Thirteen- Heartbreak.

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"Uh well like I said I had found her and she uh...she took my car" Seth stuttered
"I could hit her!" Seth said defensively, Roman nodded,

"She is a quick one" he sighed,
"Is that what you wanted to tell me?"

"Uh well-" Seth began

"That leaves the second question" Dean sighed
"Where the hell would they go?" His leg shook impatiently,
"Do you think they'd call Ruby?" He asked looking up. Seth and Romans eyes widened,

"Well what if she's here?" Asked Roman getting up immediately,

"There's only one way to know" Dean said as he sprang to his feet following Roman to the garage.

"Guys what if-" Seth began,
"My car is here" his eyes widened,

"They were here! They were fucking here!" Dean growled, Roman looked around,

"What's more they took Carmine" he gasped,








Tyler's phone rang. Lias eyes widened, the memory of her nightmare lingering.
"Don't answer" she gasped,

"What if it's Ruby?" Asked Tyler staring at the phone,
"I have to answer"

"If it's an unknown number don't answer" Lía warned, Tyler nodded and picked up her phone, her hands trembling.

"Hello?" She asked

"Put it on speaker Ty, I need Lia to hear this too", Tyler nodded and pressed speaker.

"I know you're in the building. Stay where you are." Lía was relieved to hear Ruby.
"Everything going to be ok...but I can't exactly help you right now. I'm here too. You're safe but I would go wandering around" she warned.
"I'll be with you guys as soon as I can." She sighed before hanging up.

"We're ok" sighed Tyler happily.
"We're gonna be fine"

"I hope so" Lía shrugged. Her mind drifting to the first time Ruby had helped her.






*months prior*
Lía lay in the hospital, ivs in her hands, the bandages on her wrists, the machines around her. Her head turned staring at the blank white wall ignoring the nurses and doctors who came in and checked on her constantly. She was on suicide watch, after she found out she had lost her baby she had attempted to kill herself. Now with her hands tied to the sides of the hospital she lay staring at the wall, constantly sighing. She felt hollow, she felt...well that was just the problem, she didn't FEEL anything. She heard as someone sat beside her, she didn't bother to look. She didn't care.

"Rosalía..." She recognized that soft unsure whisper. She said nothing and continued to stare at the wall. He looked at her, he wanted to say
Rose...I'm sorry I haven't exactly come. I just...I felt it wasn't my place. But I think you should know I haven't been able to stop thinking about you...since we kissed at your apartment...and I know this is insane because you're my best friends wife but Rose I really care about you...I think it's time for you to get out of this marriage. Well that's what he wanted to say. But he didn't. He couldn't instead he sat there in silence watching her as she stared blankly at the wall. Finally she turned to look at him blinking those brown grey eyes at him,

"Have you ever considered the oddity of the fact that numb is the feeling of nothing. That it's the feeling of not feeling at all." She sighed, he looked at her now knowing what to say.


"My mom used to call me that..."she trailed off.

"Sorry I didn't mean to-"

"No it's ok." She sighed, she locked her eyes with his,
"Colby. I want to go home." She whispered, she felt his warm hand on hers.

"I didn't think you'd want to-", she shook he head, she had nothing to lose spilling her guts to him.

"Not with him. I want to go home, to Samoa, where this all started. I want to go back and I want to say no, I want to stop myself from committing this stupidity. I want to go back and I want to leave the Reiher and Anoa'i name behind. I would a million times over would rather be a ...Feú or a Lopez" she confessed quietly. He looked her surprised.

"If I could make that possible...I would. But Lí's not that simple. If it were up to me I would whisk you out of here and we would runaway and we would be happy. But life isn't a don't know how much I fucking wish it was. But it isn't." He looked around helplessly,
"I want to be with you...I really really do. But-"

"I understand" she sighed turning away, he got up.

"No you don't. If it were that simple I would-"

"Colby I get it. You want me but you don't want to fight for me. It's been the case my whole life. I'm used to it, don't try to sugar coat it." She muttered, he looked at her shocked.

"No thats not it at all! If it were anyone, anyone but my best friend...I would steal you away in a heartbeat! But he loves you-" he explained he stopped when she tried to sit up but couldn't because of her restraints,

"Does this look like love to you?!" She shouted,
"He made me lose my baby" she began to sob,
"He took the only thing I had going for me, the only thing that could've made me happy. He tore that away from me. Yet I'm the one being punished with having to go back and live alone with the man I hate"

"You won't be alone" they both turned to see the source of the voice. There stood Ember her arms crossed as she studied them. They stared at her wide eyed wondering how much she had heard.

