Twenty-Five- Opponents.

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The smirk dropped off of his face immediately.

"Ruby, I won't fight you" his eyes pleaded,

"It's Ruthless to you!" She growled. "You can and you will. You wanted to make your little deal and you made it. I choose myself." She repeated, the crowed cheered at the thought of such an insane match.

"No I won't fight you!" Punk continued to repeat.

"You gave me a choice and I made it" she taunted. "Now you have to face the consequences"

"You were supposed to pick someone from the Shield!"

"I am in the Shield, in fact BABY" she said baby so sarcastically it hurt "if you haven't noticed, I AM THE SHIELD"

"I won't fight you!" He growled, grabbing on to her wrists his hazel green eyes burning into hers hoping to make her understand.

"Let go of me!" She growled warning him, The Shield members had already surrounded the ring, ready to defend their leader. Brad's music came on, for once Punk was glad to see him

"As much as I hate to break up this little lovers quarrel, and trust me. From the bottom of my heart I do" he patted his chest smirking "because quite honestly it's highly entertaining." He rubbed his chin, "I came out here to tell Ruthless there that she will NOT be having a match against her sweetheart" she wriggled out of Punks grip to look at Brad appalled,


"Sorry Ruthy, you've got a title match with someone pretty familiar later tonight" he smirked, she looked at him confused before glaring

"You wouldn't dare"

"That's right Ruthless, nothing gets by you" he smirked "you always were a bright one"

"This is bullshit!" She shouted at him, everyone was confused. They seemed to be missing something here.

"Who?!" The crowd cheered, which was exactly what everyone else was thinking.

"Relax. All will reveal itself, you taught me that Ruthy" Brad teased, "so since you will be busy later tonight, I suggest you choose another member of the Shield to defend your honor...or whatever you have..." Brad shrugged, she glared at him.

"I've had two matches in one night before, it's nothing new. I can do both" she said through clenched teeth on the mic.

"Ruthless, I'm still the authority figure here. Choose someone else or you will be stripped of BOTH your titles." He threatened. Her eyes shot daggers

"You can't threaten me" she hissed. "You can take both, do it. I DARE YOU." She growled "you'll see how easily I'll get them BOTH back", Brad raised his eyebrows amused, Punk grabbed a mic

"You're just wasting everyone's time here. Pick. Your. Savior. Corazon" Punk snarled impatiently, he knew calling her Corazon would anger her more. But it also left a hanging question in the air, was she in fact Corazon?

"A bit impatient aren't you?" She smirked, she tapped his nose "this is one of the many, many reasons of which we didn't work out." She taunted, he glared at her.

"Pick!" He ordered, she sauntered around the ring, moving her ass like she owned the place, she rolled out of the ring and motioned for her followers to line up.

"Very well" she announced "but it's your funeral" she shrugged "I always knew I'd end up a widow" She went over each of her men. She went over Corey first, she looked him up and down circling him. "He's young, agile, but I sense that his youth brings with it a lack of wisdom in the ring. Something someone as OLD as you Phil easily has plenty not Corey, wait for us in the back baby. You've done your part, and don't worry we'll get your your title soon" she assured, she looked at Punk before turning back to Corey and kissing him, softly before he nodded and retreated. She then turned to Dean, she smiled at him, and he smiled back "now Dean, Dean has so much more potential" she cooed, Punk rolled his eyes disgusted. "He's quick, Ruthless, and completely insane. He could really hurt you Phil. But see the problem with that're a master manipulator, a vulture. You find a weakness and you attack it, and attack it relentlessly. You'll drive him up the wall, just to shove him down. You'll take advantage of his lack of sorry Dean baby, maybe next time." He looked at her upset, but said nothing, she turned to him and pressed her forehead to his, she seemed to be telling him something as she playfully nuzzled his nose with hers. He sighed and nodded, she smiled "that's my boy" she told him as she leaned up and kissed his lips softly. Punk was fuming now, he tried to control himself. Dean also retreated to the back, she came Seth next. "Ah Seth, unpredictable and high flying Seth. He loves me more then himself. He'd do anything for me, put himself through anything just for me" she cooed, looking at him proudly as she stroked his cheek. His eyes shut at her touch, "the perfect candidate to protect me against someone like you, he'd destroy you." She warned "but that risk taking is nothing in the ring with you, a you'll do is let him beat himself up, and then like the dog you are you'll just wait around for the scraps and finish him. No I don't want that, my Seth is too precious to me" she cooed pinching his cheek "sorry Seth, maybe another time" she smiled, he pouted immediately groaning

"C'mon! I can do this!"

"I'm sure you can honey. But not yet" she whispered softly "now go on to the back, I'll see you later tonight" she pulled him close and pressed her lips softly to his, and pulled away before he could hold her there. He nodded and left. She sauntered over to Roman "which leaves me with Roman Reigns. He's strong and has no concern for safety. He will demolish any obstacle out in front of him. He's perfect. But there's one problem. A teensy Weensy little problem. He hates me with every bit of his existence. It could be because I embarrassed his wife last night or because I being a woman tell him what do to. I don't know what it is, but it means he would easily want to lose the match to rid himself of me if only for a night" she looked at Punk who was now smirking widely at her. He knew he had won already, "oh don't count yourself victorious just yet" she warned Punk,

"And why is that?"

"Because as much as Roman here hates me, he doesn't want anyone who isn't himself touching me. Because I know that his hate is seeded from lust" she turned to face Roman who looked at her confused "I know you want me Leati Joseph Anoa'i," she whispered, trailing a finger down his chest. "But I'll let you in on something." She leaned in close to his ear "all you had to do was say so, and all your wildest dreams could come true" without warning she pressed her lips to his, he tried to push her off disgusted, but soon it was clear to Punk that he was kissing back as his hand tangled in her hair, the other wandering down to her ass. Punk was beyond livid, he couldn't stop himself as he stomped out of the ring, he was seeing red as he locked eyes with the target. They pulled away just as he reached them, a smug look of satisfaction of Romans face. "What do you say Roman? Will you defend your queen?" His blue eyes locked on Punks as his smirk grew bigger.

"I accept" he bellowed.

"Worst mistake of your life" Punk growled before he started brutally attacking him. Security guards ran out to stop the fight, Ruby stood watching the insanity she had created. Punk stood to tell her something when his body felt as if it had shattered. He found himself smashed against the barricade with Roman on top of him. It took him a minute to put together than Roman had speared him. Ruby helped Roman holding up his arm, the crowd booed.

"No Punk it's your mistake" she laughed as they retreated up the ramp. Punk could do nothing but watch as the paramedics tried to aid him but he pushed them away.






Punks eyes were glued to the screen as Ruby made her entrance. Punk wanted desperately to know who she would be facing. Who was it?! And which title? Were they male?! Female?!

"The following is a match set for one fall for the WWE championship!" Lilian Garcia announced. His question answered, male. But who?!

"First making her way to the ring, from Los Angeles, California weighing in at 135 pounds, Your undefeated Divas AND WWE champion, RUTHLESS!" Announced Lilian Garcia. Ruby sat on the turnbuckle looking bored, as she waited for her opponent. Apparently she already knew who it was. He watched. Finally the music came on, his heart stopped completely.

"And her opponent, from Capetown, South Africa, weighing in at 213 pounds, the Capetown Darewolf, Justin Gabriel!"





Holy shit! Ok. So next chapter is the matches obvs. Anything else you'd like to see added? Aside from an explanation to why she did it, that's coming later. Here's a question, who do you want to win in the Punk and Roman match? And if Punk wins what should be his terms? Let me know or forever hold your peace!



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