Thirty-Eight- Options

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His blood ran cold. He dropped the phone.

"Hello?" He could hear Scarlett sniffle on the other end, "oh no, what am I gonna do?!" He picked up the phone sinking against the wall, he took a deep breath,

"Are you sure?"

"I'm never late...Phil we didn't use protection" she sobbed. "What am I gonna tell Danny?!" She cried, he thought for a moment and before he could he could stop himself the words slipped out.

"How do you know it's mine?" He regretted it instantly as he heard her gasp.

"What?! You're the only man I've slept with since Danny got locked up 3 months ago!" She yelled half sobbing "you asshole!" She yelled "how could you even ask me that?! Fuck you! I'll figure this out on my own!"

"Scarlett! Don't you dare hang up! This is my baby to-" but he was cut short by her hanging up. "Fuck." He muttered under his breath as he rubbed his face. He got up and went to go back into Corazon's room when he stopped. He could see Corazon and PJ were sitting very close, their foreheads pressed together, their eyes half shut as they spoke, he took a step closer to hear.

"I don't know what to think"Corazon muttered. "I know I love Phil and I owe him so much...he was my first real love" was? Punk thought "but Ivan...even though he lied to me...he still holds a special place in my heart...he's the only father Kayden has ever known...he's done so much for me"

"Corazon...what about me?" PJ whispered. She sighed in pain, cupping his cheek

"When everything came back to me...I began to remember the growing fear I had began to get the night Xantos took me...I was so scared that I was starting to fall in love with you...I didn't want to. I couldn't" she told him softly "Phil...he needed me at the time...he had just gotten through a hard time...he had been questioning his beliefs...I helped him through that! It was the least I could do after he saved me...he needed me...I couldn't fall in love with you...but maybe now..." She whispered opening her eyes and peering into his chocolate brown eyes, he pulled away.

"He still needs you Corazon...he needs you and Kayden now more than ever...he's the father of your child and the man you should be with" he sighed. She nodded,

" day...if its really meant to be...when we're old and gray" she muttered, he smiled,

"I'll wait for you forever because I know you're the one" he assured her, he brushed his lips against hers softly. "One day..." He pulled something off the chain on his neck, slipping it on her ring finger on her left hand "until then...I think it's clear that this has always been meant to be yours" he whispered as he smiled at the ruby ring on her hand. She sniffled,

"You make it sound like its that easy..." She whimpered "I still have to choose between staying with Ivan or being with Punk"

"Why would you stay with Ivan?" PJ asked

"He's the only father Kayden has known...he's sacrificed so much for us..."

"He lied to you! To keep you like a caged bird! And Kayden is's not too late for him to get used to Punk...he could learn to accept him...children are always more forgiving than adults."

"What if he's not Punks?" She asked quietly,

"What?" PJ asked surprised but before Corazon could reply Punk was walking away with an even heavier heart than before.






Punk found himself in front of Scarlett's apartment. He had hoped that in the few hours he had taken to get there she hadn't done something crazy or stupid or something that was both crazy and stupid. But the whole drive there he couldn't think of anything else but what Corazon had said. If Kayden wasn't his than who's was he?! He felt as if his heart were breaking, as if the world were crumbling around him, His thoughts were cut off my an unfamiliar very pregnant brunette girl opening the door. She looked him over looking confused,

"Hi can I help you?" She asked, a familiar looking dark haired little girl with blue eyes peeked out at him from behind her leg, then a younger looking one, maybe a toddler peeked out she had blonde hair and dark brown eyes.

"Uh...I'm here to talk to's kind of important" he managed to say, realizing that these were Danny's daughters, the ones that he had seen sleeping the night they had...been involved. He noticed now how much they looked like their father. He swallowed, the girl shielded her eyes from the sunlight,

"May I ask who you are?" She asked almost apprehensive as if she were expecting him to be dangerous.

"He's uncle Punk!" Quipped up the little blonde one, Punk recognized her as the one who had asked where her aunt Ruby was...he nodded.

"Phil Brooks...I'm the husband of one of her husbands friends..." He told her realizing too late that he was pretty much an ex husband now. She nodded, her eyes widening slightly as if she knew who he was. "and you are?" He asked feeling the need to ask since he felt like he was being interrogated,

"I'm Audrey...Richards" she shrugged

"Ah Dylan's wife?" He snapped asking, she nodded raising an eyebrow,

"Still Fiancée but yeah" Audrey nodded. They were quiet, even the girls, finally Punk cleared his throat

" Scarlett home?" He asked finally, she blinked

"Uh two should REALLY talk" Audrey muttered as she stepped aside and let him into the apartment. The girls looked him over shyly. He smiled at them, he felt awkward as hell.
"Scarl!" Yelled Audrey over her shoulder nervously, there was no answer,
"uh give me a sec" she muttered before disappearing into the hallway. The girls stared at him tentatively.

