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"I'll tell you. Let me fucking spill my guts" she scoffed, Randy pulled her back,

"Don't" he warned, she pulled away, he pulled her back
"This is quiet possibly the stupidest thing you could do right now" he hissed.

"Don't try to tell me what to do" she hissed back

"As your friend I'm advising that you don't do this" he warned,

"Ruby" Seth whined,

"Fox what in the blue hell is going on?!" Dean demanded, Ruby thought about what Randy was saying. If she told them now, she would ruin everything. She would find herself completely alone, if and when she returned to the ring she'd be completely vulnerable. Like a King without an army, the roster would attack, she knew she had a target on her back since the day she won those titles. Even if she returned to the ring within her deadline she knew in her heart that it would be too soon. She'd still be fragile, like a vase that had been glued back together, the glue not fully dried. Was it smart revealing her plan? No. Did she still want to do it? Hell yeah. She opened her mouth to say something,

"Ruby was simply testing you gentlemen's loyalty to each other. Since you all never decided to betray your brothers, it's very clear that you 3 are perfect." Randy cut her off

"Perfect for what?" Roman narrowed his eyes,

"In case you haven't heard boys, Mr. McMahon, Stephanie, and Triple H are back." Randy smiled, Ruby raised an eyebrow at him confused,
"And boy do I have a proposition for you boys" he smirked, Ruby shook her head annoyed before walking way. She could barely hear Randy's voice as she pulled herself toward her car. She hated not being able to drive, the thing she wanted more than anything at the moment was to be alone. She rested against Vixen, she had no idea where Amanda, Maegan, and Julina were but she wanted to go home. She missed Lionheart. She slumped to the ground beside her car,

"Fucking legs" she muttered,
"I need you to move", she could move her feet from left to right but she could not for the life of her move her legs and it killed her. She was struggling to try to lift her leg when her phone went off. She ignored it as she grabbed ahold of her thigh and tried to lift her leg again, it refused to move dropping like dead weight as soon as she let go. Her phone continued to ring as she growled in frustration,
"Hello?" She hissed,

"Hi is this Ruby Brooks?" Asked a female voice with a slight southern drawl. Ruby looked at the number confused,

"Ruby Brooks?" She scoffed,
"This is Ruby ROJO" she corrected,

"Ah yes divorced" the woman clucked,

"Who the fuck is this?" Ruby asked annoyed,

"Well the attitude is no myth, good to see that even in your...circumstances you haven't lost your fire" the woman continued,

"Who is this?" Ruby asked again through clenched teeth,

"Dixie Carter, President of Total Nonstop Action Wrestling. I've heard of situation. I felt the overwhelming need to inform you darling that if you and WWE are no longer seeing eye to eye, my company would be HONORED to have a performer of your caliber on their roster."

"What?" She asked surprised,

"Sugar, It's always good to keep your options open. Always nice to have a back up plan, a safety net if you will. I will be more than happy to provide that. A nice open contract, seven figure starting salary, leisure luxury travel, merch, the perks. In fact Ms. Rojo is it now? I happen to be staring at a check with your name on it and let me tell you there are a lot of zeroes. But then again honey, I've heard that with you it aint quite about the money. Well let me tell you, nothing but main event matches, stipulations, opponents of your choice, and of course an eventual ascension to a TNA world title of your choice. You're just what TNA needs to get people talking again."

"You are aware I'm a paraplegic" Ruby muttered,

"A woman like you doesn't stay down for long. Darling, Women like US, don't let anything keep us down. You and I are a lot alike you know. Breaking the mold, filling the places that were meant for men. There aren't many like us. They look down on us, think we aren't good enough. Do you know how many men have tried to take my position? Have told me I wasn't smart enough or strong enough to be president of a Wrestling company?" She asked
"Probably the same amount that say you're aren't fit to be WWE champion. But here we are everyday, proving them wrong. One day Ruby if you play your cards right..." She trailed off,
"You could easily, very easily fill my shoes when I retire."

