Forty- Imbroglio

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Imbroglio-a misunderstanding, disagreement, etc., of a complicated or bitter nature, as between persons or nations.

He paced back and forth in the living room before finally sitting on the couch.
"You know I never thought I'd admit this but...seeing you after 2 years really made me realize how much I missed you..." He sighed before a smirk tugged at his lips "and how much I still need to fuck your life up." He laughed,
"I mean honestly, you thought you could run? From me? Baby, I think I've proven time and time again that you can't escape me, I am a professional fox hunter...Although I admit that time you so called disappeared you really got me. I mean you were literally right under my nose, the last place I expected you to be...but I've learned my lesson since then. I've watched your every move...I know you stay in the basement of your little training facility, I know that sometimes you stay at your moms or your sisters and that even sometimes you disappear into a house on a hill just across from here. I know that your only source of income is your training. I gotta say I respect that. You could easily have been like any other girl who left the WWE, done some modeling, got a reality show, or some shit like that...although with all those scars who would've wanted you right?" He laughed,
"And you know who's fault that is baby? Yours. Like I said on the phone today, everything bad that has happened to you has been your own fault. You brought it upon yourself, you gave yourself those scars and you know what? It's a good thing because now your outside finally matches your insides. Now everyone knows just what you are, evil as plain as the scars on your face." He scoffed running a hand over his face in frustration,
"But you wanna know the very worst part about all of it, this? I still love you. Yeah. As much as I have tried, as much as I have pleaded with myself to have just the tiniest amount of dignity, I cannot for the life of me tear you from my heart. You're so deeply rooted there it's as if...I can't even explain it...but that doesn't change anything. I'm still going to fuck up your life just as much as you fucked up mine. I bet you thought it was over because the worst thing I did over the last two years was keep the cat and blow up your phone with calls and texts but it's not over. Not even close." He sighed,
"This all could've been avoided you know, It. Was. So. Fucking. Simple." He growled,
"All you had to do baby, the only thing you had to do, was tell me. Y'know like couples are supposed to do? You could've told me all about that Shield thing, about Tamina threatening you, yeah I know about that too. All. You. Had. To. Do. Was. Tell. Me. We could've gotten through any of together! But no as always you thought you had to do everything alone, you took matters into your own hands and as always you made them worse. I just can't wrap my head around it, 2 years later and I still fucking can't. In what world do you live in where your little plan would've worked? There's no way your head can be shoved that far up your ass. Which brings me to the conclusion that you never wanted it to work. You wanted it to fail so you and I wouldn't be together because you wanna know the truth baby? And I mean the real honest truth not just the shit I'm saying right now to hurt you, the truth? You did it because you were scared. You're still so fucking scared of being with someone, anyone, but especially with me because you're so terrified and it's like you think that one day it's going to all disappear and the time we spent together will be meaningless and waste. But baby it doesn't work that way, when you love a person it doesn't just go away. Trust me I know, no, maybe it fades a little, it shifts and morphs and it changes into something else, something less intense, or maybe even something more intense but it doesn't just go away. No it will always be there, and even if for some reason it's not, the memories will be. Good or bad they will always be there. That's what makes the time spent on it not wasted and helps it keep it's meaning. That's what you cling onto when the fear is trying to sweep you away. If you had just told me....I could've told you that...I could've helped you not be so afraid...I wish you did baby...I really really wish you did...I mean...I wanted you to be the person I spent the rest of my life with...I wanted it to be you. God damn I really did...I miss you Ruby." He sighed finally, but as always, he was met with silence as he stared at her picture on the couch across from him. This had to me the millionth time he had practiced this speech, it was like anytime he missed her he found himself in their former apartment talking as if she were still there. He knew it was insane, but it was the only thing that kept him from losing his shit and taking her away with him. He reached out and grabbed the frame, admiring her portrait for a moment before chucking it across the room. It landed with a thud as it hit an arm chair. He stood to retrieve it when he heard a knock. He froze in fear, perhaps April had figured out where he was going to just about every day, not but she had a key. Maybe he was just hearing things...but then there it was again.
A familiar rhythm. Finally it stopped and he was began to go toward the door when he saw the cat flap move. Immediately he dove behind the couch hiding. He heard it close before he peeked over to see they were gone. He sped walked to Lionhearts room grabbing him from where he was sleeping on top of one of his cat trees and trudging back outside hoping to catch a glimpse at who had been knocking but once he reached Vixen all he found was a small hand print on her dusty hood.

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