Fifteen- Puppet

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Punk was confused as hell, he HAD to talk to Maddox, he walked toward his office and was about to enter but found the door slightly ajar he could see the new Diva inside talking to Brad

"Graves?! Are you fucking kidding me?! Graves?! He's a poor mans CM Punk that's what he is! Who gave you permission to bring in Graves?!" Brad Maddox paced impatiently in his office in front of the mystery diva, since the disappearance of everyone he was the only figure of authority left.

"Brad, Braddy Brad, I think it's clear only one person in this room knows anything about leadership, about what the fans want, listening to me is what has kept your shows afloat, so don't give me shit about the decisions I make! Because without me, you would've lost everything the first night, I know what I'm doing Brad!" she shrugged arrogantly from the couch, he glared at her.

"That may be true but I'm still the authority figure here!"

"Yeah well if I wanted to, I could easily make that not true, so watch what you say Maddox" she warned standing, he smiled nervously,

"I'm just saying..."

"Well I'm just saying that I know what I'm doing, don't start to question me now Brad" she smirked flirtatiously, "and then I'll keep being nice to you" she assured, stroking his cheek, he was automatically putty in her hands. It was clear that he was her little puppet.

"Ok...Ember is it?" He asked,

"That's not important," she shrugged,"What's important is you ensuring Graves is in that match this Sunday" he looked at her unsure,

"What's in it for me?" He raised his eyebrows suggestively, she internally rolled her eyes, she leaned forward near his ear,

"There's only one way to find Brad" she whispered breathily, he shivered,

"Fine, you'll have it your way" he sighed in defeat,

"You won't regret it" she smirked in triumph she walked toward the door, Punk hid, she turned, "or maybe you will" she added before she shrugged and left, Punk watched her walk away, tempted to follow, but he had to talk to Brad first.

"You're not seriously letting Graves into the match! He hasn't earned it!" Punk growled as he burst in, Brad looked surprised then amused,

"I'm considering it" he shrugged,

"There are plenty more wrestlers deserving than him! Hell even the chick for my the Shield had paid her dues here more than Graves! It's lot fair to the rest of the locker room!" Punk yelled, Maddox raised an eyebrow,

"Now that I think of it you're right...but you'll find out at Money in the Bank" he had grown bolder and more comfortable in his position as GM and Punk had grown to respect that. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go see a man about a giant" he smirked strolling out of the room,

"Here to attempt to over rule me Punky?" Asked a voice from the door, he turned to find the Shield's leader, she was still wearing her usually ring gear of a tight long sleeved black cropped shirt and a protective riot jacket over it with skin tight low riding black pants and black boots, her black mask placed perfectly on her face.

"Over rule you? Last I checked you're nobody here" he smirked, she rolled her eyes

"Wrong, I'm VERY important...but you'll find that out soon enough" she shrugged, "how's your little detective friend?" She asked coyly as she lay on the couch seductively stretching her slender body. "Seems you gave her quiet the scare today" Punk glared

"What do you care?"

"Just asking...any leads on your little wifey?" She asked getting up, she was dangerously close now "Shame I never got to meet her, she would've been a challenge..." she cooed as she trailed a finger across his chest of course she would've lost as easily as the rest, but at least she had character...for a while anyway" she laughed, he slapped her hand away

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