"I still have a contract with Vince" Ruby managed to stutter

"We're more than willing to pay for you to buy out, although the way things are looking from my end. I wouldn't be surprised if Vincey released you" she sounded as if she were smirking

"What makes you say that?" She asked afraid,

"To Vince you're just another work horse, a prize pony but now, well pretty pony, you have a broken leg, and when prize horses have broken legs, there's really no other choice but to put them down." She mimicked the sound of a gunshot causing Ruby to jump,
"But I'd like to prevent that from happening, I'd like to take that prize pony, nurse it back to health and get back to winning gold, where it belongs.", Ruby swallowed hard not knowing what to say,

"Dixie I-"

"Look there's no need to make an immediate decision." She assured,
"Go ahead, sleep on it darling. Mull it over, give a few days, hell weeks. Take your time, here at TNA we want what's best for you. But we will want an answer." She reminded,
"I'll be in touch Ruby, good luck honey. Hope to see you on your feet and in our company soon." She said before hanging up.

"Fuck!" Ruby threw her head back in frustration as she threw her phone to the ground. This was the last thing she needed. She was so confused now, she wasn't sure about her future anymore. Dixie's call had only stirred the pot more. She buried her head in her hands as she fought to keep the angry hot tears that were threatening to fall from her eyes. She sniffled, she probably looked like hell, scabs on her face and head, crutches and flaming red hair. She wiped her face as she tried to get up. She managed to pull herself to her knees before collapsing on her side. She threw her crutches in frustration.
"Fuck this. Fuck everything" she growled frustrated, she had hit bottom. It was the last thing that she wanted to admit but she had. She was laying on the cold hard ground of a dirty parking lot, half drunk for Christ sakes! 8 months ago she could not have imagined herself in this position EVER. But now here she was, fucking pathetic. But that was the last thing she needed, pity. Everyone else was giving it to her,she didn't need any from herself.
"No crying Rojo. One tear Ruthless," she growled to herself,
"You get one fucking tear and then you get your ass off of this ground." She growled, she shut her eyes, choking back a slight sob before she felt the tear roll down her cheek. It quivered at her chin before it splashed onto her chest. She took a deep breath,
"Ok" she said as she exhales before pulling herself toward her crutches. She stood them up before using every bit of her strength to lift her legs so she crouching, leaning her weigh on them. In one swift movement she pulled herself to her feet. She heard clapping and looked up to see a man she had never seen before. Although something deep on her, almost in the pit of her stomach, he seemed very very familiar. He was clapping slowly almost sarcastically, she glared.
"What the hell are you looking at?!" She spat, he smiled amused,

"So feisty" he teased, she glared,
"Although I admire your tenacity. They don't make them like you anymore. Determination, perseverance, qualities people don't really have anymore. I'm impressed. Most girls don't have..." He trailed off pensively tapping his chin,
"The heart." He laughed slightly.

"What?" She asked confused, he smiled,

"Nothing. See you around. Keep up the good work, you'll be back in the ring sooner than you think" he laughed slightly again before giving her a curt nod and walking away. She watched him confused. He had barely disappeared the corner when she spotted the guys and girls walking toward her. Had he even been there at all? She blinked,

"Did you see that guy?" She asked in disbelief,

"Who?" Asked Amanda as she unlocked the car,

"That guy who just left!" She pointed,

"I think you had a little too much to drink" chucked Maegan as she pushed her into the car.

"No I didn't!" Ruby whined.

"Does she always deny she's drunk?" Asked Roman laughing slightly,

"Since we were 15." Maegan shook her head

"It's cool though she just goes to sleep" Julina and Seth said at the same time looking at each other before laughing l.

"Not always!" Ruby pouted,

"Sorry, It's true fox" Dean laughed as he got into the car,

"Is not!" She crossed her arms, tRandy was talking about something with Amanda making Ruby suspicious. Amanda seemed conflicted, looking at Ruby before sighing and nodding. Randy smiled and walked away.
"What was that about?!" Asked Ruby as Amanda slid into the drivers seat. Julina and Maegan long gone with Seth in Maegan BMW. Roman was cramped into the passenger side of Vixen, as Ruby sleepily rested her head on Deans shoulder as Amanda cut on the engine.

"It's nothing" she muttered, tossing a blonde lock out of her face before backing out of the lot. Not 5 minutes later Ruby found herself in a deep sleep in the back seat.








It rang. Once, twice, three times. She tried to ignore it. She was too comfortable sleeping. It turned off. She smiled and snuggled closer into her covers. She knew she was on her bed, how she got there was beyond her but she didn't care. She was in her own bed and that was all that mattered. She sighed and began to fall back asleep before it began to ring again. She groaned in frustration before striking her arm out to grab her phone, she swiped to answer before pressing it to her ear.

