Fourteen- Aftermath.

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Ruby's eyes fluttered opened as the sunlight streamed in from the curtains. By her surroundings she could easily tell that she had slept in one of the rooms at the Facility which she had done before. Her head was throbbing slightly as she shut her eyes. She went to turn over hoping to sleep it off when she met resistance. She realized there was a pair of tattooed arms had a python like grip around her chest and waist and also the fact that she was naked. It was apparent that the owner of the arms also was she felt his bare skin on her bare back. For a second she felt happy, thinking it was Punk that he had come back and that they had made up. But as her eyes trailed up the tattoos she realized they were no where near the right ones. Now she was alarmed as she saw they were mostly black and grey tattoos with the exception of a red rose with the name "Alana" trailing up the stem. Randy? She felt she entire body stiffen, she knew she had been drinking last night but as far as she knew she had been fine when she stepped out for air. Had she? She looked around, the strewn condom wrappers and clothes indicated she had and more than once.

"Fuck" she muttered, she heard a low chuckle,

"Again?" He asked lightly as he pulled her closer kissing her neck. She wriggled,

"No. This shouldn't have happened. Fuck. Why?" She sighed as she broke away, she turned to face him. He was full on nude, she covered her eyes.

"Randy please pull your boxers on and tell me we didn't have sex" she pleaded.

"Honey I'm afraid I can only do one of things." He said as she felt the bed shift she peeked through her fingers to see as he pulled on his boxers.

"Nooo. Why oh my god why?!" She fell back.

"Just what every man wants to hear in the morning" Randy muttered

"This isn't about you! This is about the fact that I fucked another man when I'm still in love with my husband!"

"Ex husband. Ruby you're divorced. We didn't do anything wrong. You need to relax." He tried to rest his arm on her shoulder

"Dont touch me!" She shrieked as she gotta up and pulled on her leggings, she clutched her hands to her breasts as she hunted down her bra which she found strewn across a lamp, she pulled it on. She rubbed her face frustrated after she pulled on her shirt which she found underneath the bed, she had spotted her underwear that he was holding up. She glared and went to snatch then but he moved them.

"Randy!" She hissed, he smirked.

"What're you going to give me for them?" He asked,

"Randy I will punch you in the ducking throat" she hissed,

"give me the fucking underwear"

"You know that sounds nothing like-" he began but stopped when she took a very menacing step forward, she snatched them.

"If you tell anyone about this," she warned as she stuffed her underwear into her bag,

"I swear on all that is sacred to me that I will castrate you and shove your own dick in your ass!" She snarled before stomping out the room slamming the door. She had somewhere to be and she had to be there now.







Roman sat nervously at the only table he could find that was remotely secluded. He strummed his fingers nervously as he stared at the cup of black coffee that sat in front of him. He'd been there a total of five minutes but it felt like eternity as he stared longingly as the door just waiting for Lía to walk in. Every time the door opened he jumped up slightly afraid that it was her. Another few minutes passed and he began to grow afraid that she wasn't going to show at all. He watched the door intently, his heart beating wildly in his chest until finally it felt as if it stopped as he spotted the familiar mahogany mane. Her beautiful features twisted in a mixture of sullen and uncomfortable. Her grey brown eyes scanned the room before falling on him, he gave her a slight smile as her eyes widened before looking away. She combed a hand through her hair before taking a deep breath and striding toward him. She plopped down in front of him,

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