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At the moment so many questions ran through his mind.
Where had she been?
What happened to the baby?
Why didn't she call him?
Was she kidnapped?
Did she leave?
If so why?
But none of them mattered to him right then and there all that mattered to him was that Ruby was alive, she was healthy, and more than anything she was THERE. She was within reach, he could touch her again, he could FEEL her again. Time seemed to stop as he saw her, his heart seemed to stop. He seemed to regain all the strength and energy he lost as he saw her, he got up quickly and ran toward her, throwing his arms around her. It felt so good to hold her again. He felt complete again, like he could finally breath.

"Ruby" he sighed into her hair, it felt so good to say her name to her, instead of to no one. Before he knew he was being thrown back violently, he looked up confused to see her crouching over him, her title on her shoulder. She smirked maliciously

"It's Ruthless now" she growled, she pulled him up by the shirt as if to kiss him, before shoving him down. She stood on a turnbuckle holding her title up to cheers, even as a member of the Shield the crowd loved her. Punk looked up in disbelief, he stood to try to touch her again but was blocked off by all four of the other members of the Shield. He didn't care he was going to be with his wife as she celebrated the greatest moment of her career. But he felt himself be pulled back, he turned to see it had been Jeff, PJ standing beside him with John and Bryan.

"Don't do it man. They'll demolish you" Jeff warned.

"It's Ruby! I have to get to her" he told them angrily, they shook their heads, he turned to see her step off the turnbuckle. She smirked at the group of men across from her. He walked through the Shield who stood behind her protectively,

"You gave it a good try boys" she mocked. "But now this title is where it belongs" she laughed

"Rub-" Punk began, he was cut off by her slapping him, HARD. He tasted the metallic coppery taste of blood in his mouth, as he tried to register what happened.

"I told you already! It's RUTHLESS now" she growled in his face, he looked at her confused as hell, before he knew what was happening he felt her hand on his cheeks as she forced his mouth opened and put something in. She laughed again, before snapping as she and the Shield slid out of the ring and began to walk up the ramp like royalty. Punk spit out whatever Ruby had placed in his mouth, it was covered by the blood from his mouth, but he could clearly see the silver circle with the heart shaped sapphire...he looked up more confused that ever, before he began to chase her up the ramp, he was pulled back again this time by PJ,

"Don't...she gone man." He shook his head,

"No she's not! She might still be in the building!" He shouted, turning to try to go again, but was blocked off by John and Bryan,

"No...she's gone! She's not Ruby anymore. We lost her" Jeff explained.

"That's not true!" Punk gasped as he continued to claw out of the ring.




Now he found himself in front of the Shield's hideout. He would speak to her. He would bring her home. He didn't care what it took. He just waited for them to get home. He sat impatiently in the rental he had gotten, watching, waiting. The guys didn't know where he had gone, he had disappeared after Summerslam, they hadn't noticed he was gone yet. But he didn't care, he only had one thing on his mind: getting his wife back. Finally he saw as a black car pull up at the house, he sat up. The 3 original members climbed out of the front street, they seemed to be muttering something to each other. Punk watched as the car moved up and down, Graves and Ruby still hadn't come out.

"What the fuck?" Punk muttered as he continued to watch, finally after a few minutes the movement stopped and Graves came out of the backseat first, no longer masked. A smirk of satisfaction sprawled across his face as he seemed to adjust his shirt, was he zipping his pants?! Finally Ruby emerged, adjusting her own clothes, as she fluffed her hair, she wiped her mouth flirtatiously, before grabbing Corey by the hair and pulling his face toward hers as she seemed to kiss him. The other 3 members of the Shield looked jealous, as did Punk who was gripping the steering wheel in anger. He was ready to jump out of the car when his phone rang, he saw it was PJ, what the fuck did he want?! He ignored it as he began to step out of the car, it stopped ringing but immediately began again, PJ again. Punk sighed in anger, he knew he had to answer, or else they would come here and ruin his plan.

"What?!" He groaned into the phone as he watched the 5 members of the Shield go into the house.

"Where are you?" PJ asked he sounded on edge


"You have to get back here NOW"

"I'm doing some-"

"Punk! Bryan and Cena are gone too!" PJ cut him off. "They were taken!"



Oh snap! Here's an update! Hope you like it! Comments please! Tell me what you think! Not just that you like it!

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