"Ruby what in the hell is this I'm hearing about you getting a phone call from Dixie Carter" Vince yelled as soon as she answered the phone,

"Well hello to you too Vincent" she yawned,

"Ruby" he growled,

"It was just a call" she muttered annoyed, he needed to calm the hell down. He was NOT her father.

"About what?!"

"She offered me a contract, in case the WWE and I aren't seeing eye to eye", he sucked in his breath annoyed

"What did you say?" He asked


"You should've said no!" He snarled,

"And whys that?" She asked amused

"Because a deal with Dixie and TNA is a deal with the devil!" He yelled, she laughed

"Even if it is, it wouldn't be the first time I shook hands with the devil, right Vincey?" She smirked before yawning slightly attempting to turn over in bed.
"Anyway if you're done wasting my time" she yawned again,
"I've got rest up before my physical therapy, I'll have you know this injured work horse has feeling and motion in her feet again. My return to the ring doesn't seem too far off!" She sighed,

"Work horse?" He asked confused,

"Vincent you may see me as just another spoke on the wheel, but we both know I'm not just that. I'm the horse that pulls your chariot, without me you'd be nothing. The entire divas division and half of the male division rests on my delicate little shoulders, don't you forget that." She reminded,
"Ta-ta" she sang before hanging up. She attempted to snuggle back in bed she found she couldn't. She finally settled for pulling the covers up higher. She had barely shut her eyes when she heard a slight laugh,

"That's right you tell him honey" it was a guy, she could feel his arms on her waist as he pulled her closer to him, she could feel his breath on her neck. He sighed sleepily as she began to wriggle struggling to pull away without the use of her legs.

"Get off! Who in the hell-" she muttered as she managed to turn around, he snuggled into he chest but not before she caught a glimpse of his face, right before his blue eyes shut. She smacked his bare chest, afraid to find out that that wasn't the only thing that was bare.

"Ow!" He groaned.

"Randall Keith Orton, get the hell out of my bed!" She hissed, he laughed slightly,

"But it's so comfy and warm" he pouted muffled by her breasts.
"What is this a cal king made of clouds?" He asked,

"Randy how the fuck did you even get in here?" She groaned,

"Amanda said I could stay. The bedrooms are full, I'm not a couch type of guy PLUS it's not as if we've never been in bed together. And Ruby in case you haven't noticed, this bed is large enough to where I'm sure a small country could fit between us."

"Yeah well there's obviously isn't a small country between us now" she muttered, she could feel his lips puckered against her neck,

"Do you think there's a man on this planet who could keep his hands off of you?" He asked shifting slightly onto his side

"I can name one" she sighed,she looked down at him annoyed,
"I feel like a cat that has been declawed, if I could feel and move my legs I'd have kicked your ass by now" she reminded somberly. He looked at her smiling slightly,

"Y'know there's been an idea just itching in the back of my mind..." He trailed off as he brushed her hair out of her face softly. His voice dropped to a low sultry whisper,
"I have been absolutely dying to do this..." He trailed off again. He lifted the covers slightly as he moved closer to her. She caught a glimpse beneath the covers noticing that he was in just some basketball shorts. Soon she felt a soft trail of kisses across her jaw and down her neck

"Randy what're you doing?" She asked her voice slightly raising an octave.

"Let's find out how much you still feel" he whispered beside her ear as he unbuttoned the bottom buttons of her shirt, she felt his hand glide up her shirt between breasts, he seemed to ignore her still healing scar from her heart surgery

"Ah" she winced slightly, it was still tender, his hand clamped over one of her breasts causing her to make a sound between a moan and a whimper.
"Good" he whispered, as he rubbed his mouth against the other, she bit her lip trying to keep from making a sound.
"These have still got some sensitivity" he laughed slightly,
"Although I'd like to find out how much more..."he trailed off as he pushed up her shirt,
"Dr. Orton has got some more investigating to do" he murmured, he inched down, throwing the covers back, she blushed as she realized that she was as usual sleeping I just a pajama shirt and underwear. He kissed down her abdomen,
"Do you feel this?" He asked as his fingers trailed over her stomach, underlining her "Rise and Rise Until Lambs Become Lions" tattoo. She nodded, he bend down, pressing his mouth to her hip bone.

