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"Phil, Paul?" Jolie called softly, their backs were to her as she walked quietly and slowly toward them. The text had been vague, just an address and the word lead. Her heart fluttered when his name had appeared on her phone screen. of course it only had to do with the care. Now She found herself in front of a quaint blue house overlooking LAX, obviously she couldn't just barge in. But she heard the music, so she snuck around to the back to have a peek, she heard hushed voices arguing in the bushes, and walked toward them, her eyes glued to a masked "Ruthless Ember Phoenix", but Jolie knew who she really was, as she spoke with a masked Corey Graves, she told him something about checking on something, they had a flirtatious back and forth before he trudged off toward somewhere, from where she stood she could see as he checked on none other than Brock Lesner, he was surrounded by young woman, some probably barely legal others barely older than 21, various bottles of whiskey and wine around him and a box of expensive looking cigars, Paul sat near him with a busty brunette in his lap. Punk and PJ had to see this, she trudged toward them,

"You're craz-" she heard who she could bet was Punk as she stepped on a twig, it snapped beneath her boot. Their necks snapped her instantly, she stopped dead in her tracks, like a deer in the headlights.

"Ruby?" She heard one of them call, her heart skipped a beat. The way they said it, with so much love and tenderness. "Ruby?" They repeated, she stood paralyzed not knowing what to say. They walked closer, finally they were in front of her, Punk looked her over glaring, she was wearing a flannel, tights, her lace up boots even similar to some Ruby owned, PJ looked at her shocked, she was squirmed under their stare, playing with her hair nervously.

"I uh...got your text" she muttered. "Uh there's something you should see" she motioned for them to follow her, they raised their eyebrows at each other, before following her. They watched at Corey talked with Brock,

"So Brock, Ruthless over there would like to know of you've sweetened up to our propositions yet?" Corey asked as he sat beside him, a blonde immediately slid into his lap.

"It's yet to be decided" he shrugged as the girls giggled and fussed over him as if he were the handsomest man on earth, Corey looked annoyed,

"We've treated you like a king for days, given you expensive alcohol, fine cigars, and even provided you with beautiful young women, of you excepted it could be like this always." Corey motioned around, "and if you were to decline," he snapped, the music cut off, the 3 members of the Shield emerged seemingly out of no where, standing behind Corey waiting for an order "it wouldn't go very well" Brock sat up looking upset, he glared, taking a swig from his drink before speaking

"You know damn well these sluts don't mean shit to me, if you want to bribe me, buy me off, if you want my alliance, I want a night with the Queen of the Shield" he slurred raising his glass of Whiskey toward the "queen" who sat with a jaded look of disdain at the center of the party, her chair looked like a throne. She hadn't moved when Corey had snapped, she sat in the middle of the party looking bored, as if she were unaware of the war that could break out at any moment. The 4 members of the Shield looked appalled that Brock would suggest even touching their leader. "What do you say your highness?" Brock called, she continued to stare off before she stood, all eyes were on her. She swayed over menacingly, formidably like a lioness on the prowl.

"Brock, you couldn't handle me, pick someone else" she laughed standing between her boys. They nodded in agreement, glad she was declining,

"Maybe it's the other way around, maybe you can't handle me." He smirked, "look Princess I think it's time you stop messing around with these, BOYS and let a real MAN handle you" he reached out to touch her, she swatted his hand away. He laughed before attempting it again, this time she grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back, surprising everyone as she easily took him down. She placed her leg on his back triumphantly, twisting his arm more,

"You wanna tap for me bitch?" She hissed, he nodded no. She grabbed his leg and pulled it up and twisted it next to his arm, he groaned in pain.

"No!" he growled Paul looked completely shocked

"I repeat, do you want to tap for me bitch?" He nodded no even though beads of sweat were popping off of his forehead from pain. She laughed and twisted up all four of his limbs, he looked like he was going to be hogtied.

"Miss. Ember, if you would release my client, maybe I could convince him..."

"Shut up Heyman! I'm gonna make this little cunt beg for mercy, I'm gonna make him accept, or he could choose to let me hold him like this and end up on the injury list for life, his choice" she warned, pulling and twisting more, he groaned "do you give in?!" She growled, he was going to say no again but she pulled and twisted more,

"Please" he said finally, she smirked, leaning down,

"What was that?" She asked


"Louder" she ordered "I want everyone here to know just exactly what I'm capable of should ANY of you decide to double cross me" she looked around menacingly, they all stared at her shocked that someone of her size could make a man as large as Brock Lesner beg for mercy, she pulled harder,

"Please!" He yelled, she let go instantly,

"Alright alright" she laughed "no need to yell" she hopped off of him.

"Paul, have your client meet me inside the house in 15 minutes, first I have something to take care of...." She smirked, looking directly in the direction of where the trio stood.

"We gotta go!" PJ muttered, "we've already heard too much"

"No...it's like...she sees us..." Punk stood, staring directly at her.

"PJ's right, we should go" Jolie said pulling on Punk's arm, he stared a bit longer before finally managing to look away and follow PJ and Jolie.






It was a week away from Summerslam, more people had been disappearing. Including Randy Orton and Natalya, whoever it was was getting bolder, taking more important people each time. Punk had been hunting down Graves or Heyman but couldn't find either. But he knew he would see both at Summerslam. Both Cena and Daniel Bryan were very aware of the fact that the Shield planned to cash in that briefcase at Summerslam, they knew they no matter who won the match shortly after Graves would rundown with that briefcase and cash in. It was unnerving, the match was huge for both, and the thought that their victory could be cut short was terrifying. Punk was on his way to a meeting he had set up with them, his head swimming in thoughts of how to prevent this completely when he bumped into someone.

"Aren't you going to apologize?" He heard a familiar voice fill his ears, he looked up to see the Shields leader,

"No" he scoffed and kept walking, she cut in front of him,

"I really think you should," she suggested, her amethyst eyes gleaming with bad intentions, "or your knee there could find itself bent the wrong way" he glared at her

"I'd like to see you try" he challenged although deep down he was a bit fearful after seeing how easily she took down Brock. She smirked

"You've got balls, such a shame" she jerked her knee up kneeing him in the upper thigh dangerously close to his balls, he winced, collapsing to the ground. "A word of advice, Try to keep your dick out of strippers, they're disease ridden" she laughed before starting to walk away, he glared after her but she turned on her heel and came back "I almost forgot, here you go, wouldn't want you to forget your past, you should learn from it" she laughed throwing something at him, he instinctively caught it. It was a small circle, he opened his hand to find a princess cut ruby frames by pearls with two white diamonds on each side. It was the promise ring he had planned to give to Corazon...the one he had thrown away.






May I just say I love Ember? She's awesome and a great villain and heel. If anyone tried to rip her off I'd kill them. Or Rip of Ruby, I will find and kill you. Anyway comment and vote away!



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