Twenty- Stun.

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Seth and Roman sat across from each other on the train. They were quiet, Lía sat a few rows over by herself. They were all heading over to the hospital after hearing the news about Ruby, the tension in the train could be cut with a knife. Roman and Lía hadn't seen each other since the discussion in the coffee shop...Seth and Lía hadn't seen each other since their falling out over her pregnancy scare.

"Rose, I need an answer" Seth told her pained as he looked up at her as she paced,

"I'm married Seth, as much as I don't like who I'm married to...we've been intimate, no shit. I didn't want to be but we have. Do you know how horrible it is knowing that no matter what I do I'm hurting someone?! If I'm with you I'm hurting Roman, if I'm with him I'm hurting you and I don't want that! I don't want to hurt ANYONE!" She yelled,
"Sometimes I think that the best thing would be if I was just alone"

"What?" He asked shocked,

"I think it's best if after I divorce Roman...if I'm just alone" she told him quietly

"Rosie, I love you, you love me! You can't just-" he took a deep breath,
"We made a lot of plans together, how are you just going to walk away from that?!"

"Colbs."she tried to keep from crying,
"That's all it is, plans. We can't...we'll never be able to be happy together don't you get it?"

"Of course we can-"

"Get your head out of the clouds Colby!" She shrieked
"I'm married to your best friend! You're not allowed to make plans with me! Even if I do get this divorce he will never let me go! And he will make goddamn sure I never have anyone else in my life again! Do you think for a second that once he found out about us that he's going to let it happen?! He'll kill us first"

"What are you saying?" He asked hurt,

"We have to end this Colby. We can't keep doing this. He's your best friend and as much I hate it, he's my husband. I appreciate all the love and tenderness you've provided me were my knight in shining armor." She sniffled,
"But us doing this doesn't make is any better than him. You know it's true, you know the guilt is killing you" he nodded somberly, she took a deep breath,
"Tell me you love me."

"I love you love me?" He sighed

"If I could stop, I would. I love you, Colby." She looked away as she pulled on her clothes, she felt his hand on her shoulder,


"It'll get easier with time...I hope" she sniffled

"What if I talk to him?" He asked

"That won't help. It'll cause a big fall out and both of your careers will be ruined. Just leave things as they are" she got up,

"You can't really expect me to let you go" he pleaded,

"You have to. I promise...that if you let me go, it'll be the best decision you could've made" she sobbed before running out of the room

"Lía!" He called after her, but she refused to look back. That had been the last time they had spoken, until she showed up their hotel to tell them about Ruby and Dean's accident, now they were on the way to the hospital. She refused to talk to either of them, but it didn't really matter their thoughts were all clouded with Ruby. She turned in her seat to face them,

"They need a blood donor, they haven't been able to find one" she told them quietly,
"Do either of you know if you're a match?" She asked, they shook their heads,
"Me either, I guess we're all going to have to get tested." She sighed before turning back around. She couldn't stand how they both looked at her like lovesick puppies, she hating knowing how they were both pining for her. She couldn't help but feel like she didn't deserve it, what was so great about her? Nothing, they deserved better, well at least Seth did. If it hadn't been for Ruby and Deans accident she would've easily stayed hidden and away from both of them. The train came to a stop an hour later at the Chicago station, Lía bolted out and caught a cab to the hospital. She was in the lab within seconds, if there was a way to pay Ruby back for all she had done for her than this was it. She sat nervously as they prepared the needle for the test, she wanted this over quickly she didn't want to risk running into Roman or Seth. She brushed by Roman and Seth as she bolted from the lab, they looked at her longingly before shaking it off and walking into the lab. Her heart was beating wildly as she made a turn hoping to find where Ruby was. She found it easily as she saw the people gathered, Punk seemed to be missing as well as Dean. She wondered where they were as she nervously bit her thumbnail, pacing, and trying to keep herself from assuming the worse. She didn't really know anyone, she spotted 3 woman who see assumed we're Ruby's sisters and AJ standing alone. She belonged about as much as Lía did, but she didn't want to talk to her. So she began to wander the halls, she stopped when she spotted Punk talking with the doctor.