"Ow!" She yelled as she felt a sharp pain where his mouth was,
"Did you just fucking bite me?" She hissed trying to avoid waking up anyone else. He laughed slightly,

"Good still sensitive there" he inched down further, she felt his hand on her foot, he moved it around, rotating her ankle and pulling playfully on her toes, she whined slightly,
"Ticklish are you?" He teased, he hands slid up to her ankles, she could slightly feel it but not as much as on her feet,
"Can you feel this?" He asked as he pinched slightly, she nodded slightly

"Sort of" she whispered softly, he pinched harder, she shrugged,

"Hm" he hummed pensively as his hands moved up from her ankles to her knees, they were rubbing almost massaging it seemed yet she couldn't feel a thing.
"Anything?" He asked softly

"No" she whimpered, he inched back up, he was between her thighs now,

"Interesting" he clucked, she saw his cheek nuzzle against her inner thigh, his hands clamping down on her thighs just below her ass,
"How about this?" He whispered, his voice dripping with seduction, she shook her head looking away,

"No" she whispered her voice breaking, she felt a breeze as she realized that he had thrown the covers back on top of them, she could see that his head was still between her thighs,
"Randy what're you-" she was cut off by the feeling of his fingers tips brushing against her hipbones, her underwear were thrown out from beneath the covers. His arms encircled her thighs as he pulled her toward him, slightly lifting her off the mattress.
"Randy-" the last thing she wanted to do was find out that she didn't have any feeling there either, she tried to pull his head up . He pulled her closer, she was more than sure of what he was going to or already was doing. But she felt it, his hot breath, his warm tongue darting in and out, she gasped slightly. She was clutching the covers in her hands, trying to refrain from making any sort of sound but the deeper Randy's tongue seemed to go, the harder she found it. She bit her lip to stifle a moan, she had just pressed her hands to the back of his head when the door swung open. Ruby stiffened immediately,

"Ruby come out for breakfast then we can start your physical therapy," Amanda yawned as she seemed to ignore the figure beneath the duvet. She blinked shaking her head before walking out shutting the door behind her. Randy peeked his head out,

"Well that was awkward" he laughed slightly,

"Tell me about it" Ruby blushed, she saw as he went to pull off his shorts,
"Whoa, whoa, slow down their cowboy. We're just friends" she reminded as she came to her senses.

"Oh really do you let all your friends go down on you?" He asked amused, she glared
"But that's fine. I'll be patient, but mark my words honey, you'll be mine sooner than you think" he smirked before slinking out of the bed. He did it slowly as If to let her admire him.

"Yeah yeah" she rolled her eyes.





"Ow ok ok, I think that's as far as I go" Ruby groaned as Amanda pushed her leg in toward her chest. They were on the bench in her home gym. It had been almost two weeks since the accident. Her scar had healed nicely, her scabs mostly gone, her neck brace removed and she now had motion in her ankles. It was the evening session of her physical therapy and Amanda was pushing her to her limit. They were both sweating as she pushed in and extended Ruby's legs.

"No you've gone-" Amanda trailed off as she pushed harder,

"Ow! Stop!" Ruby groaned

"Wait!" Amanda let go immediately

"What?" Ruby asked as she sat up,

"You can feel that!" Amanda exclaimed ecstatically


"Before I could push it all the way in without complaint because you didn't feel anything but now you're yelling ow which means-"

"I can feel it! Oh my god! I can feel it!!" She gasped,
"Amanda do you think this means I could-"

"Now now, let's not get in over our heads." Amanda tried to discourage her but Ruby could tell that she was excited too.
"Ruby...try to stand" she whispered, Ruby's eyes widened, but she nodded and pulled her legs over the side of the bench, she pushed off of the bench and she was standing. Without crutches. She was actually standing. She felt like crying, but before she knew it she and collapsed to the ground. But she didn't care, she and stood on her own. After two grueling, hard weeks of physical therapy almost 5 times a day she could stand all on her own, even if it was only for a minute.

"Shit Ruby are you ok?" Amanda asked as she kneeled beside her,

"Yeah I'm fine" she smiled,
"I just fucking stood on my own" she gasped,
"Wow" she smiled,
"This feels amazing. I'm fucking doing it"

"You are" Amanda patted her back before helping her sit up,
"Now get up, we have another half hour before we go."