"You're on tv" the little black haired one told him, he nodded,

"Yeah I am, CM Punk, Best in the World" he told her, she blinked seemingly unimpressed. Tough crowd he thought. "And who are you princess?" He asked, she scrunched her nose immediately,

"I'm Iris! and I'm not a princess! I'm gonna be a wrestler like aunt Ruby! And I'm gonna beat everyone just like her!" She told him, putting her hands on her hips in defiance. He couldn't help but laugh.

"My apologies Iris," he nodded, he looked to the little blonde who seemed to be studying him, "and who are you sweetheart, if I may call you that of course" he smiled, she gave him a slight glare.

"You're the one who made mommy cry last time" she accused. Iris looked at her confused.

"I-uh-I" Punk stuttered not knowing what to say. "I didn't mean to..." She crossed her arms sticking her tongue out at him before stomping away.

"Camilla wait!" Iris called running after her. Punk felt worse than before if it were possible. He contemplated leaving but he wouldn't dare. He had lost one son already, possibly two...he wouldn't lose this one. He stood anxiously in the living room fighting the urge to pace back and forth. Finally Audrey emerged from a room practically dragging out Scarlett. She looked as if she had been seriously crying as she wiped her nose with her sleeve and stood straight.

"We have nothing to talk about" she growled like a wounded dog.

"Scar please..." He pleaded "it's my baby too" he said in a low voice. She glared at him, Audrey looked as if she felt like she was intruding.

"Uh I'm gonna take the girls to play" she announced "girls!" She called they came running out "c'mon lets go" she told them they smiled and nodded,

"Can we take Pugsly?!" Camilla asked Scarlett excitedly, she was practically dancing. Scarlett smiled and nodded

"Yes but put him on his leash!" She told her,

"Yay!" Announced Iris running to a room where she produced a small pug, maybe a year old. "He was a gift from Aunt Ruby to our DAD" Iris told him. He felt his face burn in embarrassment it was almost as if they knew what had happened between her step mother and him.

"Bye Mami!" Announced Camilla before they left. Punk looked at Scarlett, he sighed

"I'm sorry alright? It was a stupid thing to ask! It slipped. I only thought it, I shouldn't have said it" he told her, she glared

"You shouldn't have even thought it!" She shouted.

"Do you know for sure if you are...?" He asked quietly

"Not yet..." She muttered,

"What do you plan to do if you are?" He asked, he found he had this foreign hope in him that she was indeed pregnant. So many false hopes had seeded in him an almost craving to be a father.

"I can't...I can't do this to Danny" she whispered looking down at her feet. His temper glared he found himself holding her by the shoulders slightly shaking her

"What about me?! Why does no one ever consider me?!" He growled. She looked up at him afraid.

"He's my husband! WE fucked up and cheated, and I won't break his heart having this baby! Shit is bad enough as it is"

"What about me?" He asked again

"What about you?!" She shouted. "This isn't about you! This is about me! This is my body! I decide what happens!"

"You're having my baby! You can't just-"

"He said he supports any decision I make" she muttered, Punk looked at her shocked.

"Danny knows?"

"Of course he does! I tell him everything. At first he was mad...he wouldn't call or take my visits...then he was depressed...then he forgave me. He said he understood that I was he says he supports any decision I make. If I keep it he'll help me take care of it. He'll love it as if it were his own"

"He won't need to...I'll be there for MY child"

"Phil you can't just burst in here and expect things to go your way...we have our own family" she whispered

"I have every right to see my-" he began to tell her but was cut off my the door bursting opening it was Camilla.

"Mom!!!!!!" She looked really scared, Scarlett's eyes widened,

"What's wrong?" She asked immediately,

"Audy's gonna have the baby!" She announced "hurry!" Scarlett followed her outside as did Punk. Audrey sat on a bench, a look of pain on her face.

"Sorry to cut your bickering short but" she clutched her stomach wincing "little Richards here can't wait to be born" she finished. Punk was freaking out.

"What do we do?! Where do we go?!" He'd never done this before.

"Relax!" Scarlet told him,
"and you want to be a father" she muttered under her breath
"pull my car around we're going to the hospital!" She told him, giving him a pair of keys, but he didn't budge. He was still in shock. She rolled her eyes and snatched the keys out of his hands, soon he heard tires screech to a stop and Scarlett got out of the car immediately clipping the girls into their seats and helping Audrey into the passenger seat.
"Are you coming or not?!" She yelled at him, he still didn't budge
"Hello?!" She yelled finally he jumped and managed to squeeze into the backseat between Camilla and Iris'd car seats before Scarlett tore out of the lot. He found they were driving to the exact hospital were PJ and Corazon were as Scarlett took out her phone and started calling someone

"Are you using your phone while driving?! You're gonna kill us!" Yelled Punk, she turned around and glared at him throwing the phone at him.

"Then you call Dylan and tell him he's about to become a father!" She yelled, he looked at the phone not knowing what to do, Iris grabbed it

"Hello? Uncle Dylan! Audy is gonna have the baby!!!!" She yelled into the phone, he must've not believed her because the next thing he knew the phone was shoved up by Punk's ear

"Hello?! Iris there's no way she not due until next week hello?!" Dylan sounded like he was panicking

"Hey it's Phil, Audrey is definitely going into labor!" He told him, Dylan cussed

"Fuck! Ok I'm on the way!" He hung up. The tires screeched to a halt as Scarlett pulled up to the hospital.

