Thirty-Six-Change Pt.2

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"Alright wait here." Ruby sighed as she unbuckled her seatbelt. Tyler pouted, a giant white bag in her lap.

"What? Why?" She pouted.

"I won't be long just have to go talk to my mom about something." She sighed, "Look I'll be like 20 mins tops and then we can go to the salon. I promise" she smiled, Tyler pouted but nodded.


"Cool be right back!" Ruby announced sliding out of Vixens drivers side. She looked both ways before making a dash across the street to the giant two story mint green house from her childhood. She jammed her key into the lock and turned it pulling open the door. Usually she would be met with the sound of the tv being on, perhaps the radio, her mothers Yorkie's barking...but instead it was silent. "Mom?" Ruby called as she wiped her feet off on the mat by the door before hanging up her jacket. "Mami?" She called again as she peeked her head in the kitchen. Usually she would find her mother there, cleaning or cooking, maybe drinking some coffee but she was no where to be found. "Maaaaaamá" she sang turning on her heel as she began to head upstairs, perhaps she was in her room. But then a smell hit her nose, it was a chillingly familiar smell. She remembered it very well from her childhood, a smell she had wished she never had to smell again yet knew it was inevitable. Pall Mall's. The cheapest, shittiest, foulest tasting cigarette that existed. Her mother would never smoke that. Her mother smoked Marlbaro Lights, sometimes menthols. She sometimes even smoked from Ruby's left over teenage stash of Camel Crush, all pleasant smells. Smells that reminded her of her childhood. There was only one person low enough to smoke the cigarettes that matched their insides. Ruby walked cautiously following the scent. She came to a half as she saw spotted just who she had dreaded it would be. They was seated facing the fireplace, in her mothers favorite armchair. A glass of what Ruby assumed was alcohol on the coffee table, a cigarette in her hand. Her long wavy mahogany hair was pulled into a ruffled looking bun on her head, Ruby could see she was holding a picture frame.

"So you are and Rosalía are married?" She asked not even bothering to turn around. Ruby stopped not knowing what to say. "It's a mistake. Far too young." She clucked, "What are you like 20?" She laughed, "You don't know your ass from your elbow."

"Thats none of your concern" Ruby managed to mutter, before walking slightly forward, afraid to find out she wasn't just a figment of her imagination.

"Rosalía is." She laughed slightly, "This is a nice picture. Your hair, red." She scoffed, "Very original, although I think you could've picked a better looking husband." She noted as Ruby realized it was a framed newspaper clipping of her and Punk from their wedding night. "But eloping?" She scoffed again, "Typical. Selfish. Just like your mother." She clucked again

"My mother is NOT selfish." Ruby growled defensively as stepped forward.

"Clearly you don't know her like I do" she taunted,

"All I know is my mother didn't abandon me with strangers and pretend to be dead for 15 years so she could be free to shoot up anytime she wanted." Ruby spat, "and I know for a fact my mother is not a bitter crank whore." Finally she was looking her in the face, dead in the eye. Fiery amber into cold stone grey brown. She smirked at Ruby, up close Ruby could now see she hadn't changed much in the past 15 years. Aside from small wrinkles near her eyes and mouth, she was still hauntingly the same. The same apathetic look on her face and the same domineering stare.

"You look so much like him..." She whispered under her breath. For a second her aunts eyes seemed to softened as her eyes flicked over Ruby's face before they hardened again. "Where is my daughter?" She asked, Ruby glared.

"The further she is from you the better." Ruby scoffed, "Don't try to act like you care now."

"Ruby" her aunt clucked again, "I'm a changed woman, I don't drink as much, I've been clean for 5 years, I haven't quite been able to kick smoking but who can?" She laughed, "C'mon I think I deserve the benefit of the doubt. Don't be such a grudge holder" she smirked, "Leave the past in the past, let bygones be bygones-"

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