Thirty-Five- Together.

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"If you need anything, anything at all you call me" Jeff reminded as he watched her pack from the doorway. She nodded, absentmindedly as she folded some tank tops, "oh wait! Before I forget!" he gasped, she stopped and cocked her head at him,

"What?" She asked but he had already booked it from the doorway, she could hear the screen door bang close indicating that he had already left the trailer. She shrugged and continued to pack, enjoying the peace and quiet. She had sent Punk off to the park with Kayden with the promise that she would have all their things packed by the time they came back. She was pretty much done with the exception of Punks things which he had strewn everywhere. She was carefully folding each shirt and pair of shorts wondering when he had last washed them. The few weeks they had lived together in her apartment she had tended to him in an almost motherly way. She did his laundry and cooked for him, she stopped folding the pair of shorts she had in her hand as she realized she'd been babying since she had accepted to be his girlfriend. She couldn't help but frown slightly at the realization that she had become a little housewife.

"Here they are!" Jeff announced slightly out of breath as he dropped 3 different sized packages on Ruby's lap, she looked up at him confused

"Huh?" She asked, he sat across from her on the floor,

"These uh came for you within a couple days of each other, no return address or anything, I kept forgetting to get'em to you." He explained, she looked them over carefully. "Do you have any idea what they are?" He asked curiously, she shook her head

"No" she muttered as she studied them as she checked the post dates, the first one to arrive had been a flat package. The second was a large squarish box and the third was almost like a bag. He was right, there was no return address, the only writing on them was her name and the address to Jeff's house. "Uh...I'm kinda scared to open these" she muttered as she continued to turn then over in her hands.

"I would be too but I must say I'm pretty damn curious" they continued to stare at the packages, "Open'em" Jeff said excitedly breaking the silence. Ruby laughed and rolled her eyes before picking up the first one and tearing at the paper. Her eyebrows scrunched as she looked at it, "What is it?" Asked Jeff, she handed it to him baffled, "From your number one fan," he read, it was a card type thing a weird painting of what seemed to be her, "I wonder what kind of paint they used..." he trailed off

"I'm more curious as to why my eyes are black and vacant and I look dead" she muttered, Jeff ran a finger over the mass of rusted brownish red strokes that were her hair, he brought it closer to his face almost sniffing it "What're you doing?" she laughed "You look like a damn police dog" she teased as he ran his finger over it again before dropping it completely,

"Shit Ruby" he gasped slightly "Thats blood. This shit is written and painted in blood." he managed to say. She looked at him shocked,


"Look I've seen a couple of blood letters in my day but this psycho wrote and painted it in their...or maybe even someone elses blood" he shook his head, "Thats some fucked up shit, I can only imagine what the other two are" Jeff muttered eyeing the square package and the smushed bag looking one.

"I don't think I even want to open them" she scoffed as she eyed the packages.

"I wouldn't either...but the damn curiosity" he laughed, "May I?" He asked, she shrugged as she went back to folding Punks clothes, she could hear the rustling as Jeff opened the packages,

"So's Gil?" She asked softly, she hadn't seen Jeff's father in what felt like a very long time,

"Same ole, same ole, you know strong as an Ox as always." He smiled, "Although he is a little hurt that his favorite daughter hasn't been to see him in so long", she couldn't help but smile. Aside from Paul, Gil had been the closest thing she'd ever had to a father.

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