"Get the girls out of their seats! I've got to get Audrey in there like now" she told him and she ran out of the car, practically carrying Audrey into the entrance. Punk found his hands were trembling as he attempted to unbuckle the girls. Finally he took so long that Iris unsnapped herself then her sister before hopping out of the car. They both stood outside the car with their hands on their hips as if to say
"Well" he clambered out and tried to grab their hands but they pulled away.

"We can walk" Iris told him taking Camilla's hand and simply walking beside him into the hospital. Inside he found Scarlett nervously sitting in a plastic hospital chair.

"Took you long enough! Anyway I've called Ruby various times to come and get the girls while I stay here with Audrey but she isn't answering" she looked at him
"Do you think you could call her and ask her to come?"

"Uh Ruby and I aren't on good terms right now in case you haven't been watching Raw..." He told her nervously, she glared

"Of course not! Ok...can you watch the girls until either Dylan comes or I can get Ruby to answer?" She asked

"I don't think they like me very much" he muttered, nodding his head to where the girls stood completely ignoring his existence. She sighed rubbing her face,

"Well then can you go comfort Audrey until Dylan comes?" She asked, his eyes widened

"On second thought I'll watch the girls" he told her. She rolled her eyes,

"Alright, can you take them to get some lunch? And just to fill you in Iris doesn't like fish...or onions or tomatoes...Camilla doesn't like anything with mayonnaise..or cream cheese...or sour cream or whipped cream...oh and she doesn't like all the things Iris doesn't...I think that's it..." She thought for a moment. He looked at her amazed

"How do you remember all that?" He asked, she shrugged

"It's part of being a mom...but yeah that should keep them settled..." She told him handing him some money he shook his head

"There's no need!" He assured her, "if there's something I have enough of is money" she bit her lip unsure before finally nodding.

"Fine." She sighed "I'll call you if Ruby responds!" She told him as she motioned for the girls to follow him. They pouted but followed him, he turned one last time

"Uh is it ok if I take them to go see a friend of mine who's in here?" He asked,

"What?" She asked confused

"I have a...friend and I'm sure seeing kids will make her feel better since she hasn't seem her own son since being checked in here" he told her, she nodded unsure

"Uh...ok I guess" she shrugged. After taking the girls to the cafeteria where all he could get them to eat was a grilled cheese and a couple of Cheetos. He lead the still glaring girls into Corazon's room. She was sitting up looking out the window sadly. PJ still at her side, holding her hand.

"Hey" Punk called after clearing his throat. They pulled away immediately, before turning to look at him.

"Aunt Ruby?!" Gasped Camilla, Iris was already running over and throwing her arms around her. Corazon looked at them wide eyed and surprised.

"Aunt Ruby why aren't you answering your phone?!" Asked Iris, Corazon looked as if she didn't know what to say.

"Are you sick?" Asked Camilla climbing up to where her feet were.

"Uh..." Was all Corazon could manage to say, there was a strange buzzing noise coming from the counter and Punk couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the fact that it was her phone vibrating like crazy.
"I'm sorry...I don't think I am who you think I am..." Corazon said finally.
"I'm Corazon. Nice to meet you ladies" she smiled

"Aren't you going to get that?" Asked Punk pointing at her phone. PJ answered for her.

"It's Ivan. He won't stop calling.", Punk couldn't help but grimace at the mention of his name.

"But you look like aunt Ruby!" Iris accused. Corazon shrugged

"I guess so...I've never met her" she told her smiling " What's your name beautiful?" She asked smoothing Iris's black hair that looked a lot like hers.

"I'm Iris and this is my sister Camilla" she told her shyly, Corazon smiled,

"You know I have a son about your guys age, maybe you guys could all be friends" She suggested, Punk stiffened at the mention of Kayden, Camilla scrunched her nose.

"Boys are icky" she whined, PJ laughed before clutching his ribs in pain.

"Oh darling you won't think that for too long" PJ told her smiling, she pouted. Iris cocked her head,

"You talk funny" she told him causing him to laugh again,

"Where's Aunt Ruby?!" Camilla sighed. "I wanna go to her house and play with my uncles!" Punk was about to ask something when they were interrupted by a bark, Iris immediately adjusted her sweater

"Iris did you..." Punk began to ask but his question was answered by Pugsly's head popping out of her sweater,

"I couldn't leave him!" She whined. Corazon and PJ laughed,

"It's alright" smiled Corazon petting Pugsly's head.

"He's pretty cute...Punk he kinda looks like you" PJ teased, Punk laughed sarcastically,

"Ha real funny. Don't quit your day job" he rolled his eyes.

"Are those my girls I hear in there?" Asked a male voice from the door




Guess who it isssss? Guess who's been working on updates all week?! Me!!! Anyway hurry and guess so I can post the next chapter! I'm looking for a certain amount before the next one goes up! So go go go! And good comments too! I have like 5 updates and am trying to get them up from the airport so comment!

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