Eight- Bare.

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"Tell me everything?" Punk scoffed struggling to sit up, Ruby reached out to try to help him but he recoiled.

"Don't touch me" he growled furiously, she nodded and looked away as he finally sat up.

"What the fuck makes you think I would believe a word that comes out of your dirty mouth?" He asked glaring at her. She adjusted herself, crossing her legs indian style,

"Because it's the truth" she shrugged quietly. "I think you should listen to me before you judge me"

"I don't want to listen to you, get the hell out of my face. I rather starve to death here in my own filth than to listen to one more word that comes out of your mouth" he glared. She stared back patiently. Had it been the old Ruby she would've argued back, perhaps shouted, called him an idiot, but instead she stared at him intently until deciding to speak.

"Honestly Phil, you don't have much of a choice. You're handcuffed to the bed, and I recall you doing the same to me in Vegas. Let's call it even" she shrugged,

"I'll tell you what, you're hear me out, completely out, I'll uncuff you." She offered holding up the key, he stared back, he lunged at it but she pulled them away.

"And if I don't?" He asked

"Then you'll just have to stay tied up here until you want to" she shrugged. She stared at him, studying his face, remembering why she had fallen so easily for him. He was beautiful, a diamond in the rough. He was probably the most beautiful thing she had ever seen, the most beautiful thing she would ever see, she still couldn't wrap her head around the thought that he had once been hers. Of course it only made her heart ache to realize he wasn't anymore, and it just tore it to pieces to know that he probably never would be again.

"What do you say?" She asked,

"Like I said I would rather-"

"Phil please." She pleaded,

"Baby, please, just hear me out." She tried to take his hand in hers but he wouldn't let her touch him,

"Everything I've done....everything I'm doing and going to do has been for you" she told him. He looked away, looking anywhere but her, she couldn't tell if he believed her. She crawled toward him, touching his cheek.

"Phil." He moved out of her reach. She sat cocking her head at him not knowing what to say, she scooted closer, she grabbed his free hand and pressed it on her left breast covering it with her own hands, he looked at her shocked.

"This is yours, has always been and always will be. Punk I know I hurt you, but hurting you hurt me more than you know", he said nothing but stared at his hand. She was wearing a cropped white short and tribal cat leggings, he could see the words "Property of Phil Brooks" below his fingers.

"This heart beats your name. You're the reason for my existence, I know, I know" she shut her eyes and took a deep breath,

"I know I hurt you, physically, mentally, emotionally. I'm more sorry than you can fathom, but I had my reasons and I think it's time you knew them. I just....If you want to hate me that's fine, but before you decide you never want anything to do with me again, I want you to listen to me. Please." He tore his hand away leaving her hands on her chest.

"NO" he said firmly and turned his back to her her. She swallowed the lump that was forming in her throat and stared at him. She wiped the tear that had managed to escape her eyes. She said nothing and for a moment they sat in silence for a moment. Finally she stood and turned out the light and left the room. She shut the door behind her and collapsed on the floor just outside the door against the wall, she choked back the sobs and tried to muffle them with her hand. She deserved it, she deserved every bit of it and she knew it. She had been a real bitch. She had not only stabbed him in the back, she had twisted the knife, pulled it out and stabbed him some more. She wished she could've been more upfront about things but he was about as stubborn as she was, he would've never let her. He would've...she didn't want to think what he would've done. As much as she regretted hurting him she didn't for a second regret a thing she had done because everything she did worked, it had all gone according to plan. She heard the elevator door ding as it opened, she didn't bother to look up and see who it was, she didn't actually care.

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