"What?" Lía asked confused, Ember looked from Seth to her.

"Can I speak with her alone?" She asked lightly.

"No. You might be the 'boss' in the ring but you're nobody out of-"

"I wanna hear what she has to say" Lía muttered, Seth's eyes widen but he nodded

"Fine but I'll be around, if she does anything to you just yell for me" he told Lía glaring at Ember before leaving. Ember sat beside Lía before standing again, she leaned over Lía and began untying her wrists.

"What're you doing?" Asked Lía alarmed.

"I'm untying you. No one should be tied up like an animal." She muttered as she moved on to the other wrist. She sat again as Lía massaged her wrists.

"What do you want?" She asked quietly
"Why are you saying I won't live with Roman alone?" She asked

"Because you won't. You're moving into the house with Seth, Dean, and I. Roman will be there too...but he won't lay another finger on you. I promise you. The only way he'll hurt you is over my dead body" Ember said quietly

"What?! I'm sorry but what the hell do you care?!" She growled, Ember smirked

"Ah the fire burns in you yet...a true Feú." She said proudly

"What?" Asked Lía confused, Ember pursed her lips.

"Do you have any idea who I am? I mean who I REALLY am?" She asked, Lía shook her head confused. Ember laughed slightly and shook her head slighty.
"Ok well, I can show you better than I can tell you..." She sighed as she began to untie the mask, it dropped to her lap as she pulled out the contacts and shook off her jacket. Lias eyes widened,

"Ruby Redfox" she gasped,

"In the flesh" Ruby smirked,

"But how? Why?!" Lía asked

"It's simple. I'm here to take down the Shield, you can either help me or stay out of my way." Ruby shrugged as she quickly put the contacts back in and pulled on her mask.

"Me? Help?! How?!" She asked confused

"Well obviously you probably just as much as I want to end the Shield. You want Roman out of your life. I can help." She sat back after pulling on her jacket.


"It's simple Lía" Ruby rolled her eyes slightly
"You want Seth, he wants you. Roman wants you too. But they also both want me. You will be the nail, I'll be the hammer, and together we will creat a rift. Everyday it will grow and grow beneath the weight if infidelity, of lies, of just until it breaks them up completely."


"Lía like I said you can either help me or stay out of my way." She snapped. They were quiet before Ruby reached out and rested her hand on Lía's arm.
"Either way I plan to help you, don't think I'm extorting you. I won't let Roman hurt you anymore" she added softly.

"But why?" She asked confused, Ruby looked away daring in the distance before finally answering

"Let's just say...I knew someone in your shoes once." She sighed
"Anyway...I've got to go. Let me know your answer" she stood, she walked toward the door. She turned one last time to look at Lía,
"And please like I said if you aren't going to help me, at least don't fuck things up for me either. Keep my identity and plan a secret." She warned before opening the door and walking away. Seth came in almost immediately after,

"Are you ok?" He asked sitting down again, she nodded

"Yeah." She continued to stare at where Ruby had just been.
"I think I'm going to be just fine" she blinked before turning to look at Seth, she placed a hand on his cheek, her thumb stroking just beneath his eye. He stared back almost paralyzed as she leaned forward and brushed her lips against his before wrapping her arms around his neck her head buried in his shoulder.






That's where it had began, thought Lía. She was tired. She was so damn tired of running, of hiding. She had to face Roman. It was time, she couldn't risk Seth getting hurt. She slipped into the bathroom and pulled out her phone, slipping it to her ear. It rand once before he answered.

"Lía where the hell are you?" Roman asked sounding more relived than angry. She said nothing not knowing quite what to say
"Keike...please come home...I NEED you." He pleaded.
"I've been good to you those last few months, I'm changing...for you. I want to show you that I can be just have to give me the chance...please.", she still said nothing.
"Keike...say something anything" he pleaded
"Yell at me, tell me you hate me, but please don't ignore me. Don't treat me like I don't matter." He heard as she took in a shaky breath.

"I think it's time we talked" she said finally, he shut his eyes thankful that she finally said something.

"Yeah of course. Anything you say."

"Meet me at the coffee shop on 182 and Main in an hour" she told him.

"Ok," he managed to say.