"Go?" Asked Ruby

"Yeah, Randy and the guys invited you and I and the girls to go to some bar. It's good for you to get out and see people. You've got to be tired of seeing these four walls" Amanda smiled

"Not really" Ruby sighed,

"C'mon. I thought you and Randy had a thing after what I walked in on." She teased

"He wants to but...I can't. We both know who my heart belongs to." She sighed, Amanda said nothing.

"Maybe you should give him a chance...he's moved could at least attempt-"

"I don't know." Ruby groaned.
"I wish I had Lionheart back. I miss him" she changed the topic.

"Where is he anyway? I haven't seen him since I got here..."Amanda asked confused as she looked around,

"He's with-" she was cut off by the feeling of a rough tongue on her arm, she heard a loud purr. She turned to find Lionheart sitting attentively at her side.
"Lionheart" she gasped scoping him up and hugging him,
"Oh my gosh how did you?!" She sobbed as she hugged him, at the moment she didn't care. He was back.
Outside Punk watched from the rental car, he could already imagine her reaction. They had missed each other so much and now they were back together. He had to admit coaxing Lionheart out of the cat carrier had been hard but as soon as he saw where they were he was clawing to get out of the car. The moment Punk had opened the car door he bounded out and up the stairs, bolting through the cat door. Punk watched for a moment. It would be so easy for him to go and do the same, so easy. He was tempted to do it. He found his hand on the door handle, he put a foot out of the car, but then the door opened and a guy stepped out. It was now that Punk noticed all the cars. He could smell the smoked and saw that the guy had emerged from Ruby's apartment. There was something familiar about him. It wasn't until he squinted that he recognized him. Randy Orton. Punk cursed under his breath before getting back in the car and and speeding away.








"I kind of really don't want to be here" pouted Ruby from her bar stool,

"Aw c'mon, don't be a wet blanket" Seth teased, everyone but her was on their third round of drinks. She wasn't quite sure where everyone was but she didn't quite care. She just wanted to go home. After being reunited with Lionheart the last thing that she wanted was to be away from him.

"Seth you don't have to babysit me" she reminded,
"I'll be fine, go have fun" she assured


"Just go! Look Julina is being hit on by some creepy guys why don't you go help her? Be a hero" she suggested pointing over to where Julina stood looking uncomfortable as two juice head guys talked her up.

"You sure?" He asked,

"Yes go before she gets kidnapped" she laughed. He nodded before bolting toward them. She watched as he slid in next to her and placed his arm around her. He planted a possessive kiss on her cheek, the juice heads looked irritated. He smirked and puffed out his chest as if staking his claim, daring them to try to take what was his. They said nothing before walking away. Ruby shook her head laughing before turning her attention back to the bar. She say bored watching the clock tick. She just wanted to be with her cat was that so bad?

"So we meet again beautiful lady?" A voice asked. She turned confused to find the same guy from the Chain Reaction parking lot. Up close she could see that he had almost copper colored hair. His eyes were a dark toffee color, almost green.

"You're real" she gasped slightly finding comfort in the fact that she wasn't crazy.

"Oh course I am cariño" he laughed as he sat beside her, he had a slight accent. She couldn't exactly pin point it.
"May I buy you a drink?" He asked, definitely Hispanic, Caribbean?

"No thanks" she shook her head looking away, he smiled, she could see his perfect straight white teeth against his tan skin.

"You're acting as if you've seen a ghost" he said amused,
"Let me buy you a drink, unless you don't drink..."

"I don't"

"What's that?" He asked placing a hand on her wrist, her internal alarm went off. Trouble. Trouble. This man was nothing but trouble. She retracted her hand.

"I just don't" she hissed,
"Look I should-" she was but off by the sound of a bottle breaking. She looked around confused, she heard it again. She found the source,

"You son of a bitch! This is all your fault!" The man growled, he was tall and lean and had slicked back dark hair, piercing green eyes, he had another man on the ground repeatedly kicking him, the man o the ground managed to get up, shoving the dark haired man. This man had lighter wavy hair, he was more muscular, blood spilling out under his blue eyes. Her heart stopped. It was Corey and Dean.




Shit is about to go down. COMMENTS!!!

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