Ten- Merit

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"And you know that when I want something badly enough I'm the most relentless man on this earth! And let me tell you something, I'm going to get my wife back and when I do I'm going to get you Paul, because you're wrong I do have something I have SOMEONE, and when I have her back, that's all I'll EVER need! And then like I said, I'll get you and anyone stupid enough to come in between! So tell me you son of a bitch, am I lying?!" A few more hateful words where exchanged before Brock came out, Punk knew or at least hoped that Paul was just acting. Paul was like his father, he could never have betrayed him like that! But Brock he knew was capable of anything, that's what gave him the strength to continue to get up even when he felt like collapsing in pain.






"I don't understand!" Jeff muttered as he sat across from PJ and Punk in the bus, it was after Raw where Punk had unleashed his fury verbally at Paul and Brock, he had been attacked but even that didn't hurt as much as the thought of Paul betraying him.

"It doesn't make sense" PJ muttered "Brock doesn't seem smart enough to pull it off!"

"That's where Paul would come in!" Punk to them his head buried in his hands,

"But then if Ruby is that stripper...why would he let only her go?" Asked Jeff

"He obviously wants control of the company...maybe he just...I don't know! Maybe she's lost her memory! I'm don't fucking know!" He said through clenched teeth, "but I need to talk to Ruby, I need to get her back!" He got up but PJ and Jeff blocked the door,

"Relax don't do anything crazy, look where that got Danny!" PJ told him, Punk stopped,

"We haven't checked on his girls!" He gasped, Ruby would've killed him for that.

"Well we were supposed to do that before you went all crazy in that strip club that night" PJ muttered, Punk ran a hand over his face aggravated,

"Ok ok here's what we'll do. We'll go see Dylan, get the address go back the that strip club and get Ruby and then we can go check on his girls!" Punk suggested, they looked at him like he was crazy

"We're not going back to that strip club Punk" Jeff told him, "its for your own good!"

"What are you talking about?! Of course we are! We have to rescue Ruby!" Punk told them looking at them like they were crazy, Jeff shook his head, PJ looked conflicted,

"I don't know what to think anymore, first everything indicated that she was taken, then it looked like she had just left, and now she has memory loss and is a stripper?! This is insane!" PJ groaned sitting down, he looked pensive, "we'll do as Punk says, we have to find her, we have to get to the bottom of this" he announced, Punk patted Pjs shoulder,

"Thanks man" he told him

"I'm not doing this for you, I'm doing this for her, for me. I can't live like this, not knowing where she is. At least when she was with you I knew she was ok!" He sighed getting up. "I can't stand things being this way, she's not even here and she still manages to break my heart every fucking day" he blew by going out of the bus, Punk went to follow, but Jeff stopped him.

"He's a good kid, he loves her a lot...sometimes I think...he's the only one of us who deserves her" Punk glared at him, Jeff sighed "it hurts for me to say that, you know how I feel but it's true. He's the only one of us who hasn't truly fucked her over"

"He cheated on her!"

"You talking about the Eve thing? They weren't together man, that's not cheating. He never did her wrong like us"

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