Sixteen- Confrontations.

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"So do you often try to jump off of 6 story buildings or is tonight just special?" Asked Corey as he stabbed into his stack of pancakes with his fork. In a well lit room Tyler found he was even more good looking as she sat quietly across from him. They were at a Denny's that was down the street,

"No" she muttered as she watched the butter melt on her own stack of pancakes. She was hungry, starving almost, considering she hadn't ate since...the night Lía had saved her. How long had that been? Days? Weeks?

"So then what's wrong?" He asked raising an eyebrow at the small brown haired doe eyed girl across the table from him. She looked as if she hadn't eaten in days, her eyes swollen as if she had been crying. He had to admit he was curious.

"I had a nightmare" she sniffled, picking at her food.

"Must've been a hell of a nightmare" he laughed slightly as he reached into his jacked and proceeded to pull out and open a flask and poured what she assumed from the smell was whiskey into his orange juice. He held it up to to her, she shrugged, he poured some into her juice too.

"It was" she muttered

"Wanna tell me about it?" He asked intrigued

"Y'know I think Ruby once told me about this superstition, if you don't tell someone your nightmares before 3 pm, which is the opposite of Witching hour which is 3am, the nightmare can come true." He shrugged,

"But it's up to you" he continued to eat. She looked up at him her eyes wide, she took a deep breath,

"I was asleep and I would get afraid and wake up and when I sat up I saw the small shadowy figure of a girl in my room, at the door of my bed. But I know the room well so I knew that there was nothing there and then it began to grow vertically, I began to yell at it that it wasn't real, and then it turned look at me before growing more then collapsing into the ground like smoke. I sprang up to try to leave the room and then right when I would reach the door of realized I wasn't actually awake and it'd start over, around the 3 or 4th time, I got so scared...It happened a few more times before I finally actually woke up gasping for air. I sprang up and turned the light on, I could clearly see that there was nothing in the room, but I couldn't help but feel, just FEEL this bad vibe about the room." She sighed

"And then on the was like something took over my body, I don't know what else could've possessed me to attempt to do what I was going to do..." She looked up to see him with a forkful of pancake seemingly trapped midair as his eyes were wide.

"Ok fair enough, thats pretty damn scary"

"Not to mention the crushing, growing weight I felt on my chest" she muttered,

"What floor are you on?" He asked cocking his head,

"The 3rd" she sighed. He sat up,

"What room?"

"323" she sighed drinking her juice, he dropped his fork dramatically, it made loud ding sound as it hit the table before rattling.

"Holy shit" he gasped

"What?" She asked confused

"Someone died in that room"

"You're joking right?!" She asked her eyes wide, he smiled,

"Maybe" he stuck out his tongue before drinking from his juice,

"I thought you said you were hungry?" He asked as he noticed her untouched food.

"I am" she muttered as she took a bite,

"So are you in WWE? NXT?" He asked, as he watched her eat,

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