"And Joey..." She sighed,
"Come alone. If you aren't I won't even come in"

"I promise Lía"

"'ve done that before haven't you?" She asked bitterly before hanging up.






"How in the fuck did you even get this?!" Punk hissed, she looked at him coyly.

"Punk Until the papers have gone through I'm still your wife therefore I'm allowed to pick these things up for you." She smiled,
"Look I know how much this means to you, so I thought you'd want to find out as soon as possible." She smiled, he looked at her confused

"You have got to be the single most complicated fucking person I have ever met."

"Yeah I'm sure I've heard that once or twice before" she sighed, she reached for the cuffs once again surprising him.
"Don't look at me like that. It's your right to open this envelope and read it on your own. Plus I'm sure you wouldn't believe me unless you saw that this envelope is still sealed and not tampered with by me at all." She sighed as she uncuffed one of his hands letting him pull the cuffs out from the bars but she immediately snapped the other on her own wrist.

"Really?" He sighed,

"You can't leave just yet. I know everything may just seem like excuses but it's the only way I can think to make you stay." She told him as he rolled his eyes,
"You ready to do this?" She asked quietly,

"Yeah I am. I really want to know" he stared at the envelope but made no effort to open it.

"Phil...what're you gonna do if you know...he isn't yours?" She asked softly placing her hand on his,

"It wouldn't be the first child I lost" he glared pulling his hand away.

"Phil that isn't fair."

"Ruby you had an abortion! You killed our unborn child!" He yelled, she said nothing and looked down.
"Or did you?" He asked, she said nothing.
"Ruby!" He gasped slightly

"I think you should open the envelope" she muttered quietly.

"No now I want to know." He crossed his arms thrusting the envelope aside.

"Phil you don't, now open the envelope" she shoved the envelope back in his hands.

"Fine" he grumbled as he ripped it open and unfolding it. Like ripping off a bandaid. She watched as he read it, he dropped it instantly.

"What does it say?" She asked quietly, immediately his hands were on her throat. He was on top of her, his grip tightening.

"You tampered with this didn't you?" He snarled, she looked up at his confused until she realized what it must have said

"Phil I would never-"

"He has to be mine!" He yelled as she shook her,
"He has to be!"

"Phil I'm sorry I wish he was but-" she managed to choke before he let go and pulled away.

"How could you do this to me?" He asked his voice low, he sounded defeated.

"Baby I didn't do it to be malicious I promise" Ruby's voice broke.

"Do you know the worst thing? The worst thing is I deserve it I do. Because I was fine. Before you I was fine. Now Im fucking pathetic." He sighed,
"Give me the key I want to go" he sighed

"Punk please...I'm so sorry. If I could I would-"

"Don't even fucking talk!" He growled,
"You were the one who could've easily given me a child!" He accused, she looked at him through watery eyes as he grabbed the key and unlocked the cuff. He jumped off the bed and strode toward the door.

"I didn't have an abortion" she sobbed, He looked back at her shocked, turning back.

"What?!" He asked

"I didn't have an abortion!" She sobbed into her hands.

"Then why would you say that?!" He asked shaking her,

"I said I had an abortion so I could feel like I had a choice..." She sobbed,


"I had a miscarriage....a little after I found out about you and Scarlett...that fall onto the railing. The insane gauntlet matches...I woke up one morning...covered in my own blood. No one could one. I had to suffer alone...I had to. I know I shouldn't have told you that I had an abortion. But I couldn't deal with it. I couldn't I began to lie to myself saying I did it. I knew you would blame me I pushed you away. Farther and farther..."

"How could you not tell me?!" He asked pacing.

"Because regardless of me wanting you away from me I wanted you safe!" She shouted, they were quiet.
"I think you said it best, WE don't just burn bridges, we blow them up while we're still on them! I get it ok? I blew that bridge up, and we both got fucked. I did it, ok? I accept that But I'm trying to build a new bridge here! I am ! but I can't do it on my own....I'm willing to do the bulk of the work Punk, but you gotta meet me somewhere along the way. Please. I'm so sorry for everything I did" she dropped to her knees,
"I know I fucked up. I made a mess of things. I know that everything is my fault. But I need you to know that I did it all because I love you more than anything in this world and I wanted to keep you safe. I couldn't do it for our baby so I had to do it for you...please Punk I am so sorry" she sobbed at his feet. He looked down at her not knowing what to say.

