give him that. Then what? Don't tell me you-"

"I slapped him again and ran off." She covered her face again, this time he didn't laugh surprising her.

"Damn sucks to be him. Mox, Roman, and Lia were watching too weren't they? Well you thoroughly embarrassed him. Dude musta left with his tail tucked between his legs."

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