Three- Resolution.

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"I had so many plans for myself...falling in love wasn't a part of those plans, and you definitely weren't either." She took a deep breath as she cut the engine on again. She had stopped to get gas and had very nervously knocked out Punk again afraid that he would come to again. Now she felt the need to bare her soul to him again even if he would never hear it.
"I never thought for a minute that if you showed me a picture of my life you'd be in it." She pulled out of the has station and back onto the road.
"Do you remember a few weeks ago? In the hallway?" She asked quietly, of course he didn't answer.
"I do..."





Punk walked around the corridors of the arena, he found himself doing this often now. When he saw a flash of red, he knew it could only be one person. Eva Marie had in fear dyed her red locks Jet black.
"Well well well, if it isn't the 5 second champion CM Punk" she sang smiling, he glared at her

"What happened to no underhanded tactics?!" He growled, she shrugged,

"I had nothing to do with that" she ran a hand through her thick red mane, shaking it out.

"No one believes your bullshit"

"I don't need them to it's the truth. Damien just saw an opportunity and he took it. Anyone would've done it. In fact I very clearly remember a certain Straight Edge superstar doing it twice in a very similar fashion, and even to one of my former friends." She raised her eyebrows amused. He glared

"Then what did you whisper in his ear?!" He challenged

"I simply showed sportsmanship and wished him good luck. I would've done the same to you, but alas" she shrugged
"You wouldn't have believed me" she twirled her hair playfully, circling him but keeping her distance at the same time
"Plus after our recent...encounters. Being close is the last thing we need" she sighed,

"Yet you can't keep away." He growled pulling her close by the waist.
"You know it wasn't rape Ruby, you wanted me as much as I wanted you" he whispered against her neck,
"I know you still want me, I can hear your body calling for me" she wriggled trying to get free.
"You yearn for me", she pushed him off

"You're out of your god damn mind I think it's about fucking time that you get over me, I don't know how much clearer I can possibly be" she spat

"Oh I'm over you "Ruthless" he put air quotes around her name, the cameras began to film them,he tried to put as much venom in his words as possible, but a mischievous smirk pulled up the side of her lips, as she swayed over to him. She closed in on him, until he felt his back hit the wall, her fingers trailed up his chest,

"Is that so?" She asked cocking her head to the side.
"I finally got my wish?"

"Yeah" he answered matter-o-factly,

"Hmm" she mused as she tilted his chin down, and got on her toes, her lips centimeters from his, her scent intoxicated him and he felt himself being pulled toward her, his eyes half closed in lust as he fantasized about caressing every curve of her body once more, and just when he thought their lips would touch, she pulled away abruptly.
"Doesn't seem that way" she giggled maliciously, before turning on her heel and beginning to walk away but he caught her by the arm and pulled her back.

"What's your deal? Do you want me over you or not?! Why beg me to get over you then pull something like that?! What game are you playing?!" He asked frustrated. She pursed her lips, not saying anything
"Is your ego so big that even though you don't want me anymore you still want all my attention?!" He yelled, she blinked not saying anything
"That's it isn't it?!" He shook his head
"You're jealous, aren't you Rue? Because you're not the center of attention anymore? Because my attention had turned to Corazon?" Punk mocked, she laughed

"Quite the opposite" she shrugged
"I expected it, Guys are drawn to her like bugs surround a zapper."

"That bother you Rue?" He asked tauntingly, she rolled her eyes crossing her arms.

"Oh you think you see the horns of jealousy? You think you got my angle? You might want to ask yourself why you're so interested in her. It's a cultish vulnerability... but it's just self obsession: Your pea-brain says: "she needs saving", your pea-brain says: "I can save her". And then she doesn't notice you, so, you go crazy. It's about validation, it's about your ego. And since I've personally never needed saving, you're obviously put off. You feel emasculated. You and every other guy need someone like her to feel like a man" she yawned falsely.
"Sad but true", he growled at her again.

"I don't get you" he sighed
"I just don't"

"What's there to get?" She asked

"You don't want me to be with you, you don't want me to be with someone else, how miserable do I have to be before YOURE happy?!" He asked, she looked at him quietly before finally speaking,

"I'll let you know" she said quietly before leaving him confused.






She looked at his figure beneath the blanket.
"I don't want you to be miserable Punk. That's the last thing I want. But what I do for you to stay as far away as possible from me." She sighed
"Obviously that became what I wanted because well...look where we are now. But like I told you when I took you baby...everything will make sense soon." She pulled into the garage of a hauntingly familiar building. She cut off the engine and prepared herself for the task she performed one too many times. She hoisted Punk out of the car and halfway carried, halfway dragged him in. She led him into the lobby where she was greeted by the receptionist Bree, she looked up.

"Another one?" She asked, Ruby nodded

"Not just anyone Bree..." She trailed off, Bree took notice of who it was, she gasped

"You finally took him?!" She looked in disbelief. Ruby said nothing,

"Can know...the usual?" She asked quietly, Bree looked surprised

"Uh yeah...but considering who it is...I thought you would want to do it..." Bree replied, Ruby shook her head.

