Forty- Pipebombs.

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She bit her lip.

"Phil...I-" she couldn't seem to find the words. He continued to glower at her from the foot of her bed.

"Is Kayden my son or not?" He asked again in a voice she hadn't heard him use since her first days with him. She felt PJ squeeze her hand and she found her voice. She took a deep breath,

"I...I don't know" she told him quietly not meeting his eyes.

"How do you not-"

"Remember when Xantos took me? Do you really think he wouldn't take advantage of me? I don't know if he's yours! There's a great chance that he's yours but there's also a great chance that he's not." She told him sharply, he stared at her not knowing what to say.

"We could get a DNA test" he suggested quietly.

"I don't want to know Phil!" She yelled

"I don't care who his father is! I'll love him no matter what because he is my son!"

"I have the right to know..." He told her,

"What if he's not yours, Phil?! What if I end up finding out I bore a son to the man who made my life hell? The man who raped me countless times! The man who gave me drugs, and beat me? I don't want to know!" She sobbed

"I don't want to resent Kayden...I don't..." She cried into her hands

"I just don't want to know..." She whimpered, everyone was quiet for a moment,

"But I do" Punk told her before walking out.








It was Monday night. 3 weeks after everything had gone down. PJ was better and due to defend his title at Nighy of Champions against a surprise opponent. Rumored to be a 6th member of the Shield most likely. Ruby would have to defend both of her titles, although he doubted it was anything new since she'd had to do it practically every night since winning them. The only thing left unsolved was who was the number one contender for the World Heavyweight Championship? Ruby had beaten half of what was left in the locker room and Punk the other half. It was between the two of them. A match was set that very night to determine who, but first a little pipebomb action was to ensue and so he found himself in the middle of the ring with his former wife as the opening segment of Raw. She blinked at him, no remorse for all the damage she had caused. She was wearing charcoal grey and black flannel opened with a studded bandeau type shirt beneath, if he squinted he could barely make out the tattoo they had gotten together and tight jeans, black studded shoes on her feet, she looked her age or younger as she brought the mic to her lips.

"Hi baby" she smiled,

"long time no see" she told him, her magenta painted lips pursed, she was holding a white box, rather large with a big red bow on it.

"I've heard of your troubles lately, and even though we're soon to be divorced I couldn't help but feel some pity for my Cookie" she teased.

"So I went and got you a gift" she told him handing him the box, he looked at her confused not daring to touch it. She smirked

"Aw baby what's wrong? You don't trust me anymore?" She asked

"You already know the answer to that" he told her, she smiled

"That's true, and rightly so, you have every reason not to trust me I mean I have done my fair amount of damage haven't I? I'm like the little tornado to your volcano" she smiled, she cocked her head to the side

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