Twenty-Five- Inquire.

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"I don't think it's a good idea for you to see this-" Dean rose and covered the screen as Ruby looked away. They were watching the video from the night of the accident. The way the red car had sped up and slammed into their rental car. The way Deans head bounced off the steering wheel before the airbag deployed. Seeing her own body shoot out through the windshield landing 10 ft away in a bed of glass, the way her body contorted. Those were her last moments being able to walk. Those were her last moments with her baby...she felt sick to her stomach. She felt the overwhelming need to vomit, to just empty the contents of her stomach. But she couldn't, she wouldn't. She had to face this, she turned her attention to screen,

"Move your hand" she growled.

"But Ruby-"

"I need to see this" she managed to say through clenched teeth. He sighed and moved just in time to see as the red car back away, before driving.

"Wait what is that?" She asked her eyebrows furrowing,

"Rewind that" she told the young officer that was in the room with them. A young black guy, reminded her of Evan Ross, not a day over 21, probably fresh out of the police academy, Officer Mercer his tag read. He looked at her confused but did as she said.

"What are you talking about?" Dean asked confused

"Stop! There! Pause it!" She yelled, Officer Mercer did as she said.

"That right there! What is that?! As soon as we get hit, they back away, throw something out the window into that gutter, and drive out of there!" She got to her feet with the aid of her crutches and pulled herself to the screen.

"Right there." She pointed,

"What is that?" She whispered,

"Can you rewind it and slow it down?" She asked, Officer Mercer nodded and did as she asked.

"Is that...what is that?" She asked herself,

"Did you find anything at the scene?" She asked Officer Mercer, he shook his head

"Not that I know of." He told her as he flipped through some papers. She stared at the still frame.

"That's not a Corvette. That's a 1967 Mustang in Cherry Red." She muttered,

"That's Carmine" she wiped at the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes. She stood,

"I want to see her. I need to talk to her" she announced,

"Ruby I don't think-" Dean began, she turned to him.

"You're not my boyfriend anymore. You don't get to tell me what I can or can't do. I'm perfectly capable of making my own decisions. That accident crippled my legs not my mind" she growled, he looked taken aback before nodding.

"In fact you're the last person who should tell me anything. If you hadn't insisted on driving drunk-" she stopped and took a deep breath as Officer Mercer began to look intrigued. Deans face fell immediately after she mentioned that he had been the one driving. He looked guilt ridden, she felt bad.

"Look Mox, it wasn't your fault ok? But I need to face her. I need to know why" she sighed

"Whatever you say" Dean muttered looking down.

"Take me to her" she demanded, Officer Mercer nodded, and took her by the arm as he softly led her down a couple of corridors, and took a left before she was in a small room with just a table and two chairs.

"They bring her in soon, we'll be standing outside if you need anything" he told her, she nodded as she sat. She waited a few minutes before she head a buzz and two giant doors opened. Two guards escorted Tyler in causing her to look tiny between them as she shuffled in. She looked strange in the charcoal jumpsuit, Ruby could see as she got closer that the reason that she was shuffling was due to the shackles on both of her ankles and her wrists. They plopped her in front of Ruby. Before retreating to the sides to stand watch. Ruby sat across from Tyler, staring at her. Neither said a word, Ruby took in her disheveled appearance. Her hair was matted and wild looking, her chocolate brown eyes rimmed red as if she hadn't slept and they kept looking around wildly as she hugged herself almost shaking. Ruby took in a sharp breath,

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