Thirty-Nine- Surprises

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I sense a lot of ovaries bursting!








The girls ran excitedly to the door before it was even fully open jumping into the arms of Seth and Dean who barged in looking weird in their street clothes. Iris clung off of Deans neck happily while Seth already had Camilla on his shoulders pulling on his hair.

"Where's uncle Ro and Uncle Corey?!" Asked Iris,

"I'm right here!" Announced another voice revealing Corey, Iris and Camilla practically jumped off of Seth and Dean to pounce onto Corey who laughed. PJ backed away wary of them while Punk looked at them surprised that the girls liked them better than him. He turned to see Corazon's reaction but found that both her and her phone were gone.

"Alright lets go!" Announced Dean,

"Uncle Deaaaaan" whined Camilla, "where's Uncle Ro and Aunt Ruby?! Is Aunt Lía there too?!" She asked, he smiled at her.

"They're waiting for us back at the house" he told her. She pouted but wrapped her small arms around Corey's neck, as he carried her. Iris jumped back onto Dean,

"Here Uncle Seth you can carry Pugsly" she told him smiling before giving him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled as she handed him the dog, they headed for the door but Punk blocked them off.

"Girls your mom said you were supposed to leave with Ruby or her no one else" he told Seth, Dean, and Corey more than the girls.

"I'm sure Scarl won't have a problem with us taking our girls to Ruby" Corey smirked. Punk glared

"We'll see" he glared calling Scarlett, the girls were practically giving him puppy eyes as they waited for their mom to answer

"Hello?! Punk is everything alright? Are the girls alright?!" She seemed exasperated.

"Everything is fine. Has Ruby called you?" He asked

"No, I left a voicemail though, why?"

"Because Dean, Seth, and Corey are here to take the girls to her and I want to make sure it's alright to you first" he told her narrowing his eyes at them. But they were too busy being used as a jungle gym by the girls.

"Yeah it's fine. They love them. Tell them to tell Ruby I'll be by to pick them up as soon as I can" she told him sounding slightly relieved. "Good to know they're in good hands" she smiled on the other line

"Hey!" He growled, she said nothing.

"So you want me to let them go with them..."

"I thought I made that clear" she told him, he sighed.


"Oh and Punk do me a favor?" She asked


"Once the guys take the girls come down here so we can finish talking"

"Yeah I was going to suggest the same thing." He told her,

"See you in a sec then" he sighed before turning back to the 3/4ths of the Shields members

"Sooo what'd she say?" Asked Seth smugly even though they all already knew the answer.

"Do you have car seats?" He asked,

"Of course what do you think we are amateurs?!" Scoffed Seth.

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