"Mr. Brooks I know this is a a hard decision, but it needs to be made." The man that Lía assumed was the doctor patted his shoulder

"I don't know. How am I supposed to choose between the woman I love and my future child?" He asked, the doctor shrugged, Lía gasped,

"It's not a decision many would be able to make" he agreed,

"Can you save both?" He pleaded,

"I will try my hardest but I promise it, but should it come down to it, I need to know Mr. Brooks, Ruby or the baby?", Punk took a deep breath, shutting his eyes,

"I want you to...I want you my wife...please" he muttered, the doctor nodded,

"I'll do what I let me go see about finding that blood match." He patted Punks shoulder again before leaving, Lia's heart broke as she realized the pain that Ruby would go through after learning of the loss of yet another child. It wasn't a pain that she would wish upon even the worst of her enemies. She wished she could comfort him but she didn't even really know him, she was relieved when she saw Dahlia emerge foe the lab, holding a cotton ball to her inner elbow.

"Oh thank god! Someone I know" she muttered as she hugged Dahlia who looked shocked to see her,
"Wait why are you here?" She asked,

"That's a long story" Dahlia shook her head as they walked back toward the waiting room,
"You get tested yet?", Lía nodded,
"You a match?" She asked,

"I don't know yet. I hope I am. Wait you know Ruby?" Lía asked confused,

"Better than I'd like know how she wanted you to help her take down Seth and Roman?" She asked quietly, Lía nodded
"Well she basically forced me to come back for..." She nodded toward Dean who was staring at them amused. Roman and Seth stood beside him looking at both of them confused

"How'd she do that?" Lía asked quietly,

"You gotta admire that girls drive, she'll do and say anything to get what she wants." She muttered,
"She told me about how she could easily break his heart a million times worse than I ever could. That she could ruin his career with a snap of her fingers...that I was either to come back and distract him, make him lose focus, make him leave the Shield or I could step back and watch her do it...this was however after she made me think I was only in this to divorce you from Roman" she sighed,
"I said no...I tried to stay away...but I still love him." She sighed,
"But now he loves her and as much as I'd like to believe that she's still doing this for revenge...I think she's actually in this for him" she winced. Lía's eyes widened,

"But how do you know Dean?" She asked

"Long story short? I guess you could say we were high school sweethearts of sorts."she shrugged sniffling, Lía opened her mouth to say something but was cut off when she heard that hauntingly familiar voice,

"Any news?" That familiar accent made her heart stop, she turned trying to keep from fainting. Her eyes fell on him, he was as beautiful as ever, his chocolate brown silken hair pulled back in a ponytail, his warm brown eyes twinkling with concern as he looked at Punk waiting for an answer.

"No, they're still prepping for surgery, did you see if you're a match?" He asked, PJ frowned

"I'm not." He shook his head,
"How the hell did this happen?" He asked,

"You can blame Lindsey Lohan over here! " Punk growled as he looked over to Dean,
"You know I was so distracted I almost forgot to kick your ass for putting my wife's and kids life in danger!" He yells as he lunged at Dean, Seth and Roman were in front of him instantly, PJ was struggling to hold him back before someone else stepped in and helped him,

"Easy Punk, he's not worth it! You definitely don't want to end up in jail for that piece of shit" a hooded man with a southern accent told him calmly as he helped PJ hold Punk back. Punk stepped away and looked appalled

"You're one of the last people I want to see Jeff." He glared
"You fucking knew so much and you never told me!" He hissed, PJ took a step back confused, now everyone was confused as to what Jeff had known.

"You knew?" PJ asked looking appalled as well,
"This is bullshit! Do you know how much trouble you could've saved us?! Do you know what I gave up?!" He yelled

"We have a match!" The doctor announced excitedly as he walked into the tension filled room,
"We've finished the sutures and bandaging, now that we have the blood match we've begun with the heart surgery and blood transfusion, things are looking good" he patted Punk on the shoulder before leaving. Punk sighed before stalking off in one direction, PJ and AJ at his heels, Jeff went over to talk to Ruby's sisters, while The Shield tried to comfort Dean, telling him it wasn't his fault. 4 grueling hours later, with everyone sitting awkwardly quiet in the waiting room, the doctor came back again.

