Eight-Ruthless Ember Phoenix

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Just kidding! That wasn't the real update or anything near it, haha here's the real one! Please don't hate me! I was bored!






Punk found himself walking through the empty hallways of the venue again. He didn't really know where he was, not did he care. As psychotic as it sounded he was hoping to tempt whoever was taking people to take him too,

"Phil what're you doing?" Asked Johnny Curtis, also known as Fandango, confused as he peeked his head out a door scaring the shit out of Punk.

"What the hell?! Where'd you come from?!" Punk gasped his heart beating frantically in his chest.

"Don't worry about it" he shrugged smugly, "did you catch the new Diva's match against Aksana?" He asked as he leaned on the doorway,

"What's her name anyway?" Punk asked irritated, it really bothered him that he didn't know her name.

"So you didn't watch?" Johnny raised an eyebrow, "come into my office and let me introduce you to the beauty of DVR" he motioned, Punk looked at him suspiciously,

"You're not gonna roofie then tape now are you?" He mocked, Johnny glared,

"Of course not. You're not my type anyway" he winked, Punk shuddered as he started to walk away

"Yep definitely not going in there now" he told them, Johnny shrugged

"Suit yourself, I figured you off all people would like to know what she's calling herself, considering it hits...so close to home" this caused Punk to stop dead in his tracks before turning around,

"Show me" he ordered, Johnny motioned for him to come in, he sat on his couch as he hit the play button.

"Can I get you anything to drink?" Johnny asked,

"Nah I'm fine" Punk muttered as he heard ice rattling behind him as he watched the match, he felt the couch shift as Johnny sat beside him, then a cold glass in his hand, he looked down to find a glass of dark liquid, he looked at Johnny suspicious.

"It's Pepsi" he rolled his eyes as he sipped on his on glass, Punk continued to eye him suspiciously as he sniffed it, he was right.

"Thanks" he muttered as he glued his eyes back to the screen,

"She's hot isn't she?" Asked Johnny, smirking as Punk drank his Pepsi,


"The new diva of course, I haven't tried her on for size, I've fucked Aksana plenty of times" he shrugged

"Haven't we all?" Punk muttered, "She's alright, my wife is hotter" he shrugged, Johnny shook his head

"Well if you don't mind me saying so, I agree" he offered, Punk glared at him,

"Actually I do mind, keep that shit to yourself" he growled, Johnny shrugged as he continued to watch, he yawned before stretching his arms over his head, resting one on the back of the couch, Punk was too busy watching to care, he drank the rest of his drink, it was surprisingly refreshing. He felt something on his shoulders but ignored it, there was something about this new diva. Something about the way she moved that caught his eye...what was it?! Before he knew it he saw as the new diva rolled up Aksana after hitting her with a springboard DDT. She won, he couldn't say he wasn't surprised because he was. She looked too small, too slender to win, but then again so was Ruby, maybe that was what caught his eye...he hasn't noticed that Johnny had edges closer to him, their knees almost touching, he felt surprisingly relaxed in the situation, usually he would have sprung up and kicked Johnny's ass if not at least left, "What the hell are you doing?" He asked calmly, almost drowsy, Johnny shrugged smirking

"Nothing, just getting comfortable on MY couch...now watch the tv, I think you'll want to see this..." He told him, Punk turned his head to the tv, the new diva was holding the mic, standing in the middle of the ring, she brought the mic to her mouth,

"This is just a TASTE of what I'm capable of, I'm the best diva this company will ever see! And unlike certain red haired no shows, I'll show this company what Ruthless really is! I've said once before and I'll say it again I AM the Ember that will spark the wildfire of justice that will CONSUME this company and like a Phoenix I will rise from the ashes and rule it along with my brethren. But first the queen needs her crown..." her voice sounded creepy like Deans "so I challenge the current number one contender Kaitlyn AND current Divas Champion AJ Lee, to a triple threat match to determine who gets to leave with the pretty championship belt, and let me tell you something. Once that title is mine, it's going to get a serious make over!" And with that she dropped the mic, the lights went out once again, and she was gone, the sign if a Phoenix in the ring.

"So her name is Phoenix?" Asked Punk confused,

"Not sure actually, could be Ember, could be Ruthless, or like you said Phoenix, well now that you saw that, how about we go and have some fun?" Asked Johnny,

"What?" Punk asked confused,

"I know you've been down since your loss of your wife, can't say I haven't been there myself so I want to take you somewhere to cheer you up" he told him, Punk looked at him incredulous,

"Is it some sort of dance club? Cuz I'm out!", Johnny smirked,

"No but it's something like that, just come, trust me! This will be worth your while" assured Johnny, "a couple of guys and I found about this and since your Ruby is hard to attain well this is a nice alternative" he laughed, Punk glared at him confused as he followed him, he texted PJ and Jeff to tell them to come rescue him. Johnny led him up a street and into a door. Inside were half naked girls dancing on poles, it was a strip joint

"What the fuck Johnny?! You're sick get me the hell out of here" he tried to pull his arm away,

"Just wait you're going to want to see this" he assured him smirking, he motioned over a guy and whispered something in his ear, he nodded

"The usual?"he asked

"Make it extra special for my friend here, he's a little heart broken" Johnny smirked

"It's going to be in a bit, she's got to do her dance here first, the likeness has made her VERY popular" the guy explained, Punk looked at him confused as the MC announced

"And now ladies and gentlemen, introducing the main event and your favorite." The men went wild whistling and clapping "Scarlett Fox!" The MC announced. The music came on, it sounded oddly familiar, the beat was catchy as a girl in a fedora and trench coat came out, she was bearing a whip as she wacked it around, she was wearing black cat mask as she strutted up the pole, she hooked a leg around it before throwing off her hat, revealing locks of flaming red hair, she hiked up her coat revealing shapely legs beneath torn fishnets, as she spun around the pole, dropping and doing the splits, she slowly undid the coat, opening one side to reveal revealing a corset like top and black leather shorts, she dropped the cost completely as she continued to dance, slowly removing her fisnets and throwing then into the crowd, then she slowly began unlacing the corset she covered her breasts as it fell to the ground she bent smiling coyly as she picked it up, there was something about her smirk,she began crawling toward him, he was mesmerized, as softly touched his chin, the song ended and the curtain dropped separating but she was so close he that he could see her dark cinnamon as as they widened when they met his hazel green.





Here we go! Sorry about earlier lol



PS don't ever try to fucking tell me what to do with MY story. Seriously, I know what I'm doing, obviously you don't. I hate being told what to do and if you want to continue reading this I suggest you back the hell off:) just being honest.

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