"I can't...I have to talk to you know where he is?" She asked. Bree's eyes widened which Cousy only mean one thing.

"He's out back" she told her,
"In the courtyard" Ruby nodded and sighed before walking away. She walked down the hallway and out into the courtyard. The sun had just set and it was already dark but she easily found her brother sitting outside on the porch swing a beer bottle between his legs.
"Hey Sterl" she muttered sitting beside him. He looked at her somberly.
"How's it going?" She asked

"I've had one sip of beer and I have to admit it taste like piss to me. Want it?" He asked handing her the bottle.

"Yeah." She shrugged taking a sip of the beer before setting it down
"What's your problem man?" She asked finally, he hadn't done this in while.

"Old Berilo. He always said you'd be somebody and I bought it, too. If that's the way Berilo wanted it that's the way it was going to be. Even after he told me he wasnt my dad, once I knew the full score, I understood why he treated you, Amber, and Pearl just a little bit better than me. And me, I'd just hang around for the leftovers, like a dog. That's how much i loved him. Like a goddamn dog."

"Sterling we don't have to talk about this right now...." She trailed off

"Shit! No, I want to talk about this and you're gonna listen to me!" He yelled

"This is a crock of shit man!" She told him

"Man he set you up to conquer the world and didn't leave me shit!"

"Nobody told you to throw your life away! I'm only sorry I didn't say something about you being drunk half the time. But you did it to yourself!" She told him

"Listen to you, coming in here like you own the whole goddamn country. To me you'll always be that little bitch who followed me around like a puppy"

"Yeah, I followed you around, 'cause I thought you were somebody. Then!" She stood up aggravated.
"Now get up, man up and do the fucking job I gave you" she ordered before walking away. She grabbed her keys from where she had left them on the counter, Bree and Punk long gone as she pulled the hood of her hoodie back up and walked out toward her car. She had to drive back to her home of the moment. The boys would be wondering where she was, it was getting harder and harder to uphold appearances but luckily for her she wouldn't have to do it much longer. She slid into the drivers side and took a deep breath resting her forehead on the steering wheel as she tenement how hard the first day had been.





She opened her eyes and found herself in front of the house. She sat up. She had been resting her forehead against the steering wheel for a few minutes and now she took a deep breath. She adjusted her clothes. She had made sure to dress revealing, so they would at least listen to her in case they wanted to turn her away. She tucked a silk strand of midnight black hair behind her ear and fixed her fake earrings that were concealing her stretched ears. She pulled down her long sleeves so no tattoos could show and made sure the tattoos on her hands were concealed by make up. She pulled down the mirror and looked at her reflection, amazed and disgusted by how pale and her new hair made her look. Her long lashes shut over her newly amethyst eyes as she blinked before she dug out her mask and tied the ribbons beneath her hair. She secured it, and applied a fresh coat of wine colored lipstick. She pulled her shirt down to reveal some cleavage, a flash of stomach showing between her shirt and low slung tight skirt, she hoped she wouldn't trip on the heels she had chosen to wear as she got out of the car. She felt cold chills of anxiousness running through her body as she made her way to the door of the house. Her hands trembled, she didn't know if she would be able to contain herself from wanting to wring their necks. She cleared her throat and took in a sharp breath before firmly knocking. There was no answer, no sound but she was more than sure that they were home. She was about to knock again when the door was pulled open. It was the defacto leader Dean Ambrose. His hair wet as if he had just gotten out of a shower. He looked at her surprised, his blue eyes not bothering to hide the fact that they were roaming over her body.
"I don't believe we got a stripper or hooker tonight" his eyes teased wickedly. She felt her jaw clench, but calmed herself.

"I'm here because your little quest for justice seems to call for a more...feminine touch" she purred, reaching out to stroke his cheek. He looked at her surprised, cocking an eyebrow at her.

"Is that so?" He asked amused
"Well I'm sorry sweetie but that spots been filled" he shrugged
"And we were never really taking applications...more so hand picking" he told her as he went to shut the door. She placed one of her feet in her platform stilettos in the way stopping the door from shutting, he looked at her confused, enraged, and even maybe a little aroused.

"You haven't even given me a chance" she pouted, taking a step closer to him, in her heels she pretty close to his height,
"Just let me convince won't regret it" she whispered softly, her voice husky. He said nothing but nodded and allowed her to push past him and into the house.





Oh shut what do you think she's gonna do? Do you think the Shield knows she's been taking people? Do you think she still loves Punk? Comments! I got a total of 3 last update! You guys are killing me! CMON!
PS What would you want to see more the connection between Corazon and Ruby OR the conversation she had with Dean when she got the watch back? (THIS WILL BE IN THE UPCOMING CHAPTER SOMEHOW)

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