"What happened?!" Asked Punk,
"Were you able to-" the doctor shook his head somberly...

"Her heart began to gave up...we had to save her, I'm sorry Mr. Brooks...your son didn't make it" he told him softly, Punks hands shot to his head as he rubbed his face, he nodded,

"Ok" he sniffled,
"I understand...can we see her?" He asked,

"Yes of course...seeing as she has a private room I guess it would be ok for all of you to come" he nodded,
"She's going to need all the support she can get." They all flooded into the room, she lay there, her face stitched up and bandaged, most of her head bandaged as well, her neck in a brace, as she slept, her mother began to sob, as PJ tried to comfort her. It was a few minutes before her dark brown eyes fluttered open, she looked around confused, a slight smile on her face as if unsure of where she was,

"Ruby! Nena! You're awake!" Her mother yelled happily, Lía couldn't take the emotion of being in the room as she stepped out. She had barely made it down the hallway when she was whipped back. Her heart felt as if it stopped as she looked at who was pressing her against the wall,

"Don't do this" she begged as she looked anywhere but his eyes,

"I can't live without you," he whispered as he pinned his forehead to hers, his hand softly cupping her cheek

"Please..." She pleaded not daring to open her eyes,

"I still love you. No amount of distance, no amount of time apart will change that" He reminded,

"We cant'" her voice broke,

"I'll talk to him. I'll fight for you," he pleaded,
"Just come back to me" he whispered, as he brushed her hair away from her face, her eyes grey brown eyes cracked open to stare into his brown eyes,
"Distance makes the heart grow fonder...doesn't it?" He asked softly as he lips brushed against hers, his hand tangling in her hair as he pulled her up toward him,

"Lía?!" She heard someone call, she pulled away instantly, she knew who that voice belonged to.





"I did" her blood donor said, Ruby looked around but couldn't find the source of who had said it.

"I'm sorry who?" She asked softly,

"Me" they said, she looked and found the voice to be coming from the direction of were AJ was standing next to Punk. Ruby's eyes widened,

"Punk?" She asked confused, shocked. He shook his head
"AJ?" She gasped, she shook her head too,

"Then who?" She asked confused,

"Me" repeated the dark haired woman who stepped out from behind them, she had light caramel brown eyes, and blackish blueish hair as she smiled at her. There was something indefinitely familiar about her, her mother gasped. Opal and Pearl looked at her like she was a ghost,

"Zafira?", Ruby looked at her mother confused

"Sapphire?" She repeated confused, the girl shook her head,

"My name is Corazon Isoleé" she smiled,
"I was the match." She shrugged, Ruby could feel her mother crushing her hand nervously,

"No puede ser" (it can't be) she gasped
"Dile a todos que se vallan necesitamos hablar!" (Tell everyone to leave we need to talk) she whispered, Corazon seemed to understand and nodded

"Uh can everyone leave? Ruby's mother would like to have a moment alone with her" Corazon explained, everyone seemed confused but left nonetheless except for Punk who lingered,
"C'mon lets go, I'm sure they have a lot to talk about" Corazon whispered,

"No you stay!" Esmeralda called, Punk looked at her confused, Corazon looked confused but nodded nonetheless, Punk looked at her concerned,

"It'll be fine" Corazon assured, as she pushed him out and shut the door.






Punk walked out to find a police officer amongst the crowd of people that was there for Ruby,

"What's this about?" He asked confused

"We're here to investigate about the hit and run incident that happened last night" he told him as his partner talked with Dean,
"We have the suspicion that this was no accident. After seeing the scene and video we have every right to believe it was intentional"

"What?! Someone did this on purpose?!" Punk growled

"That's what we suspect" the officer nodded
"And you are?"

"One of the victims...friends" he chose his words carefully

"Well would you happen to know the owner of a red or rust colored older model car, possibly a Mustang or a Corvette?" He asked,






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