"I'm sorry Ruby...but I don't think I could ever...take you back after any of this" he shook his head before walking out. He was surprised she didn't run after him as he easily walked out of the building. He didn't know exactly where to go from there but in a few hours he once again found himself in the comfort of his own home. He didn't care anymore. Everything chance at happiness he once had was gone. He didn't care about anything anymore. He picked up his phone,
"Hey wanna come over?" He asked






Ruby burst through the elevator doors. She was going to go straight for her car she had spent about an hour or two crying and drinking before finally coming to terms that she had brought everything upon herself. She was planning to leave when she heard a slight giggle. She turned to the front desk, Astrid was no where to be found. What the hell? Thought Ruby, she looked around confused. She heard the giggle again, this time with a manly chuckle. Ruby raised an eyebrow as she strode toward the reception area and peeked her head over. It wasn't at all what she expected. She stepped away in confusion before looking again. She found Astrid sitting on the ground cross legged her head resting on the shoulder of a muscular square headed man. They were very close and laughing sharing a pair of headphones as they watched a movie together on an iPad. Ruby watched confused as hell. Were the on a date? She shook her head and ignored it as she went to make a call. She had to call Lía and Tyler. After she was done she walked out on the fire escape hoping to clear her head. She couldn't believe it was over but she had to start to believe it. She smelled cigarette smoke and had to admit she craved one herself. She had always loved the smell of cigarettes, and it had always been a turn on for guys to smell like them. Obviously she didn't have that perk with Punk. She walked toward the smell, the smoke, and was surprised by who she found in a corner blowing the smoke out like a dragon.

"I thought you quit" she sighed as she sat beside him dangling her legs, he looked over at her and took another drag.

"Sometimes a man needs his smoke" he shrugged, blowing out the smoke

"You got another one of those?" She asked, he looked at her surprised

"Never took you for a smoker" he passed her his

"It was an old habit that I killed a while back" she shrugged taking it from him and taking a drag, she coughed slightly before letting it settle in her lungs, she passed it back

"And?" He asked

"Sometimes a girl needs a smoke" she smirked, he laughed

"Alright that's fair" he took another drag, she hugged his arm and rested her head on his shoulder. They passed the cigarette back and forth in silence,

"Randy..." She trailed off

"Yeah Ruby?" He asked quietly,

"Do you think I'm crazy? That this whole plan was crazy?" She asked quietly, he looked at her and smiled

"There's too much method to your madness," he told her, she hugged his neck,

"Thanks Randy..." She trailed off staring into those icy blue eyes, they were the ice cold counter to her fiery dark amber eyes, she cleared her throat "do you ever...regret starting a family?" She asked quietly looking down she stared at their hands which were beside each other as she thought of her own marriage and how it had gone to hell.

"Like everything it has it moments, but I wouldn't have traded it for anything in the world, but it does change EVERYTHING. You have so many more consequences to think about, so many more things that can ruin what you have, especially with Alana, before when it was just Sam and I, I would think of the consequences but not as much, but with Alana, there was so much more at stake, so much more to lose if I ever messed up, but whenever I looked at that beautiful little girl, that little piece of me, it was all worth it. But I guess it wasn't for Sam, or maybe she just hated me too much, I don't know" He shrugged

"Makes sense..." She nodded "but are you being straight with me? Like is that really it?" She asked feeling he was holding back, he laughed

"You always know when something's being kept in don't you?" He asked, she shrugged,

"It's a gift" she muttered bitterly

"Alright I'll be completely honest with you, there were...times when I truly questioned myself, times like right now," he told her, she looked up at him confused, he stroked her cheek "it's like something in me craved to do bad things, things I know I can't do...Things I...shouldn't do" She nodded, looking away from his mouth which she had been watching as he spoke "I mean I'm divorced but I still shouldn't do it..."

"I know the feeling" she muttered, he turned her head back to look at him.

