Twelve- Wishing.

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"You think he's right?" Jeff asked Pj as he smoked a cigarette, they were currently sitting outside the bus smoking after finally managing to get Punk calm enough to go back to sleep. PJ blew smoke out slowly, he rarely ever smoked, only when he found himself completely on edge and his first date with Ruby... "Peej" Jeff called bringing him back,

"I don't know...I don't want to think so" he sighed rubbing his temples. He couldn't think straight, the frightening thought of Ruby being dead was looming over his head. He took a deep breath, he had to admit the cigarette tasted like shit to him. He stubbed it out beneath his foot. He stood, Jeff looked at him confused.

"You alright?" Jeff asked him, PJ managed to nod,

"I...I need to go on a walk" he muttered, it felt almost as his feet had a mind of their own. He walked, seemingly with no destination in mind. It was cold, he should've worn a jacket. What city were they in? He didn't know. He just knew that it was a day before they could go back to LA to resume the search for the woman they loved. It had to be 3 am...the moon was out and full, he smiled, Ruby would've made a joke about that, him being out on a full moon and such,

"It's a beautiful night" he sighed, it was their second date and he felt light and happy that he had found the balls to ask her to accompany him to his match, they had just walked out of the coffee shop to find a large full yellow moon in the navy blue sky, it seemed to illuminate the world around them, no need for street lights. Her soft hand felt small and warm in his as they walked along the sidewalk. She looked up at him playfully, a smile pulling at the sides of her mouth, "what?" He asked nervously,

"I'm just waiting to see if you're really going to turn into a wolf", he laughed,

"Why would I? I wouldn't want to scare you off" he shrugged, she laughed,

"Nothing scares me!" She scoffed, "I'm Ruthless Ruby motherfucking Redfox"

"And I'm the darewolf, nothing scares me either" he smirked, she leaned up and kissed him, surprising him. She blushed, he knew he was starting to fall for this girl...

"Then together we're fearless" she whispered shyly as she leaned her head against his arm, they were quiet for a moment before he spoke again,

"Lets Howl at the moon together" he suggested, she looked up at him amused, "unless you're too SCARED of what people will think" he shrugged, she raised an eyebrow

"Me? Scared?! Never!" She scoffed, they were in front of their hotel,

"Then after you Ms. Redfox" he motioned,

"No, no, after you Mr. Gabriel, or Mr. Lloyd, whichever it is" she motioned more elaborately, he raised his eyebrows

"If I'm gonna howl its gonna be from a balcony, you know, no shame, no fear, so Ruby, ladies first"

"I can howl from the balcony too!" She challenged, he smiled, his dimple showing,

"Then by all means" he motioned toward the elevator, before he knew it she had hopped on his back, she pulled his hair like a horses mane

"Giddy up darewolf" she laughed as they stumbled into the elevator.

"You better tip me for this" he groaned, she kissed his cheek

"There" she laughed, jumping up and down on him, he actually didn't mind...he could feel her breasts on his back...his mind wandered places he knew it shouldn't. They finally reached his floor, he walked her toward his door, that he barely managed to open, they stumbled in and on to the balcony before she finally hopped off. He cleared his throat,

"You ready?" He asked, she smiled

"The question is are YOU?"

"I'm always ready"

"After you then"

"Ladies first"

"Wolves before foxes" she crossed her arms matterofactly, he shrugged,

"Fine, I'll go first, since you're scared" he stepped forward putting his hands to his mouth, she gasped, shoving him out of the way, she cupped her hands to her mouth before letting out a soft, unsure

"Woooo", PJ laughed,

"Nice howl there, PUPPY" she shoved him,

"Lets hear yours then" she stuck her tongue out, he cleared his throat

"Don't mind if I do" he shook his shoulders before cupping his hands to his mouth , "ah-roooooooo!!!!!" He howled loudly, causing passerbys below to look up confused, before he knew it Ruby was standing beside him howling. Each time they tried to howl louder than each other, before they were face to face simply howling, they then heard

"Will you shut up?!" And turned to find Jericho in his robe and slippers looking drowsy, they burst out into laughter at the sight of him, causing him to pull his robe closed and shuffled back into his room, muttering "crazy fucking kids" they continued to laugh as they stumbled back into Pjs room,

"I can't-"Ruby tried to stop laughing, her ribs hurt from laughing do much

"Did you see his bunny slippers?!" He managed to say as he fell onto his bed laughing.

"And his Barbie boxers?!" She choked on her laughed as she fell beside him, she fanned herself, she looked so beautiful then, her eyes filled with tears of laughter, her face slightly red. Finally after a few minutes they finally caught their breath and lay across from each other, he reached out and tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. He felt himself leaning forward, she didn't move away as he softly pressed his lips to hers. She was still as he tangled his hand into her hair, pulling her closer, her mouth moving with his, the kiss deepened, their tongues mingling together, he was surprised to feel her hands beneath his shirt, her small fingers running across the deep v on his hips, he prayed he wouldn't get hard as her fingers trailed across the hem of his boxers, he wanted desperately to feel her skin on his, to press every inch of her to him, just tangle their bodies together, and never pull apart. In that moment he knew he wanted to be with this girl for the rest of his life. She pulled away, hers on his which were still currently tangled in her hair. She cupped his cheek sweetly, he could feel the warmth from her hand through his beard, "I should go" she whispered, "I have a big match tomorrow", he smiled, silently wishing she never had to leave, as they both stood, she looked at him with stars in her eyes, "goodnight Justin" she whispered, the way she said his name even if it wasn't his actual name sent shivers down his spine.

"Goodnight Ruby" he managed to whisper back, he gathered the courage to lean down and kiss her again, softly on the lips. It was all downhill after that, Punk and her's attraction grew, she was in love with Jeff, it seemed like there was no room in her heart for him...

"I shouldn't have given us a break" he sighed looking at the moon, "I shouldn't have ever let her go, and I definitely shouldn't have done anything with Eve Torres" he muttered hanging his head in shame. "I just wish I could go back....I wish I could've done things differently..." He sighed looking back at the moon. "I wish it so much."





PJ is soooo adorbs:)



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