"Like how much I want to grab you and smash my lips against yours, I want to press you up against this wall, and rip your clothes off, and have you rip off mine, and then I want to shove myself inside you, I want to feel your skin against mine as I move inside you...Ruby, I want to fuck you so hard your eyes will roll to the back of your head, and then I want to pick you up and take you to my room, lay you out on my bed and do it all over again, I want to make you mine..." she gasped slightly, but found herself aroused by the idea, she looked down blushing before looking up her eyes dancing with desire, he looked at her surprised

"But you wouldn't...would you?" Her voice trembled, she bit her lip embarrassed

"The way you look right now..." He started he pressed his forehead to hers, "I don't know..." She bit her lip harder "stop doing that" he ordered "It makes me want to bite that lip" he whispered, he started to draw her in before he pulled away abruptly "Fuck Ruby" he muttered, "what is it about you?! What is it about you that makes you so damn irresistible? Why do I crave you? You're addictive, you know that?! You're like a fucking drug!" He groaned, he pulled her face close to his, his lips centimeters from hers. "I can't, we can't, we're just two damaged heartbroken people looking for some affection" he muttered, he shut his eyes, he pulled away and she rested her head on his shoulder again.

"I think we need another smoke" she whispered, he nodded and lit another and puffed on it hungrily before passing it to her. She took a drag and passed it back, he did the same savoring her saliva in his mouth before passing it back. He took a deep breath, feeling the craving pass. He rested his head on hers,

"Do you...feel it to?" He asked quietly, she nodded, he felt his heart beat faster, she pulled away

"But it's best, if I just leave" she whispered, he nodded, on a whim she leaned in and kissed him softly, quickly on the mouth, she pulled away quickly, and started to walk away. She knew it was a bad idea, she was too vulnerable. She just wanted to feel wanted. But She was pulled back instantly by Randy, she looked at him confused before he drew her in and pressed his lips to hers roughly, his practiced tongue parting her lips and exploring her mouth hungrily. His hands wandered, he bit down on her lip causing her moan. She found herself pressed to the wall, he was already unbuttoning her pants. Her head was screaming at her telling her how wrong this was but it felt so nice to be wanted. Punk had been so cold to her since she began her plan, and now it was over,everyone hated her now, but it was clear to her now that someone, wanted her. Almost subconsciously she found herself pulling off Randy's shirt, feeling the rock hard exterior he had beneath, it felt like cool marble beneath her fingertips, she guided his hands to her breasts, he took hold of them roughly, they felt like melons in his hands. He hoisted her up wrapping her legs around him, his hips grinding on hers, she could feel his bulging erection. He guided her hand into his pants, where she cupped his warm hard erection, it practically pulsated in her hand. She just wanted to feel...anything so badly. Ever since her divorce she had felt completely numb, seeing Punk going back to his womanizing hurt, and now she felt wanted, as Randy grinded his hips against hers like the night they had first danced together...

"Since the night at the gym" he muttered between kisses,
"since we first danced together" he breathed, as he continued to kiss her
"I've wanted this so badly" he slammed his hips against her, his erection rubbing against her now extremely sensitive lower waist
"I considered just taking it" his hands slipped into her pants, cupping her ass hungrily, as he continued to kiss her ravenously,

"Take it" she whispered finally in his ear, as quickly as she said it he had torn her pants off and lowered his, he slipped into her, filling her immediately, he groaned as he grew accustomed to her tightness

"You're so fucking tight Ruby" he panted, bringing his lips to hers again, he had almost forgotten how prebaby tightness felt like. He moaned in pleasure,
"mmmm"he moaned into her breasts as he took one in his mouth. She hissed in pleasure as he bared his teeth, causing her to dig her nails into his back.
"Say my name" he ordered, nuzzling her neck, he slowed to the point where he was barely moving,
"say it" he growled, she pulled away and looked him playfully, he was still filling her deliciously,

"I didn't hear a please" she whispered, she looked at his lips while biting hers, he pressed his forehead to hers, as he pulled out achingly slow before slamming up quickly causing her to moan,

"Please" he said through clenched teeth, he wanted so badly to move in her but his ego wouldn't let him,

"Randy", she giggled, he smirked as he hooked her leg in his arm and began to mercilessly slam into her again,

"Say it again" he begged, she let out another small laugh, he groaned "please" she leaned forward slowly, her mouth on his ear as she bit his earlobe before she whispered a breathy

"Randy", it sent him over the edge as he made one final thrust before finishing, he rested his forehead on hers before planting a soft sweet kiss on her lips, a kiss she didn't think he would be capable of. He pulled up his pants before throwing her over his shoulder, she laughed,

"Lets get you to my bedroom all over again" he growled, before they made their way back to the room. She knew the regret would creep up in the morning but for just a moment she wanted to enjoy feeling wanted.





Shit. Ok I know it's a lot